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Current weekly ad Super King Markets - Valid from 09/07 to 09/13 - Page nb 5

Weekly ad Super King Markets 09/07/2022 - 09/13/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Pork Picnic or Beef Sirloin Tip Leg Roast Steak or Roast : 99 49 3 0 Ib Bag ie ‘ Se , sl ma \ 5 df of Se Foster Farms| te, } s x” Be Split Chicken | ipsa, OS Ce a Breast Value TRS WATURAL Extra Lean Beef Stir Fry Taco Meat Regular or 4° Chicken Breast - Pork Sirloin End Chops oT Milanesa 3° Ba or Country Style Ribs Regular or Marinated b Marinated or Stew Meat ve 7 7 $ % ‘ n€ = = ye 3 JS “ é j Vige 7 hw ar . . . ¢ » AB 8, mf s i - é / > ANS and, i G ! a Pork Stew or 2 Mixed 3° Lamb Shoulder 4” Bersham 7 Cushion Meat ip, Mutton Meat ip, Steak or Roast } Regular or Marinated 5 be ey Shell On Raw oe 3” SK Premium Tilapia 2” Whole Golden 2” t 36-40 ct 4 Ib Box p| Fillet 10 Ib Box Pompano Page 5+ Super King Markets » 09/07/2022 Thru 09/13/2022

Latest weekly ads

Pork Picnic or Beef Sirloin Tip Leg Roast Steak or Roast : 99 49 3 0 Ib Bag ie ‘ Se , sl ma \ 5 df of Se Foster Farms| te, } s x” Be Split Chicken | ipsa, OS Ce a Breast Value TRS WATURAL Extra Lean Beef Stir Fry Taco Meat Regular or 4° Chicken Breast - Pork Sirloin End Chops oT Milanesa 3° Ba or Country Style Ribs Regular or Marinated b Marinated or Stew Meat ve 7 7 $ % ‘ n€ = = ye 3 JS “ é j Vige 7 hw ar . . . ¢ » AB 8, mf s i - é / > ANS and, i G ! a Pork Stew or 2 Mixed 3° Lamb Shoulder 4” Bersham 7 Cushion Meat ip, Mutton Meat ip, Steak or Roast } Regular or Marinated 5 be ey Shell On Raw oe 3” SK Premium Tilapia 2” Whole Golden 2” t 36-40 ct 4 Ib Box p| Fillet 10 Ib Box Pompano Page 5+ Super King Markets » 09/07/2022 Thru 09/13/2022

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