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Current weekly ad Value City Furniture - Valid from 03/01 to 06/30 - Page nb 15

Weekly ad Value City Furniture 03/01/2023 - 06/30/2023


Products in this weekly ad

Your sofa, your way Start customizing—just pick, mix, match! 55+ Fabrics: including eco-performance & bouclé 10 Sofa styles: in sizes big to small 4 Cushion options: feather-soft to firm & in-between 5 Accent chairs Custom pillows i dni b dd 9 ed — tt —_—+ ll td abada MAKE IT YOU me The friendliest fabrics ever: — Eco-friendly. Pet-and kid-friendly. Trend-friendly (new colors & textures!) Always, always budget-friendly. EE Gite 29

Latest weekly ads

Your sofa, your way Start customizing—just pick, mix, match! 55+ Fabrics: including eco-performance & bouclé 10 Sofa styles: in sizes big to small 4 Cushion options: feather-soft to firm & in-between 5 Accent chairs Custom pillows i dni b dd 9 ed — tt —_—+ ll td abada MAKE IT YOU me The friendliest fabrics ever: — Eco-friendly. Pet-and kid-friendly. Trend-friendly (new colors & textures!) Always, always budget-friendly. EE Gite 29

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