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Current weekly ad Hannaford - Valid from 10/02 to 10/08 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Hannaford 10/02/2022 - 10/08/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Hannaford USDA Choice Beef Great for the Smoker! Raw 16/20 Per Lb. or Sweet, Nutritious Bone-In Strip Steak St. Louis Style Pork Ribs $2.99 Lb. or Hannaford 41/50 Cooked Pint Plain or Seasoned Whole Bone-In Pork Butt Medium Cocktail Shrimp Blueberries C ae 2/$ -— SA ae Family Pack - Hannaford Fiorucci BelGioioso Boneless Skinless Sandwich Pepperoni, Mozzarella or Select Varieties 3 Lb. Bag Chicken Breast or Thighs Hard or Genoa Salami Provolone Cheese Fresh Express Salad Kits Sunray Mandarins =: = a 249 Wee @?? 2/36 399 9.45-11.4 Oz. - Select Varieties Hershey's, 7-802. 22.3-30 02. 16 02. : 145 Oz. 7 Mars or Nestle Select Varieties Select Varieties Select Varieties Select Varieties Fun or Snack Cabot X TGI Fridays Hannaford Hannaford Size Candy Sliced Cheese “eee@ Appetizers ej Baked Beans Tomatoes 2/$ Fai 2 89 9°° te 95‘ 85‘ = 8.8:12.5 02 9415.5 02. 12 02. Bottles or Cans Old El Paso Select Varieties Tostitos Salsa or 12-Pack Bud Light, | Taco or Fajita By Pace Salsa Tostitos Coors Light or Dinner Kit or Picante Tortilla 9080 VE Miller Lite Ute 2 e, —— = 2/$ 5S 224 8 2°98 114 and prices may vary by store. Pius Deposit Where Applic FLU SHOTS NOW AVAILABLE SX iettoryour goo next, 1 MEBG PEBG 10/02/22

Latest weekly ads

Hannaford USDA Choice Beef Great for the Smoker! Raw 16/20 Per Lb. or Sweet, Nutritious Bone-In Strip Steak St. Louis Style Pork Ribs $2.99 Lb. or Hannaford 41/50 Cooked Pint Plain or Seasoned Whole Bone-In Pork Butt Medium Cocktail Shrimp Blueberries C ae 2/$ -— SA ae Family Pack - Hannaford Fiorucci BelGioioso Boneless Skinless Sandwich Pepperoni, Mozzarella or Select Varieties 3 Lb. Bag Chicken Breast or Thighs Hard or Genoa Salami Provolone Cheese Fresh Express Salad Kits Sunray Mandarins =: = a 249 Wee @?? 2/36 399 9.45-11.4 Oz. - Select Varieties Hershey's, 7-802. 22.3-30 02. 16 02. : 145 Oz. 7 Mars or Nestle Select Varieties Select Varieties Select Varieties Select Varieties Fun or Snack Cabot X TGI Fridays Hannaford Hannaford Size Candy Sliced Cheese “eee@ Appetizers ej Baked Beans Tomatoes 2/$ Fai 2 89 9°° te 95‘ 85‘ = 8.8:12.5 02 9415.5 02. 12 02. Bottles or Cans Old El Paso Select Varieties Tostitos Salsa or 12-Pack Bud Light, | Taco or Fajita By Pace Salsa Tostitos Coors Light or Dinner Kit or Picante Tortilla 9080 VE Miller Lite Ute 2 e, —— = 2/$ 5S 224 8 2°98 114 and prices may vary by store. Pius Deposit Where Applic FLU SHOTS NOW AVAILABLE SX iettoryour goo next, 1 MEBG PEBG 10/02/22

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