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Current weekly ad Grant's Supermarkets - Valid from 08/14 to 08/20 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Grant's Supermarkets 08/14/2024 - 08/20/2024


Products in this weekly ad

WHAT’S FOR LUNCH TODA? Crawn animal cookies 120 16-92, San Gordo Or I Mueter' | “Setets _ Cup Noodles 128.02, Canola Or 7810 10-02, Selected 6310 69-02, Selected & Wesson ermal Compleat cr. all Zaaraih’s Vegetable oll ot x = ween = — we 8) = aor, 2802 = 3.02 French's Van Camp's 8 CVU Tete Armour Mustard = Pork And Beans Sausages Vienna Sausage Potted Meat —— 510 11-02, Selected HS se lade 121 1602, Selected meee Tabasco ravortoe Coke Mix See Malad Cake Frosting 253 |p| 254 38 12202, Downy Or Gai ‘Scent Boosters 07 2u0CL Selected 780%, Selected Bounce OrGain “= = Clorox Disinfectant Dryer Sheets EG Wipes a et 5602, Pus Or Ua oa s 7 Putts Yardley Softsoap Liquid Facial Tissue Bar Soap Hand Soap POSEN MAA Duracell eee 38:0e, Selected ae 1202, Day Or Night guia Batteries Cold & Flu 4.48 6.98 -5 LOVE ‘YOUR i PETS sai 0814g2_gs_ GMS

Latest weekly ads

WHAT’S FOR LUNCH TODA? Crawn animal cookies 120 16-92, San Gordo Or I Mueter' | “Setets _ Cup Noodles 128.02, Canola Or 7810 10-02, Selected 6310 69-02, Selected & Wesson ermal Compleat cr. all Zaaraih’s Vegetable oll ot x = ween = — we 8) = aor, 2802 = 3.02 French's Van Camp's 8 CVU Tete Armour Mustard = Pork And Beans Sausages Vienna Sausage Potted Meat —— 510 11-02, Selected HS se lade 121 1602, Selected meee Tabasco ravortoe Coke Mix See Malad Cake Frosting 253 |p| 254 38 12202, Downy Or Gai ‘Scent Boosters 07 2u0CL Selected 780%, Selected Bounce OrGain “= = Clorox Disinfectant Dryer Sheets EG Wipes a et 5602, Pus Or Ua oa s 7 Putts Yardley Softsoap Liquid Facial Tissue Bar Soap Hand Soap POSEN MAA Duracell eee 38:0e, Selected ae 1202, Day Or Night guia Batteries Cold & Flu 4.48 6.98 -5 LOVE ‘YOUR i PETS sai 0814g2_gs_ GMS

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