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Current weekly ad Pavilions - Valid from 03/19 to 03/25 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Pavilions 03/19/2025 - 03/25/2025


Products in this weekly ad

6 arlesThoug Parle Tou ‘bares Shug aL ANGELINA MONDAVI Ora as cam ~~) Veuve Clicquot Champagne or Jordan Hendrick’s Gin Cabernet ‘or Maker's 46 Sauvignon Bourbon o ie HENDRICKS 30" bade ‘Membr Price «CRV + Mix or Match Budweiser, Coors, Miller 5 599 23999 crrichios ine DD'e Member Price sCRV ecicoe ne Espolon Tequila Justin 50 a fai or J. Lohr Hilltop or Tito's — Cabernet Handmade Sauvignon Vodka " ss Beton s bi varieties esate 2399 2199 Corona or Stella Artois oe ea So a amber Pic «CRY + Maco Motch Mamber Pic «CR + Mic or Match VemberPrice sCRV Secon ne * * ros | = Le Marea Grey Goose Prosecco Vodka or - or Butter Four Roses th Chardonnay Straight Bourbon 1799 Member Price «CRV » Mix or Match . a \ Stone 12 pock, 12 oz. bottles of car Golden Road or Figueroa Mountain IPA 12 pack, 12 02. cans Member Price «RV PG 4, Pt, P2, 2229, 2739, 3237 (09192025 Wk12 SOC PAV. WC. CIRO4 Pt

Latest weekly ads

6 arlesThoug Parle Tou ‘bares Shug aL ANGELINA MONDAVI Ora as cam ~~) Veuve Clicquot Champagne or Jordan Hendrick’s Gin Cabernet ‘or Maker's 46 Sauvignon Bourbon o ie HENDRICKS 30" bade ‘Membr Price «CRV + Mix or Match Budweiser, Coors, Miller 5 599 23999 crrichios ine DD'e Member Price sCRV ecicoe ne Espolon Tequila Justin 50 a fai or J. Lohr Hilltop or Tito's — Cabernet Handmade Sauvignon Vodka " ss Beton s bi varieties esate 2399 2199 Corona or Stella Artois oe ea So a amber Pic «CRY + Maco Motch Mamber Pic «CR + Mic or Match VemberPrice sCRV Secon ne * * ros | = Le Marea Grey Goose Prosecco Vodka or - or Butter Four Roses th Chardonnay Straight Bourbon 1799 Member Price «CRV » Mix or Match . a \ Stone 12 pock, 12 oz. bottles of car Golden Road or Figueroa Mountain IPA 12 pack, 12 02. cans Member Price «RV PG 4, Pt, P2, 2229, 2739, 3237 (09192025 Wk12 SOC PAV. WC. CIRO4 Pt

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