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Current weekly ad CTown - Valid from 12/13 to 12/19 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad CTown 12/13/2024 - 12/19/2024


Products in this weekly ad

= ad Kraft Bist tie wreeK TASTIEZ re d KRASDALE GRANULATED Decaf Assorted Waret aclesng ies MAXWELL HOUSE (Excluding Decaf) Original =< ¢ * CAFE BUSTELO 6 Oz. Brkpks. Assorted Varieties TOP STUFFING MIX 602. Boxes Regular or Fat Free ~ MAGNOLIA ase mt Seton Dee cto SE Tinea DUNCAN HI Sp FROSTING © CHEN MOST ce PRESERVES 1208 xX ies aN er FGF SRIF RR IF PR IF PR IG PR FG BK va By Suis. Ost Marae, Goud Shreds or Chunks. ASSORTED CHEESES TSOrPRE PHILADELPHIA p= A CREAM CHEESE 802. Pigs. / es or Assorted Varieties — p 4 ©EGGO 3 WAFFLES = 23.2-29.6 Oz Box EBew. oe ef ND. ON FRX I ‘Assorted Varieties: TGI FRIDAYS APPETIZERS 8-11 Oz, Boxes RFR FBR

Latest weekly ads

= ad Kraft Bist tie wreeK TASTIEZ re d KRASDALE GRANULATED Decaf Assorted Waret aclesng ies MAXWELL HOUSE (Excluding Decaf) Original =< ¢ * CAFE BUSTELO 6 Oz. Brkpks. Assorted Varieties TOP STUFFING MIX 602. Boxes Regular or Fat Free ~ MAGNOLIA ase mt Seton Dee cto SE Tinea DUNCAN HI Sp FROSTING © CHEN MOST ce PRESERVES 1208 xX ies aN er FGF SRIF RR IF PR IF PR IG PR FG BK va By Suis. Ost Marae, Goud Shreds or Chunks. ASSORTED CHEESES TSOrPRE PHILADELPHIA p= A CREAM CHEESE 802. Pigs. / es or Assorted Varieties — p 4 ©EGGO 3 WAFFLES = 23.2-29.6 Oz Box EBew. oe ef ND. ON FRX I ‘Assorted Varieties: TGI FRIDAYS APPETIZERS 8-11 Oz, Boxes RFR FBR

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