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Current weekly ad Mills Fleet Farm - Valid from 06/16 to 06/24 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Mills Fleet Farm 06/16/2023 - 06/24/2023


Products in this weekly ad

Fleet Farm. Kong” Dog Toys and Treats. 100778001 Blue’ 22 to 30-Ib. Dog Food. r00si9729 We opps i Sprout’ 40-Ib. Mixed Bits Cat Food. Reg. 29.99 100434658 4°. Litter Delight” 25-Ib. Traditional Cat Litter. Reg. 6.49 ro1094032 Hill's Science Diet 21.5 to 45-Ib. Dog Food or 13 to 16-Ib. Cat Food. 100896637 Wile supplies las. bee 2 Pricing effective Friday, June 16 through Saturday, June 24, 2023, 023251 YOU ASKED. WE LISTENED. for the Price Di rices throughout our stores and online Nehcichaedcl seen an chil: Sel mVol R710 eA 36.99 REG. 29.99 SALE 10.00 Mail-in Rebate 1 922, PRICE Pennzoil’ Platinum” 5-qt. Full ‘Synthetic Motor Oil. 0W20, 5W20 Or 5W30. 101196309 items advertised with rebates ae subject tothe conditions & limits established bythe manufacture. fey 10% OFF Low Fleet Price Interstate" Marine/RV Deep Cycle Batteries. With exchange. 550 CCA and 675 CCA. SALE 107.99-116.99 Reg, 119,99-129.99 roosea7e1 ‘Additional charge unless a used lead acid battery isrotunes ( WS 732. Kaytee’ 20-Ib. Wild Bird Food Basic Blend. Reg. 12.49 o07e04560 iia felt) at NEW LOWER PRICES. 29922. Lakes & Rivers* Fishing Sit-On Kayak. Reg. 399,99 ro1oa2221 See 0, 50% OFF Valspar’ Gallon Medallion Plus Paint. Reg. 49.99-66.99 1o17e1733 While suppis ist Second simiar tem must be of qual or lesser vale 25% OFF Low Fleet Price Fleet Farm’ 14 to 16-oz. Pecans and Walnuts. SALE 3.66-10.49 Reg. 4.89-13.99 ro0216299

Latest weekly ads

Fleet Farm. Kong” Dog Toys and Treats. 100778001 Blue’ 22 to 30-Ib. Dog Food. r00si9729 We opps i Sprout’ 40-Ib. Mixed Bits Cat Food. Reg. 29.99 100434658 4°. Litter Delight” 25-Ib. Traditional Cat Litter. Reg. 6.49 ro1094032 Hill's Science Diet 21.5 to 45-Ib. Dog Food or 13 to 16-Ib. Cat Food. 100896637 Wile supplies las. bee 2 Pricing effective Friday, June 16 through Saturday, June 24, 2023, 023251 YOU ASKED. WE LISTENED. for the Price Di rices throughout our stores and online Nehcichaedcl seen an chil: Sel mVol R710 eA 36.99 REG. 29.99 SALE 10.00 Mail-in Rebate 1 922, PRICE Pennzoil’ Platinum” 5-qt. Full ‘Synthetic Motor Oil. 0W20, 5W20 Or 5W30. 101196309 items advertised with rebates ae subject tothe conditions & limits established bythe manufacture. fey 10% OFF Low Fleet Price Interstate" Marine/RV Deep Cycle Batteries. With exchange. 550 CCA and 675 CCA. SALE 107.99-116.99 Reg, 119,99-129.99 roosea7e1 ‘Additional charge unless a used lead acid battery isrotunes ( WS 732. Kaytee’ 20-Ib. Wild Bird Food Basic Blend. Reg. 12.49 o07e04560 iia felt) at NEW LOWER PRICES. 29922. Lakes & Rivers* Fishing Sit-On Kayak. Reg. 399,99 ro1oa2221 See 0, 50% OFF Valspar’ Gallon Medallion Plus Paint. Reg. 49.99-66.99 1o17e1733 While suppis ist Second simiar tem must be of qual or lesser vale 25% OFF Low Fleet Price Fleet Farm’ 14 to 16-oz. Pecans and Walnuts. SALE 3.66-10.49 Reg. 4.89-13.99 ro0216299

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