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Current weekly ad Family Fare - Valid from 08/21 to 08/27 - Page nb 5

Weekly ad Family Fare 08/21/2022 - 08/27/2022


Products in this weekly ad

PG_003_0821 API General Mills Large Size Cereal Select Varieties 12 - 16.8 oz. with yes Le ek e es o> a Carnation Breakfast Essentials 6 - 10 ct. or 17.7 oz. with yes ge —- q aie cou 5) oe ae co ene ee Aunt Millie’s == } Bagels 6ct. with yes Nature Nate's Organic Honey 16 - 32 oz. with yes Tomato or Vegetable Juice 46 oz. can with yes ay Whole Pork Shoulder Bone-In with yes Corona, Heineken, Samuel Adams, Modelo or Simply Spiked Lemonade 12 pk., 12 oz. btls. or cans (plus deposit) with yes Kellogg’s Cereal Bars 6ct. with yes Duncan Hines Signature Cake Mix (15.25 o7,), Frosting (14 - 16 oz.) or Family Size Brownie Mix (18 - 19.9 oz.) with yes Annie’s Macaroni & Cheese Dinner (6.25 - 6 oz) or Microwave Cup (2.01 oz.) with yes Campbell’s | Chicken Noodle or Tomato Soup 10.75 oz. with yes Fresh Roma Tomatoes with yes with yes > CELSius er Post e Cereal Re Select Varieties 13.5 - 20.5 oz. with yes, Folgers Coffee 22.6 - 25.9 oz. (excludes decaf) with yes Jell-0 va Pudding or Gelatin Mix (2.9 - 3.9 oz.) or Sugar Free (3 - 1.4 02); of Kool-Aid Gels (4 ct.) with yes RNS Macaroni & Cheese Dinner 7.25 oz. with yes, Chef Boyardee Canned Pasta (14.5 - 15 oz.) or Microwave Cup (7.25 - 7.5 02) with yes Selected Varieties 16 oz. with yes Taco Bell Crunchy | Taco Shells | Rabat (12 ct); or Fc Thick & Gis) Chunky Salsa (16 oz.) with yes ~ ° > Fi CELsius ¥ SPARKLING HONE rer CONES with yes boy Coffee 22.6 - 25.4 02, with yes Pam Cooking Spray 5-602. with yes Hunt’s Pasta Sauce 2402. with yes ; = a one Newman’s Aa Own a Salad Dressing 16 oz. with yes 1. AEE ar a i We Tortilla or Corn Chips 9-12.02. with yes Burrito Style Flour Tortillas, (10 ct.); or Taco Bell Taco Dinner Kit Crunchy & Soft (12.77 oz.) or Cheesy Double Decker (13.86 oz.) with yes CELSius Ste Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice Cocktail 64 oz. with yes: Maxwell House Wake Up Roast Coffee 30.65 oz. with yes wa The Pian yty Manwich Sloppy Joe Sauce 15-16 oz. with yes a \ a et, Croutons 5 oz. with yes Ria Erne Rua Progresso Dry Soup Mix (6.5 - 10.2 oz.) or Soup Toppers (12.2 oz.) with yes Tomatoes or Tomato Sauce (14 - 18 oz); or Ro-Tel Tomatoes (10 02.) with yes. Digital Coupon son Lil Sliced Olives . 3.8 oz. = $489 Prce BOE, FINAL PRICE wah Dott with 70s BUY 3,GET1

Latest weekly ads

PG_003_0821 API General Mills Large Size Cereal Select Varieties 12 - 16.8 oz. with yes Le ek e es o> a Carnation Breakfast Essentials 6 - 10 ct. or 17.7 oz. with yes ge —- q aie cou 5) oe ae co ene ee Aunt Millie’s == } Bagels 6ct. with yes Nature Nate's Organic Honey 16 - 32 oz. with yes Tomato or Vegetable Juice 46 oz. can with yes ay Whole Pork Shoulder Bone-In with yes Corona, Heineken, Samuel Adams, Modelo or Simply Spiked Lemonade 12 pk., 12 oz. btls. or cans (plus deposit) with yes Kellogg’s Cereal Bars 6ct. with yes Duncan Hines Signature Cake Mix (15.25 o7,), Frosting (14 - 16 oz.) or Family Size Brownie Mix (18 - 19.9 oz.) with yes Annie’s Macaroni & Cheese Dinner (6.25 - 6 oz) or Microwave Cup (2.01 oz.) with yes Campbell’s | Chicken Noodle or Tomato Soup 10.75 oz. with yes Fresh Roma Tomatoes with yes with yes > CELSius er Post e Cereal Re Select Varieties 13.5 - 20.5 oz. with yes, Folgers Coffee 22.6 - 25.9 oz. (excludes decaf) with yes Jell-0 va Pudding or Gelatin Mix (2.9 - 3.9 oz.) or Sugar Free (3 - 1.4 02); of Kool-Aid Gels (4 ct.) with yes RNS Macaroni & Cheese Dinner 7.25 oz. with yes, Chef Boyardee Canned Pasta (14.5 - 15 oz.) or Microwave Cup (7.25 - 7.5 02) with yes Selected Varieties 16 oz. with yes Taco Bell Crunchy | Taco Shells | Rabat (12 ct); or Fc Thick & Gis) Chunky Salsa (16 oz.) with yes ~ ° > Fi CELsius ¥ SPARKLING HONE rer CONES with yes boy Coffee 22.6 - 25.4 02, with yes Pam Cooking Spray 5-602. with yes Hunt’s Pasta Sauce 2402. with yes ; = a one Newman’s Aa Own a Salad Dressing 16 oz. with yes 1. AEE ar a i We Tortilla or Corn Chips 9-12.02. with yes Burrito Style Flour Tortillas, (10 ct.); or Taco Bell Taco Dinner Kit Crunchy & Soft (12.77 oz.) or Cheesy Double Decker (13.86 oz.) with yes CELSius Ste Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice Cocktail 64 oz. with yes: Maxwell House Wake Up Roast Coffee 30.65 oz. with yes wa The Pian yty Manwich Sloppy Joe Sauce 15-16 oz. with yes a \ a et, Croutons 5 oz. with yes Ria Erne Rua Progresso Dry Soup Mix (6.5 - 10.2 oz.) or Soup Toppers (12.2 oz.) with yes Tomatoes or Tomato Sauce (14 - 18 oz); or Ro-Tel Tomatoes (10 02.) with yes. Digital Coupon son Lil Sliced Olives . 3.8 oz. = $489 Prce BOE, FINAL PRICE wah Dott with 70s BUY 3,GET1

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