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Current weekly ad Lowes Foods - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 12/11 to 12/17 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Lowes Foods 12/11/2024 - 12/17/2024


Products in this weekly ad

WIN i ER nf é inte” G99 Green Mountain selected 2 International SB or Silk Oat : AF Coffee Creamers pez i AMERICAN ae Fresh Express Italian Salad lzze La ‘Sparkling Juice American Salad 256 Beverage ier selcted pack Acne Land 0’ Frost Campbell's Deli Cut Condensed Tomato or Thin Sliced Meats 699 Shicken Noose Soup ISB teeter ea oer PADIGITAL 121124 Crystal Farms Cream Cheese see aleted Bat 287 D> be < Mott's »§ 100% Juice salected Gee 284 Fire Department Coffee + elected ar Tropicana Orange 9.99 ce Ob 19 ea ection ga a fosg 84 Kellogg's Cereal selected 78-192 02 aA Bunches of - COZY LUNCHES Kraft Deluxe Kraft Mac & Cheese or Mac & Cheese Velveeta Shells & Dinners 4 I$ Cheese Dinner 26 sek 55-725 02 svcd 0-Moe eh BLAKE'S sec ier Blake's or Healthy Choice & a. EvlTayMeals DISG — SmlySeanes ISG Marie Callender's Entrees selected 185-2 26

Latest weekly ads

WIN i ER nf é inte” G99 Green Mountain selected 2 International SB or Silk Oat : AF Coffee Creamers pez i AMERICAN ae Fresh Express Italian Salad lzze La ‘Sparkling Juice American Salad 256 Beverage ier selcted pack Acne Land 0’ Frost Campbell's Deli Cut Condensed Tomato or Thin Sliced Meats 699 Shicken Noose Soup ISB teeter ea oer PADIGITAL 121124 Crystal Farms Cream Cheese see aleted Bat 287 D> be < Mott's »§ 100% Juice salected Gee 284 Fire Department Coffee + elected ar Tropicana Orange 9.99 ce Ob 19 ea ection ga a fosg 84 Kellogg's Cereal selected 78-192 02 aA Bunches of - COZY LUNCHES Kraft Deluxe Kraft Mac & Cheese or Mac & Cheese Velveeta Shells & Dinners 4 I$ Cheese Dinner 26 sek 55-725 02 svcd 0-Moe eh BLAKE'S sec ier Blake's or Healthy Choice & a. EvlTayMeals DISG — SmlySeanes ISG Marie Callender's Entrees selected 185-2 26

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