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Current weekly ad CTown - Valid from 12/06 to 12/12 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad CTown 12/06/2024 - 12/12/2024


Products in this weekly ad

@) — 4 ~ ee D> Kraft: Buster Fite PUNT UTTER mig TASTIEZ. fe <> Z KRASDALE ¢ REVAPORATED 4M ML ‘ Gate q—5 Sear sur = (9 5 /KEEBLER EXPORT SODA Vagal .28 Oz. Cnstr. 469! nes re™ re Assorted BBQ Savea (18.7-21:4 02) 4 Finvred cup (330 Oc). gamma a, et aE er Ah GO) Ros eS te y <POTATO CRISPS|\79" 95.602 Cast. | Kem, BLEACH ‘81 02. Bt or KRASDALE, pees + PANCAKE SYRUP oF autemin (eANCAKE Mi MIX eee ¥ ut Green Beans, Peas, farce ane Pans t “gine S = = 2 So i J 43° | 2, Caen ay ; ° & U41 “GE-Front

Latest weekly ads

@) — 4 ~ ee D> Kraft: Buster Fite PUNT UTTER mig TASTIEZ. fe <> Z KRASDALE ¢ REVAPORATED 4M ML ‘ Gate q—5 Sear sur = (9 5 /KEEBLER EXPORT SODA Vagal .28 Oz. Cnstr. 469! nes re™ re Assorted BBQ Savea (18.7-21:4 02) 4 Finvred cup (330 Oc). gamma a, et aE er Ah GO) Ros eS te y <POTATO CRISPS|\79" 95.602 Cast. | Kem, BLEACH ‘81 02. Bt or KRASDALE, pees + PANCAKE SYRUP oF autemin (eANCAKE Mi MIX eee ¥ ut Green Beans, Peas, farce ane Pans t “gine S = = 2 So i J 43° | 2, Caen ay ; ° & U41 “GE-Front

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