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Current weekly ad Stop & Shop - Valid from 09/23 to 09/29 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Stop & Shop 09/23/2022 - 09/29/2022


Products in this weekly ad

22_39_MGF_ABE 09/02/22 ‘~ OPEN HERE FOR MORE SAVINGS! ox “1. Hot House Peppers or Hot House Cucumbers Red, Yellow or Orange Peppers 5625592 on “1. Stop & Shop Grape Tomatoes or Peeled Baby-Cut Carrots ‘Tomatoes, 1 dry pint or Carrots, 1b. pkg 5625596 QS st ee S : 1 Ie LifeWTR or Essentia Water Selected Varieties, LifeWTR, 23.7 l.02.0r Essentia Water, 20.07. bt, Plus Deposit Where Applicable 5603498 q Tas es on = Celeste Celeste Pizza For One rozen, Selected Varieties, 5-5.9 02. pkg, 5558038 Tea. Tiny Tate's Cookies Selected Varieties, 107.pkg, 5619595 Breakfast starts WY eae : DENT Cyar Coffee Day . 9/29 Starbucks Coffee Selected Varieties, Coffee, 10-12 02. bag, Bit Tor-canorKeCups €-i0et pla. 5391046 can Bey i (cra ee ig Pres oe Chock full o' Nuts Coffee Selected Varieties, 23-26 oz. can 5566978 Without coupon $7.99 $977 Café Bustelo Coffee Selected Varieties, 1002. brick 5305876 Coffee mate Creamer Selected Varieties, 3207. bt 5612524 BUY1 GET1 ‘OF EQUAL ORLESSER VALUE Fresh Store-Cut Mixed Fruit Selection May Vary By Store Family Size Pru ro Kellogg's Eggo Thick & Fluffy Waffles Frozen, Selected Varieties, 1.602. pha 5570999 Without coupon 2/66 a SAVE °3 LARABAR, :ratio or Epic Bar Selected Varicties, 5.2-13.6 02. box Cheetos Mac‘n Ch Selected Varieties, 5.65 9 or box 5656208 (COL: GF85 ABE-C GF86 ABE-Mors) “or /* GF 86ABE MDAC LUMMPMERRANSPMOMRNMDEGAAAAALALAT AMOUR ER NER EU RMMBLOEAEAR MAMORU AONE TAR MELE Little Debbie Donuts Selected Varieties, 8.9-10.5 oz. bag 5621233

Latest weekly ads

22_39_MGF_ABE 09/02/22 ‘~ OPEN HERE FOR MORE SAVINGS! ox “1. Hot House Peppers or Hot House Cucumbers Red, Yellow or Orange Peppers 5625592 on “1. Stop & Shop Grape Tomatoes or Peeled Baby-Cut Carrots ‘Tomatoes, 1 dry pint or Carrots, 1b. pkg 5625596 QS st ee S : 1 Ie LifeWTR or Essentia Water Selected Varieties, LifeWTR, 23.7 l.02.0r Essentia Water, 20.07. bt, Plus Deposit Where Applicable 5603498 q Tas es on = Celeste Celeste Pizza For One rozen, Selected Varieties, 5-5.9 02. pkg, 5558038 Tea. Tiny Tate's Cookies Selected Varieties, 107.pkg, 5619595 Breakfast starts WY eae : DENT Cyar Coffee Day . 9/29 Starbucks Coffee Selected Varieties, Coffee, 10-12 02. bag, Bit Tor-canorKeCups €-i0et pla. 5391046 can Bey i (cra ee ig Pres oe Chock full o' Nuts Coffee Selected Varieties, 23-26 oz. can 5566978 Without coupon $7.99 $977 Café Bustelo Coffee Selected Varieties, 1002. brick 5305876 Coffee mate Creamer Selected Varieties, 3207. bt 5612524 BUY1 GET1 ‘OF EQUAL ORLESSER VALUE Fresh Store-Cut Mixed Fruit Selection May Vary By Store Family Size Pru ro Kellogg's Eggo Thick & Fluffy Waffles Frozen, Selected Varieties, 1.602. pha 5570999 Without coupon 2/66 a SAVE °3 LARABAR, :ratio or Epic Bar Selected Varicties, 5.2-13.6 02. box Cheetos Mac‘n Ch Selected Varieties, 5.65 9 or box 5656208 (COL: GF85 ABE-C GF86 ABE-Mors) “or /* GF 86ABE MDAC LUMMPMERRANSPMOMRNMDEGAAAAALALAT AMOUR ER NER EU RMMBLOEAEAR MAMORU AONE TAR MELE Little Debbie Donuts Selected Varieties, 8.9-10.5 oz. bag 5621233

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