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Current weekly ad ShopRite - Valid from 11/01 to 11/07 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad ShopRite 11/01/2024 - 11/07/2024


Products in this weekly ad

A-Z8S OFFERS VALID FRIDA 4$ FOR General Mills Cereal Medium Size Kellogg’s Cereal Large Size 21018. box Oran Com Fakes, Reo Lessor adtiona tems wil can at $5.99 each, a X bow! & basket IT 4PER VARIETY Bowl & Basket Coffee K-Cups Value Pack 32-Ct. 10-02 box, Any Variety mmm 4$10 FOR Pa Dannon Activia or = YoCrunch 4-Pack Yogurt (ii) 1-02. tt. wt. ka, Any Variety LUphtor Orginal, Dannon Activia or Yocrunch 4-Pack, Any Vanity Danimals 6-Pack Smoothies (@ainy) 186.0. to. wt a. Any Variety Exlucing Organi) Lessor aclitionaitems will sean at $3.39 each, 4$ FOR Twister (ey 89+. 02.cont. Any Variety Aes or Pune Les or adtional items wil sean at S75 each, Main Course @ Boneless Pork Loin S 19 Combo Sale Rib, Loin and Center Cut, LIMIT 1-PKG. Assorted Varieties NOVEMBER 1ST THRU THURSDA Pepsi Cans Cube 24-Pack 288-02 tot. wt cans (Pus Dep oF Fee Where Rea) 12-02. Cons, ‘Ay Variety, Brisk, Mtn Dew or Peps Lessor adational items wilseanat $1659 each. 3$ FOR “iE Bowl & Basket Spring | Water 24-Pack 5-02 tot wt ils. (Pus Dep. oF Fee Where Rea) 159-1 Sates Lextoradina tems. Witsoe Sone re ses | a 9% 3$999 eae aa eS Lessor addtional tems wit scnat $8.34 each — Dry Seltzer. 12-Pack Canada Dry Ginger Ale Bottles or Mini Cans 6-Pack OL4-c tot wi Bs. (Pus Dep, or Fee Where Rea.) (Where Avalble 169-02 Bottles oF 45 to 48-cn tt. we. cans, 75 to 8-2. Cars, ABW, 7-Up or Canada Dry “eilsinatseleesc 2$ FoR Gold Peak Tea, Glaceau Smart or Vitaminwater 6-Pack 1014-02, tt wt. ls, (Pus Dep. oF Fee Where Req) 163-02 Bottles. any Variety Lessor ada tems ilsanatsoa3 enc fin Seafood Favorites 2 2$10 — Ib. Bag Bowl & Basket Wild Caught Salmon Portions =e Frozen, Kshe ae 2-lb. Bag r- Bowl & Basket Whiting Fillet Frozen, Kosher Wild Caught 2-Ib. Bag Bowl & Basket Tilapia Fillet Fromen Koh Cete Lessor addtional Rens. Milscnat sean esc bowl & basket BAP 4 Star Certied stock up+save NOVEMBER 7TH, 2024 Cea ay 3$ van Cheez-It Snack Crackers 57510 75-02. boa, Pull or Snaps ‘Baked Snacks or t0 124-02. OK (Excluding Large Sie Snap) Any Variety Lessor aon