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Current weekly ad Fiesta Foods - Valid from 09/28 to 10/04 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Fiesta Foods 09/28/2022 - 10/04/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Celebra los valores. (eer ene anal oes Cola ggeeltta cy $10 (elas A aca ie eer Nate teeter olga Mayonnaise Teg boaters latas de 12 onzas i be Ul i i eee eOr ee esata Cee eae Bite t cr Cea aa cg ea] VEN, Dre Rrce Points valid from 10/1/22 hasta 10/31/22, ,4 DOWNLOAD | Stayupto date onall the best deals. Track your SB THE APPCARD APP Pstess, get digital receipts and view your rewards Ontthe Vine Tomates en rama 6 02., Hormel Calabaza d me) hi ie ka : ee} > a cai sti ¥ en) ed $4.98 Ib ae: — - ; om = * - = 4 Vv, Whalen the Bag, Beef Beet Whole inthe Bag, Pork 16 02, Thick or Regular, Hormel 2b. Pkg, BarS Pulpa de es enteraenbolsa Bistec de milanesa de res Costas de puerc,enteras enbolsa | Tocino, paquete de 16 onzas Jamén rebanado, paquete de Zlibras iy Be r Cerveza y Vino craic Pec. _ Pebag ee i=f Ant Cesare) 2 Canned Mise Tio 55 a Aer Vodka CD c ra Poa) VAG ; TE ey ‘6 pk: 12 oz. Bottles, Rainier Deepen) L319 Cerveza, paquete de 12, Gerber SB boost Vie. @NDIGO xc always on portal Available at all of our locations Prices effective the week of TET oe September 28 - October 4, 2022 28|29|/30/1/2/3)|4 Open Every Day 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM Fino usoN| |i j Fiesta Foods cannot be held responsible for typographical or pictorial errors. www. ‘Quantity limit rights reserved. © Fiesta Foods 2022, Products subject to avallablty Money Orders * Utility Payments Prices valid at our Pasco, Sunnyside and Yakima Locations. Check Cashing * Fax Services * Lottery (ges) [75

Latest weekly ads

Celebra los valores. (eer ene anal oes Cola ggeeltta cy $10 (elas A aca ie eer Nate teeter olga Mayonnaise Teg boaters latas de 12 onzas i be Ul i i eee eOr ee esata Cee eae Bite t cr Cea aa cg ea] VEN, Dre Rrce Points valid from 10/1/22 hasta 10/31/22, ,4 DOWNLOAD | Stayupto date onall the best deals. Track your SB THE APPCARD APP Pstess, get digital receipts and view your rewards Ontthe Vine Tomates en rama 6 02., Hormel Calabaza d me) hi ie ka : ee} > a cai sti ¥ en) ed $4.98 Ib ae: — - ; om = * - = 4 Vv, Whalen the Bag, Beef Beet Whole inthe Bag, Pork 16 02, Thick or Regular, Hormel 2b. Pkg, BarS Pulpa de es enteraenbolsa Bistec de milanesa de res Costas de puerc,enteras enbolsa | Tocino, paquete de 16 onzas Jamén rebanado, paquete de Zlibras iy Be r Cerveza y Vino craic Pec. _ Pebag ee i=f Ant Cesare) 2 Canned Mise Tio 55 a Aer Vodka CD c ra Poa) VAG ; TE ey ‘6 pk: 12 oz. Bottles, Rainier Deepen) L319 Cerveza, paquete de 12, Gerber SB boost Vie. @NDIGO xc always on portal Available at all of our locations Prices effective the week of TET oe September 28 - October 4, 2022 28|29|/30/1/2/3)|4 Open Every Day 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM Fino usoN| |i j Fiesta Foods cannot be held responsible for typographical or pictorial errors. www. ‘Quantity limit rights reserved. © Fiesta Foods 2022, Products subject to avallablty Money Orders * Utility Payments Prices valid at our Pasco, Sunnyside and Yakima Locations. Check Cashing * Fax Services * Lottery (ges) [75

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