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Current weekly ad Smith’s Food and Drug - Valid from 02/08 to 02/14 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Smith’s Food and Drug 02/08/2023 - 02/14/2023


Products in this weekly ad

2302_SMON4 PF King Crab Legs j Previously Frozer La Patas de Congejo King Previamente Congelodas ae With Card | Con Tarjeta New York Strip Steaks is et eur a Tae nen Value Pack Wild-Caught Lobster Tails Colas de Langosta Silvestre 302 With Card Con Tarjeta Lie! (lami 7. FREE Oren rs mene tVW IES ee Con Tarjeta SUPER SAVINGS FOR THE BIG GAME! iSUPER AHORROS ASU ley Noy Aoi Blackberries oz With Card With Card Red Con at-vie(-t) Boneless Pork Half Loin or Tenderloins Natutall, Sold Whole in Bag Bloom Haus Dozen Roses Select Varieties ae | } a < 4 THOMAS” « We $ Pia gatnut. Kettle = c ©)" GET1 ara : Swirl Cooked 4 Zn i eg et es — ‘When You Buy 4 Classic ¢ BLOM, )) Co =o Al Comprar 4 Vag NGS MUGS i ‘ays Potato Wa aS ee Kd hla sane» / Kettle Cooked Sw (e Con Tarjeta i Potato Chips 58 07 of Cheetos, 07; Thomas' English Muffins 6 ct or Swirl Bread, 16 oz or Oroweat Wide Pan Bread, 24 o2: Select Varieties With Card Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Dr Pepper or 7UP v ‘Wher you buy 4 or more jn the same transaction with Card, uontites less than 4 are priced up to $8.99 each. ‘Al comprar 4 0 més en la misma transaccién con Tareta. Las, ‘cantidades menores de 4 cuestan hasta $8.99 cf, Bud, Miller, Coors or Tecate $19 With Card ‘30-Pack, 12 fi oz Cans or Modelo or Michelob Ultra, 18-Pack, 12 fi oz Cans; Select Varieties | Select Varieties When you buy 4 oF more in the same transaction A With Card. uote less than 4 oe priced upto my ey $4.99 each with Card , ‘Alcomprar 4 0 més en la misma ransaceén con Tayjeta. Las canidades menores de 4 cuestan hasta $4.99 ou con Tajeta T JEA With Card ‘When You Buy 2 i I 4 Al Comprar 2 Gatorade $5 99 /EA With Card 16.9 fl 02 Bottles; Select Varieties When you buy 2 or more in the same transaction with Card. Quantities less than 2 ae priced up 1o $7.99 each with Card, ‘Al comprar 2 0 més en a misma transacei6n con Tareto. ‘Las cantidades menores de 2 cuestan hasta $7.99 clu ‘con Tareto. with, 12.99 &rs -20% Philadelphia Cream Cheese Select Varieties, 802 Bar Korbel, Kendall-Jackson or Matua Select Varieties, 750 ml *See inside for details ee PHILADELPHIA een pronat With Card _ SAVE $1 EACH By Ta Rclen=\eh ae OMPRA . alae with Card 3.49 we -1.00 iN 2 SOaOSC ; ie 5 Toasted Chips ayy >. Fh AC : a ea: Y — Ee ae a \ saves 3 Best Foods 3 aA Haagen-Dazs Real Mayonnaise - - mio Ice Cream « 30 fi oz or Miracle Whip, 30 fl o Nabisco Snack Crackers \8! == 14 floz or loe Cream Bars, 3 ct or Breyers or Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing, 20-24 fi oz: Select Varieties 02 of Toasted Chips, 7.1-8.1 oz or Mio Water Enhancer, 1.62 fi oz; Select Varieties Ice Cream, 48 fi 0z or Dreyer's Ice Cream, 48 fl 07; Select Varieties Z ASW, —_ 48 ~ 4 A . = l- 5 A VA « UT =} ; a wo =~ © with digital coupon.* On FRIDAY Te SALE DATES: Wednesday, February 8 through Tuesday, February 14, 2023 SELECTION MAY VARY BY STORE, LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND. Prices and items are effective with a Smith's Rewards Card at your neighborhood Smith's store. NONE SOLD TO DEALERS. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES AND CORRECT PRINTED ERRORS. COPYRIGHT 2023. KROGER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP I.

