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Current weekly ad Dollar General - Valid from 10/02 to 10/08 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Dollar General 10/02/2022 - 10/08/2022


Products in this weekly ad

DOLLAR GENERAL Save time. Save money. Every day.’ $695 a 6 SMLErice SALE General MillsÂź Cereal 105-155 cz. ‘Cinnamon Fast Crunch Oatmeal 8 02. or Lucky CharmsÂź Oatmeal 8.4 0. Post Cereal 125 02 IPs not alin the 4 SALE Dunkin’s mee aps at Folgers* FT tei K-ups* 12a, Green Cees) Mountain cr Donut $6 x | Shop kcuns* eto ease Hetate= Kins et mee oF Ground Coffee 24 az. ised verti ie) Price With oon oca-Cola*r Sprite stp SALE BUY 2 tirawisaiet nets 3 for iStow Bior —pepsiva Ca STD Minden "ae dose ate Stes FREE iste wets Equarleserave SALE Mette tog a pe Pepsi" Cordes wher able Bay et ee ss wz - S vanities — rae «(ACR y olds oe we / ie BIG DEALS ON THE BEST Perm Aa MarsÂź Halloween Bags 49-4007 Reg. $550-Si ea, Hust purctse 310 get dscunt nce BUY 2 GET1 FREE Equal or esser value SALE Cheetos” 65-85 oz Assorted varieties at ce 7 ce Se sew enc ae dlls erga ee $A50 SALES DISITAL Added savings that add up. Get the DG App today. [RZ Suis Gaining, ui a Stene 48 Load SALE testicle GladeÂź scenes 01 rrr Mesaidaibia FabicSottener Sheets 05 or Frewots55.02.0° SALE oa ox. in Mighty Pas 19 or ShuggleÂź Starter Kit Assorted BD soft white, summa Powder Detergent 30 Loadl/’4 oz Assorted scents i Setboses 26 Uni abi satene $350 Reg, Prce on —a ric Load/48.5-50 oz. Super Fresh Scent Shakes 9 oz $450 *« ise wren a6 $450 sutrie $250 DGEES DGGE eo uv $1 Does meth Final Price Coupon ‘With Coupon Angel SoftÂź : aaa SALE BrawnyÂź Paper Towels wa issue ———— ‘Double rls Reg. $1050 = as = — Biogas $Q95 serie Reg. $5-$6.25 $3 Dee! Final Price With Coupon Final Price sale prices effective: 10/2-10/8 “Oeste Res ena be combined Gl = mz ‘With Coupon and, 310 Reg. Price FebrezeÂź Plug Rell $5 DGEES, DCE, With coupon i Âą Fina rice SALE Scott” bath tissue Hon geass li 2 Assorted cents Canoe) SEE PAGES 7-8 FOR 3 DAY DEALS.

Latest weekly ads

DOLLAR GENERAL Save time. Save money. Every day.’ $695 a 6 SMLErice SALE General MillsÂź Cereal 105-155 cz. ‘Cinnamon Fast Crunch Oatmeal 8 02. or Lucky CharmsÂź Oatmeal 8.4 0. Post Cereal 125 02 IPs not alin the 4 SALE Dunkin’s mee aps at Folgers* FT tei K-ups* 12a, Green Cees) Mountain cr Donut $6 x | Shop kcuns* eto ease Hetate= Kins et mee oF Ground Coffee 24 az. ised verti ie) Price With oon oca-Cola*r Sprite stp SALE BUY 2 tirawisaiet nets 3 for iStow Bior —pepsiva Ca STD Minden "ae dose ate Stes FREE iste wets Equarleserave SALE Mette tog a pe Pepsi" Cordes wher able Bay et ee ss wz - S vanities — rae «(ACR y olds oe we / ie BIG DEALS ON THE BEST Perm Aa MarsÂź Halloween Bags 49-4007 Reg. $550-Si ea, Hust purctse 310 get dscunt nce BUY 2 GET1 FREE Equal or esser value SALE Cheetos” 65-85 oz Assorted varieties at ce 7 ce Se sew enc ae dlls erga ee $A50 SALES DISITAL Added savings that add up. Get the DG App today. [RZ Suis Gaining, ui a Stene 48 Load SALE testicle GladeÂź scenes 01 rrr Mesaidaibia FabicSottener Sheets 05 or Frewots55.02.0° SALE oa ox. in Mighty Pas 19 or ShuggleÂź Starter Kit Assorted BD soft white, summa Powder Detergent 30 Loadl/’4 oz Assorted scents i Setboses 26 Uni abi satene $350 Reg, Prce on —a ric Load/48.5-50 oz. Super Fresh Scent Shakes 9 oz $450 *« ise wren a6 $450 sutrie $250 DGEES DGGE eo uv $1 Does meth Final Price Coupon ‘With Coupon Angel SoftÂź : aaa SALE BrawnyÂź Paper Towels wa issue ———— ‘Double rls Reg. $1050 = as = — Biogas $Q95 serie Reg. $5-$6.25 $3 Dee! Final Price With Coupon Final Price sale prices effective: 10/2-10/8 “Oeste Res ena be combined Gl = mz ‘With Coupon and, 310 Reg. Price FebrezeÂź Plug Rell $5 DGEES, DCE, With coupon i Âą Fina rice SALE Scott” bath tissue Hon geass li 2 Assorted cents Canoe) SEE PAGES 7-8 FOR 3 DAY DEALS.

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