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Current weekly ad Ace Hardware - Valid from 12/26 to 01/31 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Ace Hardware 12/26/2024 - 01/31/2025


Products in this weekly ad

rN Coons fe) aA I ā€™ (0) apes Flex GlueĀ®, Flex Tapeā€, Flex Pasteā€ or Flex Sealā€ 7 Rubberized Sealantsā€ = Ā£6664999, 6406383, 665004, 015027, 6015026, 66215107, 6238554, 6018526, 018525, 6715163, 16295950, 6406391, 6004383, 6715171, 6004382, 6084314, 6084315 Flex Shot Rubberized Caulk & Sealant, 6266993, 6266985. SALE "16.99 each. Perr ere ea BUY ONE GET O} AceĀ® All-Purpose Duck Tapeā€, 1.88" x 60 Yd. 4002 Tomcat? Refillable Perfect Aireā€ tit Mouse Bait Station, Kill Oil-Filled ā€˜ &Containā€™ Mouse Trap | Electric Heater 2/Pk., or 14 Oz. Rodent 4010209 Repellentā€ Wey) 7364888, 2087S, 7795487 Jans h Sea ea fat Tap. 7201981 er nd a SALE"499 4 pera Wate s Ie y EXCLUSIVE" I S. AVE EGO" POWER+ S6V 21" EGO" POWER: S6V ai" EGO" POWER: S6v 24" . Se eee Single-Stage Snow Single-Stage Auger- Self-Propelled Two-Stage ā€˜Beet Handheld ene Thrower Propelled Snow Thrower Snow Thrower Spreader Pine Mountainā€™ 3Hr FireLog 7H yorziee 708874 dee. Nias wk or Crackle Fire Log 6/Pk.; or saranda ā€” = 72178.29798, Hr. Java Log Fire Log 4/Pk." With Two Ah Bateries & Chara as GS OD ā€œ367918, 885550, 4891698 ā€” owner Rust-OleumĀ® Painter's TouchĀ® 2x Ultra CoverĀ® Spray Paint + Primer, 12 Oz. Assorted colors and finishes 'MUST BUY 2 OR MORE ā€˜Not all eligble products are pictured. See store fr more details ori product SKUs are sted, you can type the SKUs) nto search bar on fr fll product description. SO aes eta CE cd oP) Visit to find your local participating Ace. 5 "Ace Rewards instant Savings available only to Ace Rewards members. Where applicable by law, tx willbe charged onthe sale price before application of instant Savings. stant Savings inthis ad are vad trough 1/31/25 online, nthe Ace mable app and at participating stores. = jldrenā€™s Miracle Netw als ā€˜Ace stores are independently owned and operated. The prices inthis advertisement are suggested by Ace Hardware Corporation, Oak Brook, I. Indtvidua retailer regular and sale prices ā€˜may vary by store, which may impact actual savings amounts in ether direction Except as otherwise stated prices advertised in this ccular are vali at participating stores tough ā€˜January 31,2025 while supplies lat. Sale and natant Savings dates set forth herein ae national dates suggested by Ace Hardware Corporation and may vary by local etal See local ā€˜etal n store signage for deta, Offers, Ace Rewards" benefits, product selection/colo, sale ems, clearance and closeout tems, Ace everyday Iw prices relur and ran-checkpobies, ā€˜and quantities may all vary by store, a well as from Some eme may requte assembly. Aces not responsible fr printing Or ypographial errs January Red Hot Buys BM1 2241226ML, 04, Versions: FN, NR, NW

Latest weekly ads

rN Coons fe) aA I ā€™ (0) apes Flex GlueĀ®, Flex Tapeā€, Flex Pasteā€ or Flex Sealā€ 7 Rubberized Sealantsā€ = Ā£6664999, 6406383, 665004, 015027, 6015026, 66215107, 6238554, 6018526, 018525, 6715163, 16295950, 6406391, 6004383, 6715171, 6004382, 6084314, 6084315 Flex Shot Rubberized Caulk & Sealant, 6266993, 6266985. SALE "16.99 each. Perr ere ea BUY ONE GET O} AceĀ® All-Purpose Duck Tapeā€, 1.88" x 60 Yd. 4002 Tomcat? Refillable Perfect Aireā€ tit Mouse Bait Station, Kill Oil-Filled ā€˜ &Containā€™ Mouse Trap | Electric Heater 2/Pk., or 14 Oz. Rodent 4010209 Repellentā€ Wey) 7364888, 2087S, 7795487 Jans h Sea ea fat Tap. 7201981 er nd a SALE"499 4 pera Wate s Ie y EXCLUSIVE" I S. AVE EGO" POWER+ S6V 21" EGO" POWER: S6V ai" EGO" POWER: S6v 24" . Se eee Single-Stage Snow Single-Stage Auger- Self-Propelled Two-Stage ā€˜Beet Handheld ene Thrower Propelled Snow Thrower Snow Thrower Spreader Pine Mountainā€™ 3Hr FireLog 7H yorziee 708874 dee. Nias wk or Crackle Fire Log 6/Pk.; or saranda ā€” = 72178.29798, Hr. Java Log Fire Log 4/Pk." With Two Ah Bateries & Chara as GS OD ā€œ367918, 885550, 4891698 ā€” owner Rust-OleumĀ® Painter's TouchĀ® 2x Ultra CoverĀ® Spray Paint + Primer, 12 Oz. Assorted colors and finishes 'MUST BUY 2 OR MORE ā€˜Not all eligble products are pictured. See store fr more details ori product SKUs are sted, you can type the SKUs) nto search bar on fr fll product description. SO aes eta CE cd oP) Visit to find your local participating Ace. 5 "Ace Rewards instant Savings available only to Ace Rewards members. Where applicable by law, tx willbe charged onthe sale price before application of instant Savings. stant Savings inthis ad are vad trough 1/31/25 online, nthe Ace mable app and at participating stores. = jldrenā€™s Miracle Netw als ā€˜Ace stores are independently owned and operated. The prices inthis advertisement are suggested by Ace Hardware Corporation, Oak Brook, I. Indtvidua retailer regular and sale prices ā€˜may vary by store, which may impact actual savings amounts in ether direction Except as otherwise stated prices advertised in this ccular are vali at participating stores tough ā€˜January 31,2025 while supplies lat. Sale and natant Savings dates set forth herein ae national dates suggested by Ace Hardware Corporation and may vary by local etal See local ā€˜etal n store signage for deta, Offers, Ace Rewards" benefits, product selection/colo, sale ems, clearance and closeout tems, Ace everyday Iw prices relur and ran-checkpobies, ā€˜and quantities may all vary by store, a well as from Some eme may requte assembly. Aces not responsible fr printing Or ypographial errs January Red Hot Buys BM1 2241226ML, 04, Versions: FN, NR, NW

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