tems. wilnat sa enc 3$10 Frito Lay Party Size Snacks or Tostitos Salsa 975 to 1802-bag. Ay Vail, FrRo Lay Snacks Party Sze 24-2, ostios Sasa “lsconat 279 ech 3$ For Herr’s Snacks Family Size 71085-0bap (xcoing Ket) Assorted Varieties, Potato Chins, 9t 5-02. Tortila Chips ori to 6-02. Pretzels “filscon at $349 sch, = e=—E 3 $8 is ee fie ee | le ae Chessmen Pepperidge Farm ae os | <8) Cookies r ‘s 5 1086-02 bog, Assorted Varieties izsnaace & 2$ FOR Pir Nabisco Oreo Cookies Family Size 10.8 to 71-02 pha, (xing Super Marc) Ay Vr. Lined Eaton Lessor adational items. wil scan at $5.29 cach $499 LIMIT 4 PER VARIETY Dixie Plates Paix Assorted count & Varieties, Bows or Pats Vanity Fair Napkins B0-ct pkg, Entertain or 160-ct Extra Absorbent Side Dishes 4$ FOR _ ERED) | Birds Eye Steamfresh Cut Vegetables (Frozen) Oto I-22 pea. Any Variety (Excluding Premium Select ‘acasaray eat 4$ FOR isbury Grands! Biscuits (Dairy) 153-02 pho, Any Variety (sehiting 10 J) Less or addtional tems IE Mit scnat Se 38 each More Mealtime Favorites $349 uMir4 Idaho Russet Potatoes 10-Ib. Bag us. $249 Ea uM Carrots 5-Ib. Bag usa bowl & basket $249 uM Bowl & Basket Granny Smith Apples 3-Ib. Bag Wihingten State, Extra Fancy — 4$ FOR e-ES Banquet Pot Pie: (Frozen) T-box, Any Var Lessor adtona tems scan at 99 each, A-Z8S Prices, programs and promotions effective Fri, November 1, thru Thurs., November 7, 2024 in ShopRite" Stores. ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPEAR ON THE LAST PAGE. Perdue Breaded Chicken Nuggets rs 6 fees Lessor tina toms TE Misc. ench Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream 15.210 6-02 cont Non-Daiy or Any Variety Talenti Gelato 105t0 119-02 cont Lessor adetiona tems. TE wil scan at $3.99 each, ll Any Vacioty, Layers and Pt cont, Gelato $99 usr Bowl & Basket Red & Yellow Onions 5-Ib. Bag 5$ FOR (rd Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom Soup 10S-or. can (Excluding Fat Free, Healthy Request & Less Sodium) Origin Cream of Chicken or Original Cream of Mushroom Only ‘aca ES an $999 bowl & basket ‘ " Rr = LUMIT4PERVARIETY Bowl & Basket 3-Ib. Burgers (eat) 48-02 pig, Frozen, 100% Pure Beet 10$ —— {calc 2 FOR _—— i Bumble Bee Chunk Light Tuna 5-08 ca, In lof Water Los or adatonal tems. wilson ath each

