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Current weekly ad Stop & Shop - Valid from 09/23 to 09/29 - Page nb 6

Weekly ad Stop & Shop 09/23/2022 - 09/29/2022


Products in this weekly ad

22_39_M03__BDP 09/07/22 ee FROZEN Go ye American Flatbread Pima or Sweet Earth Entré Frozan Selected Vretles American Flatbreod, 9.1-11.9 02. or Sweet Earth, 9.07. pkg. 9571073 oan] ea ees [ omanmac || (cero | Fonvama || a Birds Eye Steamfresh Vagetables Frozen, Selected Varieties, 10-10.8 0 5558710 DIGITAL (ovol Ute) when you buy 2 Breyers Ice Cream or Klondike Ice Cream Bars — bases one Halo Top Pint, Keto Pops Novelty Pack Boca Meatless Product or Sf, ox, cont: or Klondike, or Blue Bunny MinilceCreamCones Devour Frozen Entrée Frozen, Selected Varieties, 15-27 fl. oz. pkg. 5569807 Selected Varieties, Halo Top Ice Cream, 16 fl.oz. Frozen, Selected Varieties, Boca, 10 oz. 14.76-19.64 02. pkg. 5569969 Without coupon 2/$8 cont, Keto Pops, 10.69. oz.or Blue Bunny, or Devour 812.5 02. pkg, 5568022 18-18.49.02.pkg. 5560653 raed an Poa ate when you buy 2 \dly’s Nutty Buddy, Super Stuffed, Outshine Fruit Bars Birds Eye Voila! Family Size Meal Pizza Big Chipper or Happy DaysNovelties | Selected Varieties, 14.7-15 oz. pha. Frozen, Selected Varieties, 42 0. pkg. Frozen, Selected Varieties, 10.9-11.5 oz. pkg Selected Varieties, 13-30fl.oz.pkg.5585128 5615476 Without coupon 2/88 5558638 5483551 eee GROCERY a! Cheez-It Snack Crackers Pepperidge Farm Goldfish RW Garcia MixtBag Tortilla Chips _Pop-Secret Microwave Popcorn, Emerald ‘or Town House Crackers Selected Varieties, 4-8 02. bag 5614247 Selected Varieties, 14 oz. bag 5608466 100 Calorie Packs or Emerald Nuts Selected Varieties, Cheez-t,5.8-12.402 Selected Varieties, Popcorn, 1540-2 02. box, 100 Calorie or Town House, 9-13.80. pig. 5612248 Packs3 92-483 oz. or Nuts, 5-5 o2.pkg 5629813 Ka GETS! qt * FREE Powerade or Gold Peak ‘Schweppes Seltzer Water 8 Pack Gator ans Selected Varieties 8/120. cans, Sete etes 25.02 Selected Varieties, 10/7 5 #.o2-cans Scena nat Plus Deposit Where Applicable 5618055 Plus Deposit Where. ‘Applicable ‘55asai1 Plus Deposit Where