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Current weekly ad Meijer - Valid from 08/21 to 08/27 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Meijer 08/21/2022 - 08/27/2022


Products in this weekly ad

2/S4 Large Cantaloupes or Indiana or Michigan Grown Honeyrock Melons* or Pork Back Ribs* Fresh. (Quantities less than 2 are at regular peice. y oat 7.99. 1.49. Cantaloupe, Honeydew or Certified Angus Beef T-Bone Steak Meijer Family Pack All Natural Mixed Melon Chunks* $12 02. Select varieties Beef loin Chicken Thi ighs Fresh. Antibiotic free. Excludes i199,” S09. 6.99 California Organic Red, Green Dietz & Watson Deli Ham, ro From Meijer Rotisserie Chicken or Black Seediess Grapes Chicken or Hard Salami Dictz & Watson Deli Cheese...6.99 Ib Bud, Miller or Coors* 24 pk,/12 og. cans. Select varieties. Plus deposit where applicable. Limit six. Offer valid for in-store purchase only Rebate form prints at checkout. 1 Light when you when you ' when you 30 pik/ 12 02, cans, Select varieties. ° lea buy c e ea DUS ' ° ea buy Plus deposit where applicable Breyers Ice Cream 48 ov. Select vadeties ‘Simply Juice 52 ce. or Kraft Shredded or Chunk Cheese* or Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream? 8-16 o2. fairlife Uttra-Filtered Yogurt* 6.67-8 az. Select varieves. Select varieties, me 3.49 4.49 $4 4 whet wher ci 2.4 I. prey 3. 4 ql buy 5 _ Charmin Bath Tissue 12 megs or8 supermegp Kellogg's Large Size Cereal* toft Miracle Whip Dressing cols or Bounty Paper Towel 6 couble ps lls 14,7-24 az. Select varieties. 30 ov. Assorted varieties. :2.69."2° 7,99.:° 10.99 Coca-Cola, Pepsi or 7UP Products* Tide Detergent 92 ox., Pods 32-42 oz 6-12 ct/14-15 a2 Select varieties. 4.75.8 cz. Select varieties. 24 pk//12 07. cans, Select varieties. Power Pods 25 ct. of Dreft Detergent* Plus depasit where applicable. 65 oz Mt. *While supplies last. No rainchecks or substitutions, a3 B eT Here) CuCl CA MTL Be] and pickup orders Currently not available for Meije Pea Reni t Chel east Prices Good Sunday, August 21 thru Saturday, August 27, 2022. Check for our store hours.

Latest weekly ads

2/S4 Large Cantaloupes or Indiana or Michigan Grown Honeyrock Melons* or Pork Back Ribs* Fresh. (Quantities less than 2 are at regular peice. y oat 7.99. 1.49. Cantaloupe, Honeydew or Certified Angus Beef T-Bone Steak Meijer Family Pack All Natural Mixed Melon Chunks* $12 02. Select varieties Beef loin Chicken Thi ighs Fresh. Antibiotic free. Excludes i199,” S09. 6.99 California Organic Red, Green Dietz & Watson Deli Ham, ro From Meijer Rotisserie Chicken or Black Seediess Grapes Chicken or Hard Salami Dictz & Watson Deli Cheese...6.99 Ib Bud, Miller or Coors* 24 pk,/12 og. cans. Select varieties. Plus deposit where applicable. Limit six. Offer valid for in-store purchase only Rebate form prints at checkout. 1 Light when you when you ' when you 30 pik/ 12 02, cans, Select varieties. ° lea buy c e ea DUS ' ° ea buy Plus deposit where applicable Breyers Ice Cream 48 ov. Select vadeties ‘Simply Juice 52 ce. or Kraft Shredded or Chunk Cheese* or Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream? 8-16 o2. fairlife Uttra-Filtered Yogurt* 6.67-8 az. Select varieves. Select varieties, me 3.49 4.49 $4 4 whet wher ci 2.4 I. prey 3. 4 ql buy 5 _ Charmin Bath Tissue 12 megs or8 supermegp Kellogg's Large Size Cereal* toft Miracle Whip Dressing cols or Bounty Paper Towel 6 couble ps lls 14,7-24 az. Select varieties. 30 ov. Assorted varieties. :2.69."2° 7,99.:° 10.99 Coca-Cola, Pepsi or 7UP Products* Tide Detergent 92 ox., Pods 32-42 oz 6-12 ct/14-15 a2 Select varieties. 4.75.8 cz. Select varieties. 24 pk//12 07. cans, Select varieties. Power Pods 25 ct. of Dreft Detergent* Plus depasit where applicable. 65 oz Mt. *While supplies last. No rainchecks or substitutions, a3 B eT Here) CuCl CA MTL Be] and pickup orders Currently not available for Meije Pea Reni t Chel east Prices Good Sunday, August 21 thru Saturday, August 27, 2022. Check for our store hours.

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