Products in this weekly ad
12-Pack Soda ix el Peanuts “i © 12.02. cans. 573-045-0047, Beef & Pork Jerky es S © Assorted varieties SS © Original, Teriyaki, se =-—_ Ss Seon my ooo or Peppered sro-sezt-s0a8 5 ‘SALE PRICE SALE PRICE 9.75 s 15% BAG DISCOUNT 0.74 BAG DISCOUNT* t a q 15% BAG DISCOUNT* 1.46 ail iS ENA 419 49 FINAL @29 —_ 8 ‘em PRICE ‘oe & 5’ z Zz ° 3 8 Cs @ =] = 15 SALE PRICE 1.99 eT aid = oz. = . 15% BAG DISCOUNT* 0.30 Highball Glass “SO ta g « Assorted col y = tes é somes pice 199. Ds 3 . . | = 50/50 Antifreeze/ hac ® 55-Count Shop Coolant <::: es + Provides protecto ji TE Towels eee oa p ay and corrosion 260-902 = Ts SA. 100-Watt Equivalent SALE PRICE ee Ue ‘ = Light Bulbs 15% BAG DISCOUNT” 0.30 a SALE PRICE EPRICE - s = sco Sl FNAL 469 189 ‘Boats 109 12-Pack Bee BAC biscounT> O96 BAG DISCOUNT? O98 a Vibrant Day \ -* sie oi PRICE 55. eee FNAL 99 Pine Shims “=: ENA QO AL QC "SALE PRICE 3.49 , = * 15% BAG DISCOUNT" 0.52 Diesel Fuel Full Synth ete 12-pack TINA) #raO7 Conditioner ull Synthe' eae we FINAL & Anti-Gel Motor Oil ©: Ice oe * Boost ower * 5.30, 04-30, 20, <=» 30-Pack All-Purpose and performa 222 ce i acer Gs Hot Glue Sticks SALE PRICE 12.93 SALE PRICE : 15% BAG DISCOUNT" 1.94 15% BAG DISCOUNT” 3.00 ‘300 a SEE COUNTE fe ‘STRONGER THAN THE pace 16°° 1g: t YOUR —— 5-Pack 100-Count 8" Electrical PICK UPA BAG [oabie Ties {isa scour t28 Tape Y | fucrescnt, cee, + 3/4" x 33' per roll IN STORE TODAY! ent, Green, FINAL 49 ‘Assorted colors % See page 14 for details. terrae we 20 sei PRICE each * or black 364-6013, 0014 ice After Rebate” is the Price or Sale Price, minus the savings you can receive from a Mail-In Rebate* in the form of an in-store merchandise credit check. The Mail-In Rebate’ is not a point-of-sale discount on the advertised items. *See page 15 for details. (4 SIGN UP & GET THE FLYER EMAILED TO YOU! LICK HERE to Este myo Brought to you by AAFMstrongFlooring
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