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Current weekly ad Food Town - Valid from 09/16 to 09/22 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Food Town 09/16/2022 - 09/22/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Apples in Tote ‘Apple Brie Grilled Cheesé Rancher’s Legend Premium Black Angus Beef New York State Paula Red, Ginger Gold, Gala or Mcintosh or Barltt Pears in Tote Bag Apple or Apple Crumb Pie Bich, Bakery Fresh $599 Chuck Shoulder Euro Classic + Broccoli ‘Sweet Sliced Brioche Breads: Roast or London Broil | Golden Pineapples Crowns Grape Tomatoes | original or Cinamon Rabin, Boneless | Costa Rica Fresh From Maine Pint Cont. 15871763 02. 3 >| 2/55 on? $4 49 | ae $399 Mr. Chikin Chicken Wing & , > Sections Us C) 4 Lb. Bag, Frozen, Se To 99 Center Cut $999 Pork Loin Earthbound Farm Organic Salads 5 oz. Clamshell Chops or Roast 3 Lbs. or More, ‘On The Bone CLL Mela ee i Hormel ~ Ipine Lace Store Baked |(® Magnifico ‘heese Ham or Ham | fie Genoa or Jor sca Orde, Off The Bone Hard Salami Muenster or Sliced To Order Sliced To Order &5 6 Lb. Gee, Lb. mel $729 Fresh Chicken & Baten Dietz & Drumsticks o os ee Watson, or Thighs ere a Bae 3 Lbs. or More ome Celebrity . $4 69 oat chtese $399 cx Pkg, Lb. sored Vries Ea Great American Seafood Raw Shrimp 16/20 CtJ/Lb. ‘Lb. Bag, Individually Quick Se +9 99 Atlantic Salmon Fillets Grill or Broil 2S _ $929 Green Way Natural Cooked Shrimp 26/30 Ct/Lb. {6.02 Bag, No Water ‘Added, No Antbiotes Ever $929 Nabisco ke Mallomars CLUB CARD Cookies San Giorgio 8.2 oz. Box Pasta ee 4/55) 5 cut coon Select Varieties Ea pare World Harbors Woodstock Marinades Organic . Frozen Vegetables Filippo Berio ee Pure Life Water Olive Oil eK 28 Pack Bator Bi Nabisco ne a ct "ea thon Bt “i Select Vvites : aw i lt 2 offers per frily Michaels of Brooklyn - - a ao asta Sauce aperag, organic Tal a ox Jar, Select Vereties le Cider Vinegar , Z Pre enor at a Wish-Bone " $s 49 Salad Dressing Biron Bt 3 a _ “ Cheez-It i Crackers ‘om a Ra 67 oz. Pkg. Schweppes Sparkling Seltzer Water 12 Pack (Pius Dep) 144 f 07. Pio. {2 fl.oz Cans Get your groceries &, delivered ROMA | instacart Sale Starts Friday, Sept. 16 thru Thursday, Sept. 22, 2022 | Bue to unpre FRI. SAT. sun. |[ mon. |[ Tues. ][ wen. 16 | 17 | 18 || 19 || 20 || 21 AS FTBH ait ¢ Select Varieties 10 02. Pkg, Select Varieties ee Quaker ere $349 Tortilla Chips 2/ 2/56 Grandla Bars 2 / SG 2 / S4 0 10-2 02 Pig 6174 or Pkg Select Varieties Select Varieties MFR’ Arm & Hammer Liquid we Laundry Detergent Fo450N oz tl, 5 & Dryer Sheets or ox Cins CLUB CARD PRICE Scott Scott Bath Tissue Paper Towels mS 399 20 Roll Pack '$ 99 415 Roll Pack 20,000 ct. Px. 1530 Pig. limit 2 offers per family | Select Varieties limit 2 offers per family NUE Pre sill aS i Harvest . sash Bd ee | Organic Extra Brooklyn Harvest —_ Brooklyn Harvest Virgin Whole Market Market Olive Oil |Pok = =~ Sa2 3 _— 495 9 — § 9 9 H Olives Should /s | aie $399 16 oz. Cont. “Dee a $929 moe 4125 Limes 10. Plantains 10 1 Store Made Assorted Varieties [eit ptt pote pct Gt te Brooklyn r . ea J Harvest Goya * Goya Market oan Adobo t Green ae All Purpose i Pigeon Brooklyn Harvest “ 1° Fe a t Seasoning Peas Market BrookiynHarvest |_| Vinegar | Sag 2c". ” Goya es Preservesey 16 Giainsabeans | Mal S99. 3” ob. 80 $4599 | $ one, Sie ee 2 oo 15 8/10 Shop Online at 9/16 FTBH Paget