Latest weekly ads

A-Z8S OFFERS VALID FRIDA 4$ FOR General Mills Cereal Medium Size Kellogg’s Cereal Large Size 21018. box Oran Com Fakes, Reo Lessor adtiona tems wil can at $5.99 each, a X bow! & basket IT 4PER VARIETY Bowl & Basket Coffee K-Cups Value Pack 32-Ct. 10-02 box, Any Variety mmm 4$10 FOR Pa Dannon Activia or = YoCrunch 4-Pack Yogurt (ii) 1-02. tt. wt. ka, Any Variety LUphtor Orginal, Dannon Activia or Yocrunch 4-Pack, Any Vanity Danimals 6-Pack Smoothies (@ainy) 186.0. to. wt a. Any Variety Exlucing Organi) Lessor aclitionaitems will sean at $3.39 each, 4$ FOR Twister (ey 89+. 02.cont. Any Variety Aes or Pune Les or adtional items wil sean at S75 each, Main Course @ Boneless Pork Loin S 19 Combo Sale Rib, Loin and Center Cut, LIMIT 1-PKG. Assorted Varieties NOVEMBER 1ST THRU THURSDA Pepsi Cans Cube 24-Pack 288-02 tot. wt cans (Pus Dep oF Fee Where Rea) 12-02. Cons, ‘Ay Variety, Brisk, Mtn Dew or Peps Lessor adational items wilseanat $1659 each. 3$ FOR “iE Bowl & Basket Spring | Water 24-Pack 5-02 tot wt ils. (Pus Dep. oF Fee Where Rea) 159-1 Sates Lextoradina tems. Witsoe Sone re ses | a 9% 3$999 eae aa eS Lessor addtional tems wit scnat $8.34 each — Dry Seltzer. 12-Pack Canada Dry Ginger Ale Bottles or Mini Cans 6-Pack OL4-c tot wi Bs. (Pus Dep, or Fee Where Rea.) (Where Avalble 169-02 Bottles oF 45 to 48-cn tt. we. cans, 75 to 8-2. Cars, ABW, 7-Up or Canada Dry “eilsinatseleesc 2$ FoR Gold Peak Tea, Glaceau Smart or Vitaminwater 6-Pack 1014-02, tt wt. ls, (Pus Dep. oF Fee Where Req) 163-02 Bottles. any Variety Lessor ada tems ilsanatsoa3 enc fin Seafood Favorites 2 2$10 — Ib. Bag Bowl & Basket Wild Caught Salmon Portions =e Frozen, Kshe ae 2-lb. Bag r- Bowl & Basket Whiting Fillet Frozen, Kosher Wild Caught 2-Ib. Bag Bowl & Basket Tilapia Fillet Fromen Koh Cete Lessor addtional Rens. Milscnat sean esc bowl & basket BAP 4 Star Certied stock up+save NOVEMBER 7TH, 2024 Cea ay 3$ van Cheez-It Snack Crackers 57510 75-02. boa, Pull or Snaps ‘Baked Snacks or t0 124-02. OK (Excluding Large Sie Snap) Any Variety Lessor aon tems. wilnat sa enc 3$10 Frito Lay Party Size Snacks or Tostitos Salsa 975 to 1802-bag. Ay Vail, FrRo Lay Snacks Party Sze 24-2, ostios Sasa “lsconat 279 ech 3$ For Herr’s Snacks Family Size 71085-0bap (xcoing Ket) Assorted Varieties, Potato Chins, 9t 5-02. Tortila Chips ori to 6-02. Pretzels “filscon at $349 sch, = e=—E 3 $8 is ee fie ee | le ae Chessmen Pepperidge Farm ae os | <8) Cookies r ‘s 5 1086-02 bog, Assorted Varieties izsnaace & 2$ FOR Pir Nabisco Oreo Cookies Family Size 10.8 to 71-02 pha, (xing Super Marc) Ay Vr. Lined Eaton Lessor adational items. wil scan at $5.29 cach $499 LIMIT 4 PER VARIETY Dixie Plates Paix Assorted count & Varieties, Bows or Pats Vanity Fair Napkins B0-ct pkg, Entertain or 160-ct Extra Absorbent Side Dishes 4$ FOR _ ERED) | Birds Eye Steamfresh Cut Vegetables (Frozen) Oto I-22 pea. Any Variety (Excluding Premium Select ‘acasaray eat 4$ FOR isbury Grands! Biscuits (Dairy) 153-02 pho, Any Variety (sehiting 10 J) Less or addtional tems IE Mit scnat Se 38 each More Mealtime Favorites $349 uMir4 Idaho Russet Potatoes 10-Ib. Bag us. $249 Ea uM Carrots 5-Ib. Bag usa bowl & basket $249 uM Bowl & Basket Granny Smith Apples 3-Ib. Bag Wihingten State, Extra Fancy — 4$ FOR e-ES Banquet Pot Pie: (Frozen) T-box, Any Var Lessor adtona tems scan at 99 each, A-Z8S Prices, programs and promotions effective Fri, November 1, thru Thurs., November 7, 2024 in ShopRite" Stores. ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPEAR ON THE LAST PAGE. Perdue Breaded Chicken Nuggets rs 6 fees Lessor tina toms TE Misc. ench Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream 15.210 6-02 cont Non-Daiy or Any Variety Talenti Gelato 105t0 119-02 cont Lessor adetiona tems. TE wil scan at $3.99 each, ll Any Vacioty, Layers and Pt cont, Gelato $99 usr Bowl & Basket Red & Yellow Onions 5-Ib. Bag 5$ FOR (rd Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom Soup 10S-or. can (Excluding Fat Free, Healthy Request & Less Sodium) Origin Cream of Chicken or Original Cream of Mushroom Only ‘aca ES an $999 bowl & basket ‘ " Rr = LUMIT4PERVARIETY Bowl & Basket 3-Ib. Burgers (eat) 48-02 pig, Frozen, 100% Pure Beet 10$ —— {calc 2 FOR _—— i Bumble Bee Chunk Light Tuna 5-08 ca, In lof Water Los or adatonal tems. wilson ath each

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