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Current weekly ad Food Town - Valid from 09/16 to 09/22 - Page nb 8

Weekly ad Food Town 09/16/2022 - 09/22/2022


Products in this weekly ad

ine ingredients | nue A BETTER SALAD ces DOLE Se Premium ae of Classic Salads 9-12 02. Bag, By Select Varieties or Premium or Chopped Salad Kits 69-14.4 02. Pig., * o Select Va | Fresh Attitude | Salads Sar. Cenhel Mn $349 Little Leaf Baby Leaf Salads 402. Pkg, Asso ei : te ‘| L Fresh Express Salads Getto Bag, Assorted Varieties 2 CLUB NANA) Makoto Dressings 902. Bt Assorted Varieties Honeycrisp Pomegranates = $329 Apples $949 California US #1, Extra Fancy Pile $949 Ceti $ Ane 219 Green Limes G/SD Ripe Fancy Kiwi Lemons . Fruit {15 Size, Imported Chile 3 [$429 Robinson Fresh Eat Smart Cooking can Ba Green Beans Greens 1202. Pkg, 16.02. Pkg, Giorgio Organic White Mushrooms 8 02. Pkg. Sliced, Whole or Baby Bella Gourmet Seedless Jack-Be-Little Mini Pumpkins $429 Ornamental Gourds $4 99 2/55 Green Giant or Bolthouse Farms Baby Cut Carrots FLORAL 8” Hardy Fall Garden Mums Assorted Colors $599 Ornamental Cabbage or Kale Plant B Inch Pot $599 Fall Market Bouquets Quality Meals Begin with FRESH EST PRODUC Bartlett Pears Imported, 80 Size 4/5 Red WY Watermelon $429 Bape Red or G ey $499 oe be Fresh Green or Yellow Squash Seedless Navel Oranges Reon 56 Size Fresh Romaine, $499 ee ye Tes! ae - 49 73: ad $24 Green Giant 3), Petite Gourmet Fresh B Garlic | pottoes * 5 Pack FF Red or Yellow 2 2/4 Fev $429 *3°? . Sun-Maid Frankli Franklin Sundia == Chocolate Fanns Farms True Fruit Ss e fj) Yogurt 4 » Veggie Tofu Bites ~~ Cups eas Covered Jones Burgers . 2 02. Pkg. c ea — L_ cius card price Cue SS, E a 3/55 $4? Rg Naked z Sol-ti tistalie's Protein Probiotic Orchid Island Sl, smoothies Sh SuperShots Oninne Jutes ono: at, (A Do Bt, De: & » Fresh , cus Si 99 <a , ey $5 Rosh Hashauah Qavings! Pets iy Challah ean SS Panerai ‘alise Fissh a emi Onn otc, Rye Breads Sliced Sub 9 Bagels af : Roll ted Varieties, 49 99 —_ $399 = "$499 ao SSF $4? = = “ » Pumpkin or oj Apple Crumb f j Juniors Little Fella ae” Cheesecake 7 ‘ y orAssoned Voretes; Pumpkin or Apple Reisman Zomick’s ss Slice Of Cake Linzer Tart Round 7 $349 ‘or Assorted Varieties, $399 Cookies $599 Challah Bread $$ 599 e 5-6 07. Pkg. Ea. 802. Pkg Ea. | E99 or Raisin, 1 oz. Pr. Ea. * Se Te rampkin , e rs & Se or Apple ds 'd ee - . a2) Boston ener a4, Coffee Cake Spritzal Almond . WWE) cccorca veictee Chocolate Chip pump oe $499 aaa $4 Pig. 99 Shortbread Cookies $99 Sponge or 99) ple Cider 7 ar assoned Vertes, Marble Li Donuts 6 Pack "Apo 10 a a eee ‘S/6NY Page6 NY NY

Latest weekly ads

ine ingredients | nue A BETTER SALAD ces DOLE Se Premium ae of Classic Salads 9-12 02. Bag, By Select Varieties or Premium or Chopped Salad Kits 69-14.4 02. Pig., * o Select Va | Fresh Attitude | Salads Sar. Cenhel Mn $349 Little Leaf Baby Leaf Salads 402. Pkg, Asso ei : te ‘| L Fresh Express Salads Getto Bag, Assorted Varieties 2 CLUB NANA) Makoto Dressings 902. Bt Assorted Varieties Honeycrisp Pomegranates = $329 Apples $949 California US #1, Extra Fancy Pile $949 Ceti $ Ane 219 Green Limes G/SD Ripe Fancy Kiwi Lemons . Fruit {15 Size, Imported Chile 3 [$429 Robinson Fresh Eat Smart Cooking can Ba Green Beans Greens 1202. Pkg, 16.02. Pkg, Giorgio Organic White Mushrooms 8 02. Pkg. Sliced, Whole or Baby Bella Gourmet Seedless Jack-Be-Little Mini Pumpkins $429 Ornamental Gourds $4 99 2/55 Green Giant or Bolthouse Farms Baby Cut Carrots FLORAL 8” Hardy Fall Garden Mums Assorted Colors $599 Ornamental Cabbage or Kale Plant B Inch Pot $599 Fall Market Bouquets Quality Meals Begin with FRESH EST PRODUC Bartlett Pears Imported, 80 Size 4/5 Red WY Watermelon $429 Bape Red or G ey $499 oe be Fresh Green or Yellow Squash Seedless Navel Oranges Reon 56 Size Fresh Romaine, $499 ee ye Tes! ae - 49 73: ad $24 Green Giant 3), Petite Gourmet Fresh B Garlic | pottoes * 5 Pack FF Red or Yellow 2 2/4 Fev $429 *3°? . Sun-Maid Frankli Franklin Sundia == Chocolate Fanns Farms True Fruit Ss e fj) Yogurt 4 » Veggie Tofu Bites ~~ Cups eas Covered Jones Burgers . 2 02. Pkg. c ea — L_ cius card price Cue SS, E a 3/55 $4? Rg Naked z Sol-ti tistalie's Protein Probiotic Orchid Island Sl, smoothies Sh SuperShots Oninne Jutes ono: at, (A Do Bt, De: & » Fresh , cus Si 99 <a , ey $5 Rosh Hashauah Qavings! Pets iy Challah ean SS Panerai ‘alise Fissh a emi Onn otc, Rye Breads Sliced Sub 9 Bagels af : Roll ted Varieties, 49 99 —_ $399 = "$499 ao SSF $4? = = “ » Pumpkin or oj Apple Crumb f j Juniors Little Fella ae” Cheesecake 7 ‘ y orAssoned Voretes; Pumpkin or Apple Reisman Zomick’s ss Slice Of Cake Linzer Tart Round 7 $349 ‘or Assorted Varieties, $399 Cookies $599 Challah Bread $$ 599 e 5-6 07. Pkg. Ea. 802. Pkg Ea. | E99 or Raisin, 1 oz. Pr. Ea. * Se Te rampkin , e rs & Se or Apple ds 'd ee - . a2) Boston ener a4, Coffee Cake Spritzal Almond . WWE) cccorca veictee Chocolate Chip pump oe $499 aaa $4 Pig. 99 Shortbread Cookies $99 Sponge or 99) ple Cider 7 ar assoned Vertes, Marble Li Donuts 6 Pack "Apo 10 a a eee ‘S/6NY Page6 NY NY

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