Latest weekly ads

2302_SMON4 PF King Crab Legs j Previously Frozer La Patas de Congejo King Previamente Congelodas ae With Card | Con Tarjeta New York Strip Steaks is et eur a Tae nen Value Pack Wild-Caught Lobster Tails Colas de Langosta Silvestre 302 With Card Con Tarjeta Lie! (lami 7. FREE Oren rs mene tVW IES ee Con Tarjeta SUPER SAVINGS FOR THE BIG GAME! iSUPER AHORROS ASU ley Noy Aoi Blackberries oz With Card With Card Red Con at-vie(-t) Boneless Pork Half Loin or Tenderloins Natutall, Sold Whole in Bag Bloom Haus Dozen Roses Select Varieties ae | } a < 4 THOMAS” « We $ Pia gatnut. Kettle = c ©)" GET1 ara : Swirl Cooked 4 Zn i eg et es — ‘When You Buy 4 Classic ¢ BLOM, )) Co =o Al Comprar 4 Vag NGS MUGS i ‘ays Potato Wa aS ee Kd hla sane» / Kettle Cooked Sw (e Con Tarjeta i Potato Chips 58 07 of Cheetos, 07; Thomas' English Muffins 6 ct or Swirl Bread, 16 oz or Oroweat Wide Pan Bread, 24 o2: Select Varieties With Card Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Dr Pepper or 7UP v ‘Wher you buy 4 or more jn the same transaction with Card, uontites less than 4 are priced up to $8.99 each. ‘Al comprar 4 0 més en la misma transaccién con Tareta. Las, ‘cantidades menores de 4 cuestan hasta $8.99 cf, Bud, Miller, Coors or Tecate $19 With Card ‘30-Pack, 12 fi oz Cans or Modelo or Michelob Ultra, 18-Pack, 12 fi oz Cans; Select Varieties | Select Varieties When you buy 4 oF more in the same transaction A With Card. uote less than 4 oe priced upto my ey $4.99 each with Card , ‘Alcomprar 4 0 més en la misma ransaceén con Tayjeta. Las canidades menores de 4 cuestan hasta $4.99 ou con Tajeta T JEA With Card ‘When You Buy 2 i I 4 Al Comprar 2 Gatorade $5 99 /EA With Card 16.9 fl 02 Bottles; Select Varieties When you buy 2 or more in the same transaction with Card. Quantities less than 2 ae priced up 1o $7.99 each with Card, ‘Al comprar 2 0 més en a misma transacei6n con Tareto. ‘Las cantidades menores de 2 cuestan hasta $7.99 clu ‘con Tareto. with, 12.99 &rs -20% Philadelphia Cream Cheese Select Varieties, 802 Bar Korbel, Kendall-Jackson or Matua Select Varieties, 750 ml *See inside for details ee PHILADELPHIA een pronat With Card _ SAVE $1 EACH By Ta Rclen=\eh ae OMPRA . alae with Card 3.49 we -1.00 iN 2 SOaOSC ; ie 5 Toasted Chips ayy >. Fh AC : a ea: Y — Ee ae a \ saves 3 Best Foods 3 aA Haagen-Dazs Real Mayonnaise - - mio Ice Cream « 30 fi oz or Miracle Whip, 30 fl o Nabisco Snack Crackers \8! == 14 floz or loe Cream Bars, 3 ct or Breyers or Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing, 20-24 fi oz: Select Varieties 02 of Toasted Chips, 7.1-8.1 oz or Mio Water Enhancer, 1.62 fi oz; Select Varieties Ice Cream, 48 fi 0z or Dreyer's Ice Cream, 48 fl 07; Select Varieties Z ASW, —_ 48 ~ 4 A . = l- 5 A VA « UT =} ; a wo =~ © with digital coupon.* On FRIDAY Te SALE DATES: Wednesday, February 8 through Tuesday, February 14, 2023 SELECTION MAY VARY BY STORE, LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND. Prices and items are effective with a Smith's Rewards Card at your neighborhood Smith's store. NONE SOLD TO DEALERS. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES AND CORRECT PRINTED ERRORS. COPYRIGHT 2023. KROGER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP I.

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