Latest weekly ads

Apples in Tote ‘Apple Brie Grilled Cheesé Rancher’s Legend Premium Black Angus Beef New York State Paula Red, Ginger Gold, Gala or Mcintosh or Barltt Pears in Tote Bag Apple or Apple Crumb Pie Bich, Bakery Fresh $599 Chuck Shoulder Euro Classic + Broccoli ‘Sweet Sliced Brioche Breads: Roast or London Broil | Golden Pineapples Crowns Grape Tomatoes | original or Cinamon Rabin, Boneless | Costa Rica Fresh From Maine Pint Cont. 15871763 02. 3 >| 2/55 on? $4 49 | ae $399 Mr. Chikin Chicken Wing & , > Sections Us C) 4 Lb. Bag, Frozen, Se To 99 Center Cut $999 Pork Loin Earthbound Farm Organic Salads 5 oz. Clamshell Chops or Roast 3 Lbs. or More, ‘On The Bone CLL Mela ee i Hormel ~ Ipine Lace Store Baked |(® Magnifico ‘heese Ham or Ham | fie Genoa or Jor sca Orde, Off The Bone Hard Salami Muenster or Sliced To Order Sliced To Order &5 6 Lb. Gee, Lb. mel $729 Fresh Chicken & Baten Dietz & Drumsticks o os ee Watson, or Thighs ere a Bae 3 Lbs. or More ome Celebrity . $4 69 oat chtese $399 cx Pkg, Lb. sored Vries Ea Great American Seafood Raw Shrimp 16/20 CtJ/Lb. ‘Lb. Bag, Individually Quick Se +9 99 Atlantic Salmon Fillets Grill or Broil 2S _ $929 Green Way Natural Cooked Shrimp 26/30 Ct/Lb. {6.02 Bag, No Water ‘Added, No Antbiotes Ever $929 Nabisco ke Mallomars CLUB CARD Cookies San Giorgio 8.2 oz. Box Pasta ee 4/55) 5 cut coon Select Varieties Ea pare World Harbors Woodstock Marinades Organic . Frozen Vegetables Filippo Berio ee Pure Life Water Olive Oil eK 28 Pack Bator Bi Nabisco ne a ct "ea thon Bt “i Select Vvites : aw i lt 2 offers per frily Michaels of Brooklyn - - a ao asta Sauce aperag, organic Tal a ox Jar, Select Vereties le Cider Vinegar , Z Pre enor at a Wish-Bone " $s 49 Salad Dressing Biron Bt 3 a _ “ Cheez-It i Crackers ‘om a Ra 67 oz. Pkg. Schweppes Sparkling Seltzer Water 12 Pack (Pius Dep) 144 f 07. Pio. {2 fl.oz Cans Get your groceries &, delivered ROMA | instacart Sale Starts Friday, Sept. 16 thru Thursday, Sept. 22, 2022 | Bue to unpre FRI. SAT. sun. |[ mon. |[ Tues. ][ wen. 16 | 17 | 18 || 19 || 20 || 21 AS FTBH ait ¢ Select Varieties 10 02. Pkg, Select Varieties ee Quaker ere $349 Tortilla Chips 2/ 2/56 Grandla Bars 2 / SG 2 / S4 0 10-2 02 Pig 6174 or Pkg Select Varieties Select Varieties MFR’ Arm & Hammer Liquid we Laundry Detergent Fo450N oz tl, 5 & Dryer Sheets or ox Cins CLUB CARD PRICE Scott Scott Bath Tissue Paper Towels mS 399 20 Roll Pack '$ 99 415 Roll Pack 20,000 ct. Px. 1530 Pig. limit 2 offers per family | Select Varieties limit 2 offers per family NUE Pre sill aS i Harvest . sash Bd ee | Organic Extra Brooklyn Harvest —_ Brooklyn Harvest Virgin Whole Market Market Olive Oil |Pok = =~ Sa2 3 _— 495 9 — § 9 9 H Olives Should /s | aie $399 16 oz. Cont. “Dee a $929 moe 4125 Limes 10. Plantains 10 1 Store Made Assorted Varieties [eit ptt pote pct Gt te Brooklyn r . ea J Harvest Goya * Goya Market oan Adobo t Green ae All Purpose i Pigeon Brooklyn Harvest “ 1° Fe a t Seasoning Peas Market BrookiynHarvest |_| Vinegar | Sag 2c". ” Goya es Preservesey 16 Giainsabeans | Mal S99. 3” ob. 80 $4599 | $ one, Sie ee 2 oo 15 8/10 Shop Online at 9/16 FTBH Paget

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