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Current weekly ad Harvey's Supermarkets - Valid from 12/25 to 12/31 - Page nb 5

Weekly ad Harvey's Supermarkets 12/25/2024 - 12/31/2024


Products in this weekly ad

Mix & match a ‘@, Un Wish-Bone Salad Dressing 15-16 oz or Bush's Baked or Grillin’ Beans 215-28 oz or Know & Love or SE Grocers Coffee !2 ct pods or SE Grocers Pickles 24 oz Ole El Paso Soup 18.5 oz Commmame ranten 1202 bag or 10- aa pods Save up to $1.51 upto $1.51 ve up n & Jell-O Pudding or Gelatin pats ere) (2 ee) SE Grocers Traditional Boxed Pasta 6-8 servings or Kraft Jet-Puffed Folgers Coffee 12-1602 or Kraft Mac & Cheese 5-73.02 Sauce or Variety Beans Marshmallows 10.07 5,9 0z can Save upto 71¢ we wp te 6 roth oF Stock 32 oF oF x SE Grocers Syrup 24 07 0: Hungry 1d Chill 15 0 Jack or Funfetti Pancake Mix 2 ioe i se 12 Pk Chek Hox cans Seve opts $2.51 Gotortyte ws27 2002 Minute Maid Orange Juice Coffee Dream Coffee Creamer Select TopCare Products PRICEH/LD Chobani Flip Greek Yogurt Cups 4.5 02 o¢ creations greek yogurt 3.308 DiGiorno 12 nch Rising Crust Pizza 20.6-3! tate Fair — | Crest 30 White Toothpaste 2.7 or. f h 250 mL or Oral B Floss i ct rd CN tees silat-| cy desapaaty sis nepers 84-9208 Sgg28 ix Cat Food 13.5-16 !b . er ee Mod All prices valid with Peta

Latest weekly ads

Mix & match a ‘@, Un Wish-Bone Salad Dressing 15-16 oz or Bush's Baked or Grillin’ Beans 215-28 oz or Know & Love or SE Grocers Coffee !2 ct pods or SE Grocers Pickles 24 oz Ole El Paso Soup 18.5 oz Commmame ranten 1202 bag or 10- aa pods Save up to $1.51 upto $1.51 ve up n & Jell-O Pudding or Gelatin pats ere) (2 ee) SE Grocers Traditional Boxed Pasta 6-8 servings or Kraft Jet-Puffed Folgers Coffee 12-1602 or Kraft Mac & Cheese 5-73.02 Sauce or Variety Beans Marshmallows 10.07 5,9 0z can Save upto 71¢ we wp te 6 roth oF Stock 32 oF oF x SE Grocers Syrup 24 07 0: Hungry 1d Chill 15 0 Jack or Funfetti Pancake Mix 2 ioe i se 12 Pk Chek Hox cans Seve opts $2.51 Gotortyte ws27 2002 Minute Maid Orange Juice Coffee Dream Coffee Creamer Select TopCare Products PRICEH/LD Chobani Flip Greek Yogurt Cups 4.5 02 o¢ creations greek yogurt 3.308 DiGiorno 12 nch Rising Crust Pizza 20.6-3! tate Fair — | Crest 30 White Toothpaste 2.7 or. f h 250 mL or Oral B Floss i ct rd CN tees silat-| cy desapaaty sis nepers 84-9208 Sgg28 ix Cat Food 13.5-16 !b . er ee Mod All prices valid with Peta

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