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Current weekly ad Menards - Valid from 09/08 to 09/18 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Menards 09/08/2022 - 09/18/2022


Products in this weekly ad

* SEPTEM dai) 7 vs saver APPLIANCE EVENT Gasca \ FAVORITE Tea eg AUR a at SL 0% APR" - 12 MONTH tre Ee EQUAL PAY PLAN ON PURCHASES OVER $599 { APPLY FOR & USE THE BIG CARD° TODAY! uaa eo " ‘See below for full terms and conditions. eee asst als corel] e eo eo Pes eac 20.5 cu. ft. Top-Freezer Pe eed Crit rion * Que cooing keeps noise «Frameless glass shelves ur eg 5.12 cu. ft. e ° D Peery oBeaeW x65 eH a32 70° Boece tobe anergy Undercounter Coz) WWRT3ITFZDB 433-0000 = 55-0/4"W x 69°H x 34-3/4°D exaSF7osHeS MMEUGU Cc Lg © Stainless Stee! price 989% se PRICE 8977 3 108.79 X2-U2D asin 98.75 Whirlpool (aS) 5-Cycle 4-Cycle a © Sani-Rinse option sanitizes dishes by eliminating ‘© Dual Power Filtration with Stainless Stee! ‘© SpillGuard cooktop helps contain spilis Fe ce chips, or cracks with 99.999% of food sol bacteria #WOT730PAHB 451-548 chopper #MDBAS49SKZ 463.5016 and easy Geanup #WFG320M08B 455-4599 ‘shatter-resistant cooktop #MERG600FZ 495-0000 PRICE 699° PRICE 789% ~— price_ 779% PRICE 989% y 1% 86.79 a 1% 85.69 11% 108.79 ig pC tH (le REPO ected 7.0 cu. ft. Parana eg ee Bitte SMART CONTROLS ALLOW YOU TO OPERATE YOUR WASHER FROM YOUR PHONE! yu te lH een Pan ee eid ng Bed i rial eras 4 tOtter valid fora limited time on approved Menards pretax purchases of $599 or more made on the MenardsÂź BIG CardÂź issued by Capital One, N.A. Your account must be open and current to be eligibie fr this offer. For egible purchases, the purchase amount is divided into 12 equal monthly payments and will be assessed a 0% APR effective for 12 months or until the purchase is paid in ful. his special equal payment term will be added to your normal minimum payment {due on non- promotional Credit Plans. If purchase balance is not paid in full after 12 months, the standard variable purchase APR of 26.49% and regular minimum payments wil apply 1 your remaining program balance. Variable APR as of 7/1/2022. 2% rebates are not earned on items purchased using promotional financing, Main Rebate Rebate i nfrm of merchandise red check aid in-store ony. Merchandise cred check is pat vad towarĂ©s purchases made oo MENAROS COM. Limited to stock on Rand. Ro sary sgn. ist ome. first served Futur sate price adjustmests exchanges ‘nd merchandie rears wil vend fe 11% rebate the ees agusted, exchange and/or returned. Rebate vale on special erred products Dut oes not extend te the special erring of any normaly stocked ees. Not good with any other Cowpens offers except MenarĂ©s* ‘coupons, Menards rebates and manetctirers’ coupons. Nile receipts may accompany oe rebate certcate. MenarĂ©s reserves the right to Lt purchases ef any anda es to reasonable eb lot quantities. Cactus event ches, gM cards, propane purchases, deter. services and changes, a rest ems, Keyle, ees, charges and eric * {any rebate form, you agree t resale any Gapvtes related to rebate redemgos by Bding arbitration and you waive any righ to fe ‘or portigate ina clus acto. Terms and conditions avaiable at wor rebatenternational com a g options Thru September . @ ar scorer WIS A Ree intact. tater grist aan ae am et rr. at = | fea Srey ae acy teem Se ey es Your and condor alate twee recsecarmaecsicon ee Dedicated to Service & QualityÂź © MENARD. Inc. 2022, a Wisconsin Corporation Professional Delivery Avaitable 7 Days A Week!

