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Current weekly ad Baker's - Valid from 09/14 to 09/20 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Baker's 09/14/2022 - 09/20/2022


Products in this weekly ad

2233_DIFRE FRESH FOR EVERYONE w. in a sing! c @eia " /LB With Card Gala or Granny Smith e\el\s Eons j 99: ones S25 a _ > With Card — > avy /LB With Card Boneless Beef Flat Iron Steak $4999 a Pork Chops, Bonen or CenterCut yee 8 ty (° )--)ieeaaes 4 . yNo Antibiotics Ever or La Herencia Z A Select Varieties, 24-Pack, — I ns 12 floz Car ‘Seasoned Boneless Chicken Breast, Select Varieties, 1.25 Ib, Sold for $7.99 $799 Sicedto onder /f oF Grab N Go, In the Del With Card Coca-Cola, Pepsi or 7UP Select Varieties, 6-Pack, 16.9 fi oz Bottles ‘or mote in the same transaction with Cord. cua es an & wl be pce $5.49 coc —= When YouBuy4 © ne fear When you buy 8 or more in the y ‘same transaction wih Cord. ‘Quantities ess thon 8 willbe priced ‘at $2.49 each with Cord 475-8bea Cheeta G5 a5 ox When you buy 4 or more in the ‘same transaction with Cord. (Quontties less than 4 will be priced up o $4.99 each with Card. Sines, : ar Etat Nl ees SU Aas N eee LSE Uelldtenten GREEN MOUNTAIN 2/55 -* Hot Cocoa Mix or Café J Tze) se Coca-Cola, 48 fi oz or Fruit Bars, Escapes Coffee, 10-12 ct With Card Pepsi or 7UP 6 ct: Select Varieties K-Cups: Select Varieties Select Varieties, 2 Liter “ie SO Aacasel CO cd Pp) = _— mis ss po on SUA 0 i” 73-33 a) <9 Save up to $7.49 With Card Save up to $4.99 a ar f53 Entenmann's ee J id Salzer soect areas J ra 2 = SERBESA ttle Bites, Tilamook Ghe mare tososlon wih Car Cures ess b Donuts or Cakes _; Honey Wheat or Hawaiian than 5 will be $2.99 each with Cord. Bread, 20 oz: Select Varieties. baa mA ao SALE DATES: Wednesday, September 14 through | Prices and items are good at your Fremont, Nebraska Bakers store. EI select Varieties, 6.88-18.5 62 NONE SOLD TO DEALERS. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES AND CORRECT Tuesday, September 20, 2022 PRINTED ERRORS. COPYRIGHT 2022, KROGER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP | SELECTION MAY VARY BY STORE, LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND.

Latest weekly ads

2233_DIFRE FRESH FOR EVERYONE w. in a sing! c @eia " /LB With Card Gala or Granny Smith e\el\s Eons j 99: ones S25 a _ > With Card — > avy /LB With Card Boneless Beef Flat Iron Steak $4999 a Pork Chops, Bonen or CenterCut yee 8 ty (° )--)ieeaaes 4 . yNo Antibiotics Ever or La Herencia Z A Select Varieties, 24-Pack, — I ns 12 floz Car ‘Seasoned Boneless Chicken Breast, Select Varieties, 1.25 Ib, Sold for $7.99 $799 Sicedto onder /f oF Grab N Go, In the Del With Card Coca-Cola, Pepsi or 7UP Select Varieties, 6-Pack, 16.9 fi oz Bottles ‘or mote in the same transaction with Cord. cua es an & wl be pce $5.49 coc —= When YouBuy4 © ne fear When you buy 8 or more in the y ‘same transaction wih Cord. ‘Quantities ess thon 8 willbe priced ‘at $2.49 each with Cord 475-8bea Cheeta G5 a5 ox When you buy 4 or more in the ‘same transaction with Cord. (Quontties less than 4 will be priced up o $4.99 each with Card. Sines, : ar Etat Nl ees SU Aas N eee LSE Uelldtenten GREEN MOUNTAIN 2/55 -* Hot Cocoa Mix or Café J Tze) se Coca-Cola, 48 fi oz or Fruit Bars, Escapes Coffee, 10-12 ct With Card Pepsi or 7UP 6 ct: Select Varieties K-Cups: Select Varieties Select Varieties, 2 Liter “ie SO Aacasel CO cd Pp) = _— mis ss po on SUA 0 i” 73-33 a) <9 Save up to $7.49 With Card Save up to $4.99 a ar f53 Entenmann's ee J id Salzer soect areas J ra 2 = SERBESA ttle Bites, Tilamook Ghe mare tososlon wih Car Cures ess b Donuts or Cakes _; Honey Wheat or Hawaiian than 5 will be $2.99 each with Cord. Bread, 20 oz: Select Varieties. baa mA ao SALE DATES: Wednesday, September 14 through | Prices and items are good at your Fremont, Nebraska Bakers store. EI select Varieties, 6.88-18.5 62 NONE SOLD TO DEALERS. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES AND CORRECT Tuesday, September 20, 2022 PRINTED ERRORS. COPYRIGHT 2022, KROGER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP | SELECTION MAY VARY BY STORE, LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND.

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