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Current weekly ad Super1Foods - Valid from 03/19 to 03/25 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Super1Foods 03/19/2025 - 03/25/2025


Products in this weekly ad

ey Pie Brookshire's = Water Distilled, Drinking Or Spr Limit 5 Items Per Transaction 237 Ed FINAL eC RT| (H- 16-24 oz Limit 3 Items Per Transaction Ed De a = Mee) TY=) eS Pickles PLY A Limit 2 Items Per Transaction FINAL bast ng - Gallon 147 TT Hunts £457 ETT as Sloppy Joe Sauce 15-16 072 UCC mC Uet Dh EL FINAL ile ~ Tr HANWIQY cry rs aS Laila [= Tortilla Chips 10-11 oz Teun mie Ltt Dat) rE cy FINAL PRICE aE ea eet Ag yi er pie 5 Items Per Transaction 197 aT basil a Lets Gatorade Thirst Quencher Selected - 28 oz Bottle Cua Utr lad Ed Sanaa aa ih ac, 147 Monster iii Oa Tiled alee VAC G Or Reign Total Body Fuel Selected - 16 oz Can eR Cunt ae tts er) "W"7 1 eas SOT ib ae Paper Towels Or EUs LU NCL uM Ect: Towels - 6 Double Rolls Or Tissue - 6-9 Mega Rolls Cue ae ray ar Us) Sea 197 57 ite las Or Bull's-Eye LE Tael-tHe Bet Ve) 18 0z Limit 3 Items Per Transaction EL 937 Tree Ce ™ Cottage Cheese LO msTel tT ae Cre) 24 02 Limit 3 Items Per Transaction Er fy Pampers Diapers Or Easy Ups Training Underwear Diapers - Sizes Preemie-6 - 17-32 Ct Or Training Underwear Sizes 2T-5T - 18-25 Ct Cun ate et acl) ann Tae are Lilia ar NS PRICE | te ea bra rs Wolf Brand eT 2] ~=— Compleats 15 0z - : Ass Oheya Sunbeam ET a ig:t-l¢| Brookshire's Blast! Selected - 12 Pack/12 oz Cans Tee gee TCM MW ELCs 24 Pack/16.9 oz Bottles | fei ctew ati) Gallon eC el Teed rae oR Hl 1h Dips - 15-15.75 oz Or Chips Excluding Lay's - 8.25-18 oz 7 Tee) Chl gee Vegetable Oil Gallon Tee Ce) eT) Ground - 12 oz Or Single Serve - 12 Ct 1 he 1197 Gain Or Downy Laundry Products WAC Sa Aker liLO MOH dO asian asl enc iye Td Cae eta eT fF] Pm Selected Varieties-7.5-16.50z -= ) ga aS PRICE ENGI oer SITY Taalil¢ Selected - 8 Pack/12 oz Bottles

Latest weekly ads

ey Pie Brookshire's = Water Distilled, Drinking Or Spr Limit 5 Items Per Transaction 237 Ed FINAL eC RT| (H- 16-24 oz Limit 3 Items Per Transaction Ed De a = Mee) TY=) eS Pickles PLY A Limit 2 Items Per Transaction FINAL bast ng - Gallon 147 TT Hunts £457 ETT as Sloppy Joe Sauce 15-16 072 UCC mC Uet Dh EL FINAL ile ~ Tr HANWIQY cry rs aS Laila [= Tortilla Chips 10-11 oz Teun mie Ltt Dat) rE cy FINAL PRICE aE ea eet Ag yi er pie 5 Items Per Transaction 197 aT basil a Lets Gatorade Thirst Quencher Selected - 28 oz Bottle Cua Utr lad Ed Sanaa aa ih ac, 147 Monster iii Oa Tiled alee VAC G Or Reign Total Body Fuel Selected - 16 oz Can eR Cunt ae tts er) "W"7 1 eas SOT ib ae Paper Towels Or EUs LU NCL uM Ect: Towels - 6 Double Rolls Or Tissue - 6-9 Mega Rolls Cue ae ray ar Us) Sea 197 57 ite las Or Bull's-Eye LE Tael-tHe Bet Ve) 18 0z Limit 3 Items Per Transaction EL 937 Tree Ce ™ Cottage Cheese LO msTel tT ae Cre) 24 02 Limit 3 Items Per Transaction Er fy Pampers Diapers Or Easy Ups Training Underwear Diapers - Sizes Preemie-6 - 17-32 Ct Or Training Underwear Sizes 2T-5T - 18-25 Ct Cun ate et acl) ann Tae are Lilia ar NS PRICE | te ea bra rs Wolf Brand eT 2] ~=— Compleats 15 0z - : Ass Oheya Sunbeam ET a ig:t-l¢| Brookshire's Blast! Selected - 12 Pack/12 oz Cans Tee gee TCM MW ELCs 24 Pack/16.9 oz Bottles | fei ctew ati) Gallon eC el Teed rae oR Hl 1h Dips - 15-15.75 oz Or Chips Excluding Lay's - 8.25-18 oz 7 Tee) Chl gee Vegetable Oil Gallon Tee Ce) eT) Ground - 12 oz Or Single Serve - 12 Ct 1 he 1197 Gain Or Downy Laundry Products WAC Sa Aker liLO MOH dO asian asl enc iye Td Cae eta eT fF] Pm Selected Varieties-7.5-16.50z -= ) ga aS PRICE ENGI oer SITY Taalil¢ Selected - 8 Pack/12 oz Bottles

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