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Current weekly ad Sentry - Valentine's Day 2024 - Valid from 02/09 to 02/15 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Sentry 02/09/2023 - 02/15/2023


Products in this weekly ad

Top Round Roast USDA Choice Angus Beef Pork Shoulder Blade Steak USDA Inspected, Tender & Juicy 7 | Italian Sausage 96-16 ozpkg, Selected Varieties Atlantic Supreme Choice Salmon Fillets 999 Sole Fillets 8% Coconut Shrimp Fresh Fresh 16 0zpkg BEST PICKED PRODUCE Mushrooms 8ozphg, Whole or Sliced. Baking Potatoes ‘Sweet Onions & fies Fresh what you need... #27 oz Bavarian-style sauerkraut, undrained # 1(16 02) can whole cranberry sauce # 1 (12.02) bottle tomato-based chili sauce 1 cupwater B+ 1 cuppacked brown sugar # 1 (16 02) package frozen meatballs 1200 02A SENTRY 0209 Boneless Gold’n Plump Top Round Steak Chicken Leg Quarters USDA Choice Angus Beef Fresh La say * . ee ah : a 30: r 7 um 429 Zucchini 49 Medley So 99 Squash Tomatoes peril Fruit Tray teeing Fresh Alb bag 42ozpkg Hummus or Ranch: WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. ALL ITEMS MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE, NO RAINCHECKS Top Round Sandwich Steaks USDA Choice Angus Beef, Lloyd's Holten’s Seasoned Bradshaw Ranch Shredded Barbecue = Thick N Juicy 15-46 oz pkg, # Beef Patties Selected Varieties 2b box, Selected Varieties ey 5 Tyson Any’tizers or Essential Everyday ga oT Rosina Breaded Chicken Chicken Wings CEE ves:is Meatballs 16-2808 oz pkg, 3ibbag, aoe 18-26 ozpkg, Selected Varieties Individually Quick Frozen Selected Varieties A a Original or Garlic Johnsonville Johnsonville SxS Cher-Make Smoked Sausage, Party Pack Natural Casing Polska Kielbasa Bratwurst or == Wieners, or Bratwurst Italian Sausage ce 12-140rpIg, Selected Vertes: Italian Sausage "=" Polish Sausage Selected Varieties 2.85 lopks, 18-24 ozphs, Selected Varieties ‘Selected Varieties Sheboygan Johnsonville Hormel Cocktall Smokies Breakfast Sausage Pepperoni 12-14 phe Siem Links, Patties 5 Ă©orp Selected Varies SS or Ground Selected Varieties ‘WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. ALL ITEMS MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE, INO RAINCHECKS. 7 99 — Choice 9 99 16 ozpkg, 30-40 ct y WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. ee [ait Matnor se AaLate NO RAINCHECKS. Asparagus Fresh Gala Apples Wistirgton nan Bella 99 "2. 99 risinons F599 with aie 85ozpks, 25 ib pkg Selected Varieties make it... MIX sauerkraut, cranberry sauce, chill sauce, water, and brown sugar together in a mixing bowl until well combined. PLACE meatballs into a slow cooker. Pour in sauce and mix until meatballs are coated. Cover and cook on medium, stirring occasionally, until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the center reads at least 160° F, about 4 hours (Becny. 1200-0209

Latest weekly ads

Top Round Roast USDA Choice Angus Beef Pork Shoulder Blade Steak USDA Inspected, Tender & Juicy 7 | Italian Sausage 96-16 ozpkg, Selected Varieties Atlantic Supreme Choice Salmon Fillets 999 Sole Fillets 8% Coconut Shrimp Fresh Fresh 16 0zpkg BEST PICKED PRODUCE Mushrooms 8ozphg, Whole or Sliced. Baking Potatoes ‘Sweet Onions & fies Fresh what you need... #27 oz Bavarian-style sauerkraut, undrained # 1(16 02) can whole cranberry sauce # 1 (12.02) bottle tomato-based chili sauce 1 cupwater B+ 1 cuppacked brown sugar # 1 (16 02) package frozen meatballs 1200 02A SENTRY 0209 Boneless Gold’n Plump Top Round Steak Chicken Leg Quarters USDA Choice Angus Beef Fresh La say * . ee ah : a 30: r 7 um 429 Zucchini 49 Medley So 99 Squash Tomatoes peril Fruit Tray teeing Fresh Alb bag 42ozpkg Hummus or Ranch: WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. ALL ITEMS MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE, NO RAINCHECKS Top Round Sandwich Steaks USDA Choice Angus Beef, Lloyd's Holten’s Seasoned Bradshaw Ranch Shredded Barbecue = Thick N Juicy 15-46 oz pkg, # Beef Patties Selected Varieties 2b box, Selected Varieties ey 5 Tyson Any’tizers or Essential Everyday ga oT Rosina Breaded Chicken Chicken Wings CEE ves:is Meatballs 16-2808 oz pkg, 3ibbag, aoe 18-26 ozpkg, Selected Varieties Individually Quick Frozen Selected Varieties A a Original or Garlic Johnsonville Johnsonville SxS Cher-Make Smoked Sausage, Party Pack Natural Casing Polska Kielbasa Bratwurst or == Wieners, or Bratwurst Italian Sausage ce 12-140rpIg, Selected Vertes: Italian Sausage "=" Polish Sausage Selected Varieties 2.85 lopks, 18-24 ozphs, Selected Varieties ‘Selected Varieties Sheboygan Johnsonville Hormel Cocktall Smokies Breakfast Sausage Pepperoni 12-14 phe Siem Links, Patties 5 Ă©orp Selected Varies SS or Ground Selected Varieties ‘WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. ALL ITEMS MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE, INO RAINCHECKS. 7 99 — Choice 9 99 16 ozpkg, 30-40 ct y WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. ee [ait Matnor se AaLate NO RAINCHECKS. Asparagus Fresh Gala Apples Wistirgton nan Bella 99 "2. 99 risinons F599 with aie 85ozpks, 25 ib pkg Selected Varieties make it... MIX sauerkraut, cranberry sauce, chill sauce, water, and brown sugar together in a mixing bowl until well combined. PLACE meatballs into a slow cooker. Pour in sauce and mix until meatballs are coated. Cover and cook on medium, stirring occasionally, until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the center reads at least 160° F, about 4 hours (Becny. 1200-0209

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