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Current weekly ad Festival Foods - Valid from 09/14 to 09/20 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Festival Foods 09/14/2022 - 09/20/2022


Products in this weekly ad

FLAN 7 ce) PAU a Ue PANY BACON val Mn ee ae aa) Vay ee Chicken PER POUND Drumsti cks S 2 Sa PER POUND PER POUND Pork Ground f ws Spare Ribs Round previously frozen 3 Ib. package or larger «sold whole in the bag eq” C Si ~ 7 a. = | 2/ $10 _ Sweet | Verlasso Whole | Salmon veevssso | eney Pineapple Fillet Portions $16/LB. i fa 6.02. + assorted varieties fresh ace — GEC 7 ~ VX TTT ~ 7 ~~ VX TT ~~ TE atm § | | | si. ‘Sl casi gisl if Red, Orange We 4 Campbell's aÂą Kraft Coca-Cola or Yellow Chicken Noodle or Macaroni & Cheese Products { } Bell Peppers Tomato Soup Dinner 1.25 liter bottle - assorted varieties it termina open pe {il ter nit Sen cpm purse. Valarie pen pe. liter imam 5 encom pe. Lngernminarss Haan LPs mete prt a Sop JL ten tn pr a tg JL ten tn pe rs iii iii VX TTT ~~ Te aim” =~ VX TTT '§ 1 «= S 3 $3” ay 3 Hunt's Kraft Donut Holes i Or KE faod Snack Pack Pudding Shredded Cheese 16-20 count * a or Mountain Dew 4 pack 3.25 0 «choclate, vail, 5-Box -asorted varieties aoe Products batecetn or chat vail 4 eek 69a es ‘ier nian Sg ‘ei rnin Sa-opmpe date ni Sa pn pr pate, iO np saan ee Vath Leese AEC on prea ath 9002. J |_ temper al gh 2 ua ~~ eT ~ Gam 7 c= $3 4/83 _ ager 3 hen each Hillshire Farm : = , Butter Kernel ro you buy 3 or $4.49 each Gaahee Nake Weta Smoked Sausage € p |I canned Vegetables Family Fe Dositos - or Ritz Crackers Loops 145-1502. cream style of whole 4 za Dosits 122: 14Âąon gihams 10 vals: 1 eewasoiidl ini inal cant ox oFaead pes, or Party Size Lay's | 116-137 ox crchers-asotedvattes ase as beans or sweet peas 6 en doropeprinssso-sis. q T ea”, i | {ali ter mira $5 non upon pure Vai cer icra ron-aupn purse {alate simu $5 non ope paras {lifer icra Sno <aupn purchase. Lint O41) cxpen priten, pervs. Vad oh 92072. iit HE) ope periter, pervs. Vali tough 920722. Unit Oop petite, pe ist. Val oh 92072. Lint 1) oon periter, per vt. Va tangh 2022 JU JL JL J Ea” =r wt my TW GUI TW 7 ape eS al 1 Scheer’ s rg mee Essential Everyday Silk when you buy 2 or $6.99 each | Ice Cream queen” II Purified water Almond Milk iow I! Pep's 48x. - assorted vats 24pack, 5 iter bottles Ba 4 -assrted varies » _ Drafthaus Pizza + assorted varieties from our natural department \ nore 245-3396. « ‘aid fe inn $5 on-cupon prchase ‘aif minima $5 non-cupen pas. id ater minum $ non-<oupon parse Vaid eter in $5 nor-coupon purchase. Leora Veith 92072 JListattyonnerim pri limes __—_j|_UntO0 pepe im rt ith JIL tit O11 cen prin per ist Widths J aim =~ Gua TW aim ii. ote | 5°. 4/$10_ $5 $$ i, REGULAR RETAIL Healthy Choice Charmin Essentials Bath Tide | Deli Slicing aa CafĂ© Steamers Tissue or Bounty Essentials _! Simply Plus Oxi or Clean | Lunch Meat 95-103 02 «chicken inguin chicken Select-A-Size Paper Towels \, & Fresh Laundry Detergent fom our dl =<, D || mainars,swost sesame chen chien Smeg = 24egul ls bath se 11Sox plson feign: 12808 can | mou at ae ‘margherita or general 0 spicy chicken popetoncetohne pte A shea al iis eee {aia nhanansSne-cpn pe VildsteimanSSranopmpadae, Validate ninnam Soencepen pase. Yala inna econ purse. {Ll 1 ception pervist adtvough 92022. Jin OF) peered tewgh 92022. JILL O10 cope petite eit ald ugh 972072. JIL Lint O11 copenperien pest Wt 072. J ete ate (aes TT FIN THE FESTIVAL FOODS MVP DECK roeay TEXT MVPTO 78402 TO ENTER