Applicable 5616924 eee een eet Oe oes 18,5, Plus Deposit Where Applicable 5615497 & aS $6°9 Hawaiian Punch Caribou Coffee Post Family Size Honey. Bunches Selected Varieties, 128 9.02. bt. Plus Selected Varieties, 12 oz. bag 5579682 of Oats or Pebbles Cereal Selected Varieties, 1.6-1.7 02. pkg Deposit Where Applicable 5623489, Selected Varieties, 19.5-23 oz. box 5582979 30 BOARDEE lemme. $499 2/S4 Sey 4! = Chef Boyardee, Del Monte Vegetables, Bumble Bee College Inn Broth or Stock Idahoan Mashed Potatoes, Hunt's Tomatoes Campbell's Well Yes! Soup Solid White Tuna 4 Pack ‘or Stop & Shop Long Grain Rice ‘or Pasta Sauce, stops ohep Torts or Selected Varieties, 16.1-16.602, can In Oil or Water, 4/5 oz. cans 5611606 Selected Varieties, Broth or Stock, 32 oz.carton Aen ie's Macaroni: 5614558 for Rice, 32.02.bag 5596289 Sected Vertis and les 5562409 Wendel Bread, Rolls, Trident Gum Bottle Ghirardelli Baking Chips Little Bites English Muffins or "Tsstykake Donuts or Multipack Selected Varieties, 10-12 02. bag Selected Varieties, 6.88-9.75 oz. pkg. 5615522 __ Selected Varieties, Wonder Bread, 2002.loaf, Ros, Scr, | Selected Varieties, 40-48 ct. pkg. 5596341 5597523 ngish Mut, 12 oTastyake Donuts 102. pkg SE1S316. ca E a 54” ase 2/55 Del Monte Fruit Cups McCormick Spices Lawry's Marinade Nature's Promise Salad Dressing Selected Varieties, 14~16 o7. pkg, $531358 Selected Varieties, 62-3.12 oz. pkg, Selected Varieties, 12 1.02. btl.5619600 Selected Varieties, 12.02. bt, 5627411 Me PETS BABY SAVES10 ==> when you buy 2 Huggies or Honest Diapers HappyBaby or HappyTot OrganicFood Mill-Bone Chunks, Dipped, Stacked Tidy Cats Litter Selected Varieties, Huggies Giga Pack, 36-100ct. SelectedVarities,ProteinBars,4402.,Veggie of Stuffed Dog Sna Selected Varieties, 101b.bag 5588152 lor Honest, 44-68 ct pkg, 5622085 orCaredovh asec orSnecin i 7ce pes. | Seuctadventee Seales Dyped A2onor 5622731 Stacked or Stuffed, 1002. pkg. 5625229 COL: P3 BOP-C P3 BOP-M + P3BDP ‘légales Rens mts purchasing aston tania epee sel 09/23/2022-09/29/2022 P3 BLK: BDP, BRD, DAN, DBY, FFD, GLN, HAM, HVN, NFD, NOR, NVN, NWH, NWK, RFD, STR, WLT *

