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Current weekly ad Pick'n'Save - Valid from 11/09 to 11/15 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Pick'n'Save 11/09/2022 - 11/15/2022


Products in this weekly ad

2241_RSIWA wy Pick nh Save THANK YOU FRESH FOR EVERYONE, Russet Potatoes Sb Bag With Card With Card Gala, Fuji or Granny Smith NeTelES Frozen, Grade A, Limit 1 with Additional $25 Purchase e lems must be purchased in the same A ‘transaction. See store for exclusions. With Card Fresh Whole Pork Tenderloin Fresh Heritage Farm i Chicken Drumsticks ray Green Mountain, = " ra 4 a FP vaso Sa or Thighs McCafĂ© Coffee a z Eas a $29 $599 . = winced WF os 10-12 ct K-Cups < ae og eSim (elt) Bonen or Fresh Marinated Borteless ; i Chicken Breasts of Wings, Bone-In; = k Sica jeends Spices Select Varieties, $4.‘ ee lect Varieties, 0.1 oz Lay's Potato or Kettle Cooked Potato Chips “12 ey. Bib, Classic 3/1288 With Card leek 4.7538 02 of Fitos,9.25-10 oor Frito-Lay Simply 4 3 j Nd ‘oz oF Fitos, zor! imp F Pepsi or 7UP y Snacks, 7.5-9 07; or Frito-Lay Canned Dip, 8.59 oz; ; 5 : ÂŁ Select Varieties \When you buy 4 or more inthe same transaction with Cord, . “ ‘When you buy 3 in the same transaction with Cord. Limit 2 ‘Quontities less than 4 are up to $4.99 each with Card, 7 ee ‘rewards. Quantities less than 3 are $7.99 each. Brew Pub Pizza Select Varieties, 2031.6 oz $599 With Card 1999 we N Be 30) fe. 500. «| a Pabs' T Select Varieties, 30-Pack, 12 floz CĂ©ns ‘HarloduesDg Instant Redeemable Bogen SAVE 50Âą EACH .. WHEN Reh 6 OR MORE. 2.99 2", ae 6 3.99 wr, -50° v, = 2 -50° $949 a ic 2 &' y & we eas JEA* s Coffee-Mate ez Hl 3 Swanson Broth Pillsbury Coffee Creamer 4 148 07 or Red Gold Diced Tomatoes or Tomato Sauce, Crescents, 32, oz or Simply Orange Juice, 145-15 02 or Creamette Pasta, 10-16 07; Select Varieties y 52 fl 07; Select Varieties Grands or Cinnamon Rolls 8 ct or Philadelphia Cream Cheese, 8 07; Select Varieties Kroger Sour Cream 16 02 or Kroger Salad Dressing, 16102 or Hidden Valley Ranch Seasoning or Dip Mix. 0.4-1.1 02: Select Varieties =u Nabisco Snack Crackers 3.5.9 07 oF Ritz Crackers, 713.7 oz Select Varieties ‘We reserve the righ to limit quantities and correct all printed errors, Not al items and prices avaiable at al locations unless otherwise noted. Prices subject fo state and local faxes if applicable, No sales to dealers, Purchase requirements exclude discounts, coupons, git ‘cards, lottery tickets, bus passes, alcohol, tobacco and use of Fresh Perks Card. All prices “with card" ore discounted by using your Fresh Perks CardÂź “Free promation will be applied to item of least value. NONE SOLD TO DEALERS. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT O LINIT QUANTITIES AND CORRECT PRINTED ERRORS. COPYRIGHT 2022. KROGER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. SALE DATES: Wednesday, November 9 through Tuesday, November 15, 2022 SELECTION MAY VARY BY STORE, LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND. BDO1

Latest weekly ads

2241_RSIWA wy Pick nh Save THANK YOU FRESH FOR EVERYONE, Russet Potatoes Sb Bag With Card With Card Gala, Fuji or Granny Smith NeTelES Frozen, Grade A, Limit 1 with Additional $25 Purchase e lems must be purchased in the same A ‘transaction. See store for exclusions. With Card Fresh Whole Pork Tenderloin Fresh Heritage Farm i Chicken Drumsticks ray Green Mountain, = " ra 4 a FP vaso Sa or Thighs McCafĂ© Coffee a z Eas a $29 $599 . = winced WF os 10-12 ct K-Cups < ae og eSim (elt) Bonen or Fresh Marinated Borteless ; i Chicken Breasts of Wings, Bone-In; = k Sica jeends Spices Select Varieties, $4.‘ ee lect Varieties, 0.1 oz Lay's Potato or Kettle Cooked Potato Chips “12 ey. Bib, Classic 3/1288 With Card leek 4.7538 02 of Fitos,9.25-10 oor Frito-Lay Simply 4 3 j Nd ‘oz oF Fitos, zor! imp F Pepsi or 7UP y Snacks, 7.5-9 07; or Frito-Lay Canned Dip, 8.59 oz; ; 5 : ÂŁ Select Varieties \When you buy 4 or more inthe same transaction with Cord, . “ ‘When you buy 3 in the same transaction with Cord. Limit 2 ‘Quontities less than 4 are up to $4.99 each with Card, 7 ee ‘rewards. Quantities less than 3 are $7.99 each. Brew Pub Pizza Select Varieties, 2031.6 oz $599 With Card 1999 we N Be 30) fe. 500. «| a Pabs' T Select Varieties, 30-Pack, 12 floz CĂ©ns ‘HarloduesDg Instant Redeemable Bogen SAVE 50Âą EACH .. WHEN Reh 6 OR MORE. 2.99 2", ae 6 3.99 wr, -50° v, = 2 -50° $949 a ic 2 &' y & we eas JEA* s Coffee-Mate ez Hl 3 Swanson Broth Pillsbury Coffee Creamer 4 148 07 or Red Gold Diced Tomatoes or Tomato Sauce, Crescents, 32, oz or Simply Orange Juice, 145-15 02 or Creamette Pasta, 10-16 07; Select Varieties y 52 fl 07; Select Varieties Grands or Cinnamon Rolls 8 ct or Philadelphia Cream Cheese, 8 07; Select Varieties Kroger Sour Cream 16 02 or Kroger Salad Dressing, 16102 or Hidden Valley Ranch Seasoning or Dip Mix. 0.4-1.1 02: Select Varieties =u Nabisco Snack Crackers 3.5.9 07 oF Ritz Crackers, 713.7 oz Select Varieties ‘We reserve the righ to limit quantities and correct all printed errors, Not al items and prices avaiable at al locations unless otherwise noted. Prices subject fo state and local faxes if applicable, No sales to dealers, Purchase requirements exclude discounts, coupons, git ‘cards, lottery tickets, bus passes, alcohol, tobacco and use of Fresh Perks Card. All prices “with card" ore discounted by using your Fresh Perks CardÂź “Free promation will be applied to item of least value. NONE SOLD TO DEALERS. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT O LINIT QUANTITIES AND CORRECT PRINTED ERRORS. COPYRIGHT 2022. KROGER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. SALE DATES: Wednesday, November 9 through Tuesday, November 15, 2022 SELECTION MAY VARY BY STORE, LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND. BDO1

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