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Current weekly ad IGA - Valid from 09/21 to 09/27 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad IGA 09/21/2022 - 09/27/2022


Products in this weekly ad

FRESH PRODUCE __ HARDY FALL MUMS To) IR a 12 Oz. = Dole | Greener Vine Ripe =i Extra Large Tomatoes ff Avocados oe Seon” : 1? x oh 2.54 4.25 * ’ ’ a 3 Lb. Bag ~ Juicy ? > Navel Oranges aoe Ohio Grown 99 S 99 2 Lb. Bag 2 99 Gold Delicious Lemons or Gala Apples 22 Fr 10 Oz. Pkg. =< Cantaloupes <> = oor ie ee wo a | wAIQ 99 . ae = 3 as 2 Dino Melons ‘422 ae LIMEATS PMH ARR OO MOLL Hretschmar Smoked orHoney —_—Hretscfhmar. Whit stueee i Kretschmar — Aenean CHA RCU my 14/3 Gig!) Virginia Ham Cheese 672 @ . 599 FAVORITES! UNS ATE Teta tl Me St Fresh Shop Fresh Shop Freshly Sliced = paseo ee t = epperoni “a9 fea Chicken Salad or “9 9" 10 Ct. Dry Rubbed ar Tet Te Spaghetti a 7 1) JNO CM Cereb edly Ste 3 b me) Chicken Wings 10 Ct. Fresh Baked Chocolate Chip 8 Inch, Apple i or Apple Crumb Fresh Baked Pie or Lemon Cooler Chip Fresh Baked Cookies 5 S . pies ig 5 ae Cherry White Chocolate Chip ~. 349 TE i 24 Pk./12 Oz. Cans 12 Pk./16.9 Oz. Bottles == . Oz. Select Varieties 24 E-) Select Varieties Coke g " Products 12 Pk./12 Oz. Cans or 8 Pk./12 Oz. Bottles 18 Pk./12 Oz. Cans Cake Varieties Select Varieties Le eee cies oke RC Cola i Products Products Bud Light: ts Bud Select or Select 55 Beer 16.99 IGA South - IGA South Page 3 e 3.36 {Sr 12

Latest weekly ads

FRESH PRODUCE __ HARDY FALL MUMS To) IR a 12 Oz. = Dole | Greener Vine Ripe =i Extra Large Tomatoes ff Avocados oe Seon” : 1? x oh 2.54 4.25 * ’ ’ a 3 Lb. Bag ~ Juicy ? > Navel Oranges aoe Ohio Grown 99 S 99 2 Lb. Bag 2 99 Gold Delicious Lemons or Gala Apples 22 Fr 10 Oz. Pkg. =< Cantaloupes <> = oor ie ee wo a | wAIQ 99 . ae = 3 as 2 Dino Melons ‘422 ae LIMEATS PMH ARR OO MOLL Hretschmar Smoked orHoney —_—Hretscfhmar. Whit stueee i Kretschmar — Aenean CHA RCU my 14/3 Gig!) Virginia Ham Cheese 672 @ . 599 FAVORITES! UNS ATE Teta tl Me St Fresh Shop Fresh Shop Freshly Sliced = paseo ee t = epperoni “a9 fea Chicken Salad or “9 9" 10 Ct. Dry Rubbed ar Tet Te Spaghetti a 7 1) JNO CM Cereb edly Ste 3 b me) Chicken Wings 10 Ct. Fresh Baked Chocolate Chip 8 Inch, Apple i or Apple Crumb Fresh Baked Pie or Lemon Cooler Chip Fresh Baked Cookies 5 S . pies ig 5 ae Cherry White Chocolate Chip ~. 349 TE i 24 Pk./12 Oz. Cans 12 Pk./16.9 Oz. Bottles == . Oz. Select Varieties 24 E-) Select Varieties Coke g " Products 12 Pk./12 Oz. Cans or 8 Pk./12 Oz. Bottles 18 Pk./12 Oz. Cans Cake Varieties Select Varieties Le eee cies oke RC Cola i Products Products Bud Light: ts Bud Select or Select 55 Beer 16.99 IGA South - IGA South Page 3 e 3.36 {Sr 12

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