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Current weekly ad Coastal Farm - Valid from 10/12 to 10/18 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Coastal Farm 10/12/2022 - 10/18/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Z =f ad vi | A LyNne SALE PLUS FREE TON OF PELLETS Vale up o $295 WITH PURCHASE OF ANY PELLET STOVE THS WEER! COMBINED SAVINGS OT Er LT BUY 2, GET 1. ALL DICKIES® PANTS, ; : x Xs Y ‘ CLASSIC BAY 1200 JEANS, & BIBS Styles for Men & Women. PELLET STOVE Discount taken from lower Fe ~ hina 41,100 BTU/hr, Heats up to 2700 Sq. Ft. priced item. ff A e < 153 Sq. In. viewing area, 80 Lb. hopper. Regular $3329.00 Join us 7 nn Try th HOT COLD for the be fgetbal eee Re DOGS OR FREE ROOT Coastal to win a prize! BRATS BEER eal vA = . rt “40” er BUY 1, GET 1 % WHEN YOU BUY TWO | PE PAIRS OF WRANGLER ’ e BOGS® FOOTWEAR OFF RIGGS® WORK PANTS FOR THE WHOLE SENSE TUORIERTS OR JEANS y y FAMILY WRANGLER RETRO® Boots designed in the PNW for the > pin we, hs PNW. Crafted to keep your feet TOPS PLUS $ 1 0« GIFT ~ ss warm, dry, comfortable, and stylish! Regular to $84.99 CARD i) Regular to $174.99 Discount taken off lower priced tem. GETA DEWALT PLUS GETA FREE XY 3 20V XR Ss 4.0 AH L REG. PRICES poli < SAVE $3 5 a —l 99 2 POWDER 1 2 due IACK NATURALS 28-30 LB. . SAVE $40 RIVER PELLETS WILDOLOGY 99 DEWALT® 20V XR 40 Lb. Haystack” eee SUPER PREMIUM qoormrs. |1697 sae. | sere. a | I Quer 12" bar, tool only. Free battery Regular $15.99 Regular $239.99 available in-store only. eee 8 Regular to $44.99 Se eerie WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE ena "Te 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 7 Suyentne pup cusiieersnptoyeurdeor. IN LACEY, WA 1012_B pgt

Latest weekly ads

Z =f ad vi | A LyNne SALE PLUS FREE TON OF PELLETS Vale up o $295 WITH PURCHASE OF ANY PELLET STOVE THS WEER! COMBINED SAVINGS OT Er LT BUY 2, GET 1. ALL DICKIES® PANTS, ; : x Xs Y ‘ CLASSIC BAY 1200 JEANS, & BIBS Styles for Men & Women. PELLET STOVE Discount taken from lower Fe ~ hina 41,100 BTU/hr, Heats up to 2700 Sq. Ft. priced item. ff A e < 153 Sq. In. viewing area, 80 Lb. hopper. Regular $3329.00 Join us 7 nn Try th HOT COLD for the be fgetbal eee Re DOGS OR FREE ROOT Coastal to win a prize! BRATS BEER eal vA = . rt “40” er BUY 1, GET 1 % WHEN YOU BUY TWO | PE PAIRS OF WRANGLER ’ e BOGS® FOOTWEAR OFF RIGGS® WORK PANTS FOR THE WHOLE SENSE TUORIERTS OR JEANS y y FAMILY WRANGLER RETRO® Boots designed in the PNW for the > pin we, hs PNW. Crafted to keep your feet TOPS PLUS $ 1 0« GIFT ~ ss warm, dry, comfortable, and stylish! Regular to $84.99 CARD i) Regular to $174.99 Discount taken off lower priced tem. GETA DEWALT PLUS GETA FREE XY 3 20V XR Ss 4.0 AH L REG. PRICES poli < SAVE $3 5 a —l 99 2 POWDER 1 2 due IACK NATURALS 28-30 LB. . SAVE $40 RIVER PELLETS WILDOLOGY 99 DEWALT® 20V XR 40 Lb. Haystack” eee SUPER PREMIUM qoormrs. |1697 sae. | sere. a | I Quer 12" bar, tool only. Free battery Regular $15.99 Regular $239.99 available in-store only. eee 8 Regular to $44.99 Se eerie WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE ena "Te 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 7 Suyentne pup cusiieersnptoyeurdeor. IN LACEY, WA 1012_B pgt

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