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Current weekly ad Michaels - Valid from 03/23 to 03/27 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Michaels 03/23/2025 - 03/27/2025


Products in this weekly ad

50% Spring Stems by Ashland* Spring Deluxe Bushes & Containers by Ashland* 7 BAY) i 50% Beotles & Blooms Décor Collection “Ashland” 50% Lily Pond Décor Collection by Ashland 50% Spring Candles & Home Fragrance Collection by Ashland” = ¢ \ : te Buy BUY 1, BUY1, [a K 50% OFF" GET1 GET1 = ALL heetrarete abe i! 50% OFF” 50% OFF" ; by Cricut*, Make Market® & Siser* BELLA+CANVAS® Premium T-Shirts Gallery Collection Wall Frames Basics Frames Excludes clearance. Project idea shown. by Studio Décor* by Studio Décor* i mn W eet eet aut aur ; : Boe OFF Bore OE ciiiimeiitads, |SO%KOFF 50% OFF" by Studio Décor* Open stock & sets, Fine Art Marker, Pen & Pencil Sets Open-Stock Markers, Pens & Pencils Stuff We des clearance. BUY 2, GET 1 FREE: Buy two items at rogue price & got the thd of equal o esse valo foe. Excludes cleacance, BUY 1, GET-1 80% OFF: Buy one x fs cesrce, BUY 1, GET’2 FREE: Buy ono tem at regular price & got the second & thd of equa or lessorvaue fre. Excudes clearance. BUY 2, GEY 2 FREE: By two teme at roga rice us

Latest weekly ads

50% Spring Stems by Ashland* Spring Deluxe Bushes & Containers by Ashland* 7 BAY) i 50% Beotles & Blooms Décor Collection “Ashland” 50% Lily Pond Décor Collection by Ashland 50% Spring Candles & Home Fragrance Collection by Ashland” = ¢ \ : te Buy BUY 1, BUY1, [a K 50% OFF" GET1 GET1 = ALL heetrarete abe i! 50% OFF” 50% OFF" ; by Cricut*, Make Market® & Siser* BELLA+CANVAS® Premium T-Shirts Gallery Collection Wall Frames Basics Frames Excludes clearance. Project idea shown. by Studio Décor* by Studio Décor* i mn W eet eet aut aur ; : Boe OFF Bore OE ciiiimeiitads, |SO%KOFF 50% OFF" by Studio Décor* Open stock & sets, Fine Art Marker, Pen & Pencil Sets Open-Stock Markers, Pens & Pencils Stuff We des clearance. BUY 2, GET 1 FREE: Buy two items at rogue price & got the thd of equal o esse valo foe. Excludes cleacance, BUY 1, GET-1 80% OFF: Buy one x fs cesrce, BUY 1, GET’2 FREE: Buy ono tem at regular price & got the second & thd of equa or lessorvaue fre. Excudes clearance. BUY 2, GEY 2 FREE: By two teme at roga rice us

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