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Current weekly ad Target - Valid from 09/25 to 10/01 - Page nb 8

Weekly ad Target 09/25/2022 - 10/01/2022


Products in this weekly ad

‘Threshold 17°x28" Threshold hand towel. Threshold embroidered bath rug. hand towel ai ae aa + » — am Ste’ Sloe ‘a — $45 AG is meen Save $80 ~100 2 Tce upright vacuum. Reg. 459.99 Portable deep cleaner. Reg. 133.99

Latest weekly ads

‘Threshold 17°x28" Threshold hand towel. Threshold embroidered bath rug. hand towel ai ae aa + » — am Ste’ Sloe ‘a — $45 AG is meen Save $80 ~100 2 Tce upright vacuum. Reg. 459.99 Portable deep cleaner. Reg. 133.99

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