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Current weekly ad ACME Fresh Market - Valid from 08/25 to 08/31 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad ACME Fresh Market 08/25/2022 - 08/31/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Party Size Cookies 25.5 to 26.7 oz. Package ‘ English Muffins 6 ct. Original, Whole Wheat, or Cinnamon Raisin SAVE $1.50 WITH CARD ‘SAVE $1.58 ON2 WITH CARD eee : Variety Pack Snacks 18ct. Package nH 999 SAVE $1.18 ON 2 WITH CARD 3 =a Family, pine acker: Yaa" <a 4 Tow sisoeFasee | a YoYo Fruit Roll Up Sct. Package B 2s7 Peanut Butter 16.3 02. Jar SAVE $3.98 ON 2 WITH CARD i ‘i Kraft Hellmann's 5 Gatorade ea ie Cored ° AO ee Mayonnaise Sports Drinks i 101018. shapes ond Original f 2002. Squeeze or 3002.Jar | 2802. Selected Varieties 4$ 2 & 4$ 287 wr — for for ‘ for a SAVE UPTO $2.96 ON4 WITH CARD | | J SAVE UP TO $5.78 0N2 WITH CARD a ‘SAVE $3.76 ON 4 WITH CARD SAVE UP TO $3.78 ON 2 WITH CARD a " Maxwell House Chef Boyardee ® Frank’s or Old Bay Ocean Spray § a ae Hot Sauces Juice Cocktail 3% <coftee 7.5 02. Cup or 15 02. Can 2B 10to I40z. 6402. Selected Varieties 4 2 2 LN ? sabe ceded = for —= — SAVE UP TO $3.76 ON 4 WITH CARD SAVE $1.58 ON 2 WITH CARD SAVE $4.18 ON 2 WITH CARD SAVE $4.00 WITH CARD Food Gk = Lawiy's Ruffles or Smartfood Ma's Pasta Sauce Marinades or475t0 980% smartfood Party Size Candy “Jar 2 S 310 3802. Bag 2$ 286 for Q?? for SAVE $4.18 ON 2 WITH CARD SAVE 98¢ ON 2 WITH CARD SAVE $2.98 ON 2 WITH CARD a E NTITIES SOLD; ci SAVE $3.00 WITH CARD Betty Crocker Food Club Cape Cod Crav’n Flavor Helpers Ketchup - Potato Chips Graham Crackers 48 107.602. Box 3202 a 710 1002. Bag 14.402. Box 1 6 \ +) for SAVE $2.76 ON 4 WITH CARD SAVE $1.00 WITHCARD SAVE $2.58 ON 2 WITH CARD ernie « DMN SAVE $1.98 ON 2 WITH CARD Bush’s & French's | Cheez it Hershey's Baked Beans wieapes cancion ) ) § 7.5t0 12.402. Package ey Milk Chocolate 21.5 to 28 02. Can em Pa an ey || (HEF7- Select Varieties 6 Pack Bars ‘ oe CHEEZ!T 2$ ie 29 Gaps 2 99 oe " es foi for es pies _ for SAVE $1.78 ON 2 WITH CARD = SAVE 90¢ WITH CARD BSD SAVE $3.78 0N2 WITH CARD SAVE $2.00 WITH CARD Campbell's Bull’s-Eye or Snyder of Hanover | 75” Food Club Pork & Beans Kraft BBQ Sauce Pretzels Marshmallows 11 0z.Can 1802. 16 02. Bag a to 10 02. Ba for for for 9 SAVE 96¢ ON 4 WITH CARD SAVE $3.78 ON 2 WITH CARD & SAVE $2.58 ON 2 WITH CARD SAVE 30¢ WITH CARD Bounty Towels Laundry or Charmin Bath Detergent Downy Mr. Clean Tissué e 9202. Liquid or 25 to 42 ct. Pods Fabric Softener Liquid Cleaner ‘Double Roll Bounty fide) Selected Varieties 5102. Bottle ov 12Mega oll Charmin SS save ur T0 $4.00 WITH CARD SAVE $1.00 WITH CARD SAVE78¢ ON 2 WITH CARD I SAVE UP T0 $4.40 WITH CARD i Bounce Febreze Air e Hefty One Dawn Dish fs Fabric Freshener = Zip Freezer Detergent Dryer Sheets 8802 Pid or Storage Bags 2802. Bottle 105 ct. Box Selected Varieties a 1010 20¢t SAVE $1.00 WITH CARD SAVE $1.70 WITH CARD SAVE $1.00 WITH CARD SAVE $2.18 0N 2 WITH CARD « a SF iS IVORY Melle 5) | Deodorant Body Wash Coffee Mugs Coffee Filters F 2610300 2102 Originalor Noe See Store for Selection Se torefor Selection ¢ \ Herbal SAVEST9O WITH CARD SAVE $1.30 WITH CARD SAVE $3.00 WITH CARD SAVE $1.49 WITH CARD essences ww f nates 3-Cube = = Shampoo or : = Organizer a Conditioner Teak Finish ! 11.702. Baskets Sold Separately rine Lnergizer, Batteri ‘Allin-Stock = perfect Protein Bars Nutrition Bars Lint Trap 5k 17642. Singles Pack SAVE$1.50WITHCARD | SAVE $3.50 WITH CARD | SAVE $3.95 ON 5 WITH CARD SAVE $17.00 WITH CARD ‘SAVE $2.00 ON 2 WITH CARD SAVE 49¢ WITH CARD