Latest weekly ads

FLAN 7 ce) PAU a Ue PANY BACON val Mn ee ae aa) Vay ee Chicken PER POUND Drumsti cks S 2 Sa PER POUND PER POUND Pork Ground f ws Spare Ribs Round previously frozen 3 Ib. package or larger «sold whole in the bag eq” C Si ~ 7 a. = | 2/ $10 _ Sweet | Verlasso Whole | Salmon veevssso | eney Pineapple Fillet Portions $16/LB. i fa 6.02. + assorted varieties fresh ace — GEC 7 ~ VX TTT ~ 7 ~~ VX TT ~~ TE atm § | | | si. ‘Sl casi gisl if Red, Orange We 4 Campbell's aÂą Kraft Coca-Cola or Yellow Chicken Noodle or Macaroni & Cheese Products { } Bell Peppers Tomato Soup Dinner 1.25 liter bottle - assorted varieties it termina open pe {il ter nit Sen cpm purse. Valarie pen pe. liter imam 5 encom pe. Lngernminarss Haan LPs mete prt a Sop JL ten tn pr a tg JL ten tn pe rs iii iii VX TTT ~~ Te aim” =~ VX TTT '§ 1 «= S 3 $3” ay 3 Hunt's Kraft Donut Holes i Or KE faod Snack Pack Pudding Shredded Cheese 16-20 count * a or Mountain Dew 4 pack 3.25 0 «choclate, vail, 5-Box -asorted varieties aoe Products batecetn or chat vail 4 eek 69a es ‘ier nian Sg ‘ei rnin Sa-opmpe date ni Sa pn pr pate, iO np saan ee Vath Leese AEC on prea ath 9002. J |_ temper al gh 2 ua ~~ eT ~ Gam 7 c= $3 4/83 _ ager 3 hen each Hillshire Farm : = , Butter Kernel ro you buy 3 or $4.49 each Gaahee Nake Weta Smoked Sausage € p |I canned Vegetables Family Fe Dositos - or Ritz Crackers Loops 145-1502. cream style of whole 4 za Dosits 122: 14Âąon gihams 10 vals: 1 eewasoiidl ini inal cant ox oFaead pes, or Party Size Lay's | 116-137 ox crchers-asotedvattes ase as beans or sweet peas 6 en doropeprinssso-sis. q T ea”, i | {ali ter mira $5 non upon pure Vai cer icra ron-aupn purse {alate simu $5 non ope paras {lifer icra Sno <aupn purchase. Lint O41) cxpen priten, pervs. Vad oh 92072. iit HE) ope periter, pervs. Vali tough 920722. Unit Oop petite, pe ist. Val oh 92072. Lint 1) oon periter, per vt. Va tangh 2022 JU JL JL J Ea” =r wt my TW GUI TW 7 ape eS al 1 Scheer’ s rg mee Essential Everyday Silk when you buy 2 or $6.99 each | Ice Cream queen” II Purified water Almond Milk iow I! Pep's 48x. - assorted vats 24pack, 5 iter bottles Ba 4 -assrted varies » _ Drafthaus Pizza + assorted varieties from our natural department \ nore 245-3396. « ‘aid fe inn $5 on-cupon prchase ‘aif minima $5 non-cupen pas. id ater minum $ non-<oupon parse Vaid eter in $5 nor-coupon purchase. Leora Veith 92072 JListattyonnerim pri limes __—_j|_UntO0 pepe im rt ith JIL tit O11 cen prin per ist Widths J aim =~ Gua TW aim ii. ote | 5°. 4/$10_ $5 $$ i, REGULAR RETAIL Healthy Choice Charmin Essentials Bath Tide | Deli Slicing aa CafĂ© Steamers Tissue or Bounty Essentials _! Simply Plus Oxi or Clean | Lunch Meat 95-103 02 «chicken inguin chicken Select-A-Size Paper Towels \, & Fresh Laundry Detergent fom our dl =<, D || mainars,swost sesame chen chien Smeg = 24egul ls bath se 11Sox plson feign: 12808 can | mou at ae ‘margherita or general 0 spicy chicken popetoncetohne pte A shea al iis eee {aia nhanansSne-cpn pe VildsteimanSSranopmpadae, Validate ninnam Soencepen pase. Yala inna econ purse. {Ll 1 ception pervist adtvough 92022. Jin OF) peered tewgh 92022. JILL O10 cope petite eit ald ugh 972072. JIL Lint O11 copenperien pest Wt 072. J ete ate (aes TT FIN THE FESTIVAL FOODS MVP DECK roeay TEXT MVPTO 78402 TO ENTER

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