Latest weekly ads

22_39_M03__BDP 09/07/22 ee FROZEN Go ye American Flatbread Pima or Sweet Earth Entré Frozan Selected Vretles American Flatbreod, 9.1-11.9 02. or Sweet Earth, 9.07. pkg. 9571073 oan] ea ees [ omanmac || (cero | Fonvama || a Birds Eye Steamfresh Vagetables Frozen, Selected Varieties, 10-10.8 0 5558710 DIGITAL (ovol Ute) when you buy 2 Breyers Ice Cream or Klondike Ice Cream Bars — bases one Halo Top Pint, Keto Pops Novelty Pack Boca Meatless Product or Sf, ox, cont: or Klondike, or Blue Bunny MinilceCreamCones Devour Frozen Entrée Frozen, Selected Varieties, 15-27 fl. oz. pkg. 5569807 Selected Varieties, Halo Top Ice Cream, 16 fl.oz. Frozen, Selected Varieties, Boca, 10 oz. 14.76-19.64 02. pkg. 5569969 Without coupon 2/$8 cont, Keto Pops, 10.69. oz.or Blue Bunny, or Devour 812.5 02. pkg, 5568022 18-18.49.02.pkg. 5560653 raed an Poa ate when you buy 2 \dly’s Nutty Buddy, Super Stuffed, Outshine Fruit Bars Birds Eye Voila! Family Size Meal Pizza Big Chipper or Happy DaysNovelties | Selected Varieties, 14.7-15 oz. pha. Frozen, Selected Varieties, 42 0. pkg. Frozen, Selected Varieties, 10.9-11.5 oz. pkg Selected Varieties, 13-30fl.oz.pkg.5585128 5615476 Without coupon 2/88 5558638 5483551 eee GROCERY a! Cheez-It Snack Crackers Pepperidge Farm Goldfish RW Garcia MixtBag Tortilla Chips _Pop-Secret Microwave Popcorn, Emerald ‘or Town House Crackers Selected Varieties, 4-8 02. bag 5614247 Selected Varieties, 14 oz. bag 5608466 100 Calorie Packs or Emerald Nuts Selected Varieties, Cheez-t,5.8-12.402 Selected Varieties, Popcorn, 1540-2 02. box, 100 Calorie or Town House, 9-13.80. pig. 5612248 Packs3 92-483 oz. or Nuts, 5-5 o2.pkg 5629813 Ka GETS! qt * FREE Powerade or Gold Peak ‘Schweppes Seltzer Water 8 Pack Gator ans Selected Varieties 8/120. cans, Sete etes 25.02 Selected Varieties, 10/7 5 #.o2-cans Scena nat Plus Deposit Where Applicable 5618055 Plus Deposit Where. ‘Applicable ‘55asai1 Plus Deposit Where Applicable 5616924 eee een eet Oe oes 18,5, Plus Deposit Where Applicable 5615497 & aS $6°9 Hawaiian Punch Caribou Coffee Post Family Size Honey. Bunches Selected Varieties, 128 9.02. bt. Plus Selected Varieties, 12 oz. bag 5579682 of Oats or Pebbles Cereal Selected Varieties, 1.6-1.7 02. pkg Deposit Where Applicable 5623489, Selected Varieties, 19.5-23 oz. box 5582979 30 BOARDEE lemme. $499 2/S4 Sey 4! = Chef Boyardee, Del Monte Vegetables, Bumble Bee College Inn Broth or Stock Idahoan Mashed Potatoes, Hunt's Tomatoes Campbell's Well Yes! Soup Solid White Tuna 4 Pack ‘or Stop & Shop Long Grain Rice ‘or Pasta Sauce, stops ohep Torts or Selected Varieties, 16.1-16.602, can In Oil or Water, 4/5 oz. cans 5611606 Selected Varieties, Broth or Stock, 32 oz.carton Aen ie's Macaroni: 5614558 for Rice, 32.02.bag 5596289 Sected Vertis and les 5562409 Wendel Bread, Rolls, Trident Gum Bottle Ghirardelli Baking Chips Little Bites English Muffins or "Tsstykake Donuts or Multipack Selected Varieties, 10-12 02. bag Selected Varieties, 6.88-9.75 oz. pkg. 5615522 __ Selected Varieties, Wonder Bread, 2002.loaf, Ros, Scr, | Selected Varieties, 40-48 ct. pkg. 5596341 5597523 ngish Mut, 12 oTastyake Donuts 102. pkg SE1S316. ca E a 54” ase 2/55 Del Monte Fruit Cups McCormick Spices Lawry's Marinade Nature's Promise Salad Dressing Selected Varieties, 14~16 o7. pkg, $531358 Selected Varieties, 62-3.12 oz. pkg, Selected Varieties, 12 1.02. btl.5619600 Selected Varieties, 12.02. bt, 5627411 Me PETS BABY SAVES10 ==> when you buy 2 Huggies or Honest Diapers HappyBaby or HappyTot OrganicFood Mill-Bone Chunks, Dipped, Stacked Tidy Cats Litter Selected Varieties, Huggies Giga Pack, 36-100ct. SelectedVarities,ProteinBars,4402.,Veggie of Stuffed Dog Sna Selected Varieties, 101b.bag 5588152 lor Honest, 44-68 ct pkg, 5622085 orCaredovh asec orSnecin i 7ce pes. | Seuctadventee Seales Dyped A2onor 5622731 Stacked or Stuffed, 1002. pkg. 5625229 COL: P3 BOP-C P3 BOP-M + P3BDP ‘légales Rens mts purchasing aston tania epee sel 09/23/2022-09/29/2022 P3 BLK: BDP, BRD, DAN, DBY, FFD, GLN, HAM, HVN, NFD, NOR, NVN, NWH, NWK, RFD, STR, WLT *

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