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Current weekly ad Stop & Shop - Valid from 09/16 to 09/22 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Stop & Shop 09/16/2022 - 09/22/2022


Products in this weekly ad

22_38_MGE_COP 08/31/22 | Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month Discover Hispanic-owned products. Check out the Insert for more items! $429 /Ib. ‘Stop & Shop Fre: Whole Pork Shoulder Picnic Bone-In 561661: 2/85 Goya Discos Turnover Dough Frozen, Selected Varieties, 2007. pkg. 5567955 $499 Tomatillos 5616888 when you buy 2 Fabuloso All-Purpone Cleaner or Suavitel Fabric Softens Selected Vretis, Febuose 46-56 .o2.or Suet, 469. oz, btl. 5603155 Without coupon 2/$7 Vicks Jarabe Selected Varieties and Sizes 5599547 SeorscS CAFE BUSTELO $977 Café Bustelo Brick Selected Varieties, 1002. pkg. 5587536 Rico Rice Selected Varieties, 20 b. bag 5580253 Keebler Export Sodas Crackers, 28 0z.can 5534629 s Selected Varieties, 15.5 0z.can 5593944 Goya Coconut Water Selected Varieties, 17.69.02. can 5615566 ‘Stop & Shop Nectar Selected Varieties, 3.891 oz. carton 5593944 ee Toms ” ares Err a Soe Ca 4 Goya Tomato Sauce Selected Varieties, 8 oz. can 5603521 2/83 Badia Garlic Powder Selected Varieties, 3 oz. cont. 5588332 25 Tajin Seasoning Selected Varieties, S02. cont. 5534774 icc 10’°10 Bauducco Wafers Selected Varieties, 5.8-5.82 o2. pkg. 5569144 2/54 Mission Flour Tortillas Selected Varieties, 17.5 02. pkg. 5651028 September 16-22, 2022 | Sale prices with your Stop & Shop card only. COL: GE85 COP-C oF EASEEUNRAAALEE 22.38 MGE_COP,indd 1 GE 85 COP 8/31/22 10:00 AM

Latest weekly ads

22_38_MGE_COP 08/31/22 | Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month Discover Hispanic-owned products. Check out the Insert for more items! $429 /Ib. ‘Stop & Shop Fre: Whole Pork Shoulder Picnic Bone-In 561661: 2/85 Goya Discos Turnover Dough Frozen, Selected Varieties, 2007. pkg. 5567955 $499 Tomatillos 5616888 when you buy 2 Fabuloso All-Purpone Cleaner or Suavitel Fabric Softens Selected Vretis, Febuose 46-56 .o2.or Suet, 469. oz, btl. 5603155 Without coupon 2/$7 Vicks Jarabe Selected Varieties and Sizes 5599547 SeorscS CAFE BUSTELO $977 Café Bustelo Brick Selected Varieties, 1002. pkg. 5587536 Rico Rice Selected Varieties, 20 b. bag 5580253 Keebler Export Sodas Crackers, 28 0z.can 5534629 s Selected Varieties, 15.5 0z.can 5593944 Goya Coconut Water Selected Varieties, 17.69.02. can 5615566 ‘Stop & Shop Nectar Selected Varieties, 3.891 oz. carton 5593944 ee Toms ” ares Err a Soe Ca 4 Goya Tomato Sauce Selected Varieties, 8 oz. can 5603521 2/83 Badia Garlic Powder Selected Varieties, 3 oz. cont. 5588332 25 Tajin Seasoning Selected Varieties, S02. cont. 5534774 icc 10’°10 Bauducco Wafers Selected Varieties, 5.8-5.82 o2. pkg. 5569144 2/54 Mission Flour Tortillas Selected Varieties, 17.5 02. pkg. 5651028 September 16-22, 2022 | Sale prices with your Stop & Shop card only. COL: GE85 COP-C oF EASEEUNRAAALEE 22.38 MGE_COP,indd 1 GE 85 COP 8/31/22 10:00 AM

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