Latest weekly ads

* SEPTEM dai) 7 vs saver APPLIANCE EVENT Gasca \ FAVORITE Tea eg AUR a at SL 0% APR" - 12 MONTH tre Ee EQUAL PAY PLAN ON PURCHASES OVER $599 { APPLY FOR & USE THE BIG CARD° TODAY! uaa eo " ‘See below for full terms and conditions. eee asst als corel] e eo eo Pes eac 20.5 cu. ft. Top-Freezer Pe eed Crit rion * Que cooing keeps noise «Frameless glass shelves ur eg 5.12 cu. ft. e ° D Peery oBeaeW x65 eH a32 70° Boece tobe anergy Undercounter Coz) WWRT3ITFZDB 433-0000 = 55-0/4"W x 69°H x 34-3/4°D exaSF7osHeS MMEUGU Cc Lg © Stainless Stee! price 989% se PRICE 8977 3 108.79 X2-U2D asin 98.75 Whirlpool (aS) 5-Cycle 4-Cycle a © Sani-Rinse option sanitizes dishes by eliminating ‘© Dual Power Filtration with Stainless Stee! ‘© SpillGuard cooktop helps contain spilis Fe ce chips, or cracks with 99.999% of food sol bacteria #WOT730PAHB 451-548 chopper #MDBAS49SKZ 463.5016 and easy Geanup #WFG320M08B 455-4599 ‘shatter-resistant cooktop #MERG600FZ 495-0000 PRICE 699° PRICE 789% ~— price_ 779% PRICE 989% y 1% 86.79 a 1% 85.69 11% 108.79 ig pC tH (le REPO ected 7.0 cu. ft. Parana eg ee Bitte SMART CONTROLS ALLOW YOU TO OPERATE YOUR WASHER FROM YOUR PHONE! yu te lH een Pan ee eid ng Bed i rial eras 4 tOtter valid fora limited time on approved Menards pretax purchases of $599 or more made on the MenardsÂź BIG CardÂź issued by Capital One, N.A. Your account must be open and current to be eligibie fr this offer. For egible purchases, the purchase amount is divided into 12 equal monthly payments and will be assessed a 0% APR effective for 12 months or until the purchase is paid in ful. his special equal payment term will be added to your normal minimum payment {due on non- promotional Credit Plans. If purchase balance is not paid in full after 12 months, the standard variable purchase APR of 26.49% and regular minimum payments wil apply 1 your remaining program balance. Variable APR as of 7/1/2022. 2% rebates are not earned on items purchased using promotional financing, Main Rebate Rebate i nfrm of merchandise red check aid in-store ony. Merchandise cred check is pat vad towarĂ©s purchases made oo MENAROS COM. Limited to stock on Rand. Ro sary sgn. ist ome. first served Futur sate price adjustmests exchanges ‘nd merchandie rears wil vend fe 11% rebate the ees agusted, exchange and/or returned. Rebate vale on special erred products Dut oes not extend te the special erring of any normaly stocked ees. Not good with any other Cowpens offers except MenarĂ©s* ‘coupons, Menards rebates and manetctirers’ coupons. Nile receipts may accompany oe rebate certcate. MenarĂ©s reserves the right to Lt purchases ef any anda es to reasonable eb lot quantities. Cactus event ches, gM cards, propane purchases, deter. services and changes, a rest ems, Keyle, ees, charges and eric * {any rebate form, you agree t resale any Gapvtes related to rebate redemgos by Bding arbitration and you waive any righ to fe ‘or portigate ina clus acto. Terms and conditions avaiable at wor rebatenternational com a g options Thru September . @ ar scorer WIS A Ree intact. tater grist aan ae am et rr. at = | fea Srey ae acy teem Se ey es Your and condor alate twee recsecarmaecsicon ee Dedicated to Service & QualityÂź © MENARD. Inc. 2022, a Wisconsin Corporation Professional Delivery Avaitable 7 Days A Week!

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