Latest weekly ads

Party Size Cookies 25.5 to 26.7 oz. Package ‘ English Muffins 6 ct. Original, Whole Wheat, or Cinnamon Raisin SAVE $1.50 WITH CARD ‘SAVE $1.58 ON2 WITH CARD eee : Variety Pack Snacks 18ct. Package nH 999 SAVE $1.18 ON 2 WITH CARD 3 =a Family, pine acker: Yaa" <a 4 Tow sisoeFasee | a YoYo Fruit Roll Up Sct. Package B 2s7 Peanut Butter 16.3 02. Jar SAVE $3.98 ON 2 WITH CARD i ‘i Kraft Hellmann's 5 Gatorade ea ie Cored ° AO ee Mayonnaise Sports Drinks i 101018. shapes ond Original f 2002. Squeeze or 3002.Jar | 2802. Selected Varieties 4$ 2 & 4$ 287 wr — for for ‘ for a SAVE UPTO $2.96 ON4 WITH CARD | | J SAVE UP TO $5.78 0N2 WITH CARD a ‘SAVE $3.76 ON 4 WITH CARD SAVE UP TO $3.78 ON 2 WITH CARD a " Maxwell House Chef Boyardee ® Frank’s or Old Bay Ocean Spray § a ae Hot Sauces Juice Cocktail 3% <coftee 7.5 02. Cup or 15 02. Can 2B 10to I40z. 6402. Selected Varieties 4 2 2 LN ? sabe ceded = for —= — SAVE UP TO $3.76 ON 4 WITH CARD SAVE $1.58 ON 2 WITH CARD SAVE $4.18 ON 2 WITH CARD SAVE $4.00 WITH CARD Food Gk = Lawiy's Ruffles or Smartfood Ma's Pasta Sauce Marinades or475t0 980% smartfood Party Size Candy “Jar 2 S 310 3802. Bag 2$ 286 for Q?? for SAVE $4.18 ON 2 WITH CARD SAVE 98¢ ON 2 WITH CARD SAVE $2.98 ON 2 WITH CARD a E NTITIES SOLD; ci SAVE $3.00 WITH CARD Betty Crocker Food Club Cape Cod Crav’n Flavor Helpers Ketchup - Potato Chips Graham Crackers 48 107.602. Box 3202 a 710 1002. Bag 14.402. Box 1 6 \ +) for SAVE $2.76 ON 4 WITH CARD SAVE $1.00 WITHCARD SAVE $2.58 ON 2 WITH CARD ernie « DMN SAVE $1.98 ON 2 WITH CARD Bush’s & French's | Cheez it Hershey's Baked Beans wieapes cancion ) ) § 7.5t0 12.402. Package ey Milk Chocolate 21.5 to 28 02. Can em Pa an ey || (HEF7- Select Varieties 6 Pack Bars ‘ oe CHEEZ!T 2$ ie 29 Gaps 2 99 oe " es foi for es pies _ for SAVE $1.78 ON 2 WITH CARD = SAVE 90¢ WITH CARD BSD SAVE $3.78 0N2 WITH CARD SAVE $2.00 WITH CARD Campbell's Bull’s-Eye or Snyder of Hanover | 75” Food Club Pork & Beans Kraft BBQ Sauce Pretzels Marshmallows 11 0z.Can 1802. 16 02. Bag a to 10 02. Ba for for for 9 SAVE 96¢ ON 4 WITH CARD SAVE $3.78 ON 2 WITH CARD & SAVE $2.58 ON 2 WITH CARD SAVE 30¢ WITH CARD Bounty Towels Laundry or Charmin Bath Detergent Downy Mr. Clean Tissué e 9202. Liquid or 25 to 42 ct. Pods Fabric Softener Liquid Cleaner ‘Double Roll Bounty fide) Selected Varieties 5102. Bottle ov 12Mega oll Charmin SS save ur T0 $4.00 WITH CARD SAVE $1.00 WITH CARD SAVE78¢ ON 2 WITH CARD I SAVE UP T0 $4.40 WITH CARD i Bounce Febreze Air e Hefty One Dawn Dish fs Fabric Freshener = Zip Freezer Detergent Dryer Sheets 8802 Pid or Storage Bags 2802. Bottle 105 ct. Box Selected Varieties a 1010 20¢t SAVE $1.00 WITH CARD SAVE $1.70 WITH CARD SAVE $1.00 WITH CARD SAVE $2.18 0N 2 WITH CARD « a SF iS IVORY Melle 5) | Deodorant Body Wash Coffee Mugs Coffee Filters F 2610300 2102 Originalor Noe See Store for Selection Se torefor Selection ¢ \ Herbal SAVEST9O WITH CARD SAVE $1.30 WITH CARD SAVE $3.00 WITH CARD SAVE $1.49 WITH CARD essences ww f nates 3-Cube = = Shampoo or : = Organizer a Conditioner Teak Finish ! 11.702. Baskets Sold Separately rine Lnergizer, Batteri ‘Allin-Stock = perfect Protein Bars Nutrition Bars Lint Trap 5k 17642. Singles Pack SAVE$1.50WITHCARD | SAVE $3.50 WITH CARD | SAVE $3.95 ON 5 WITH CARD SAVE $17.00 WITH CARD ‘SAVE $2.00 ON 2 WITH CARD SAVE 49¢ WITH CARD

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