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Current weekly ad Mills Fleet Farm - Valid from 06/23 to 07/01 - Page nb 11

Weekly ad Mills Fleet Farm 06/23/2023 - 07/01/2023


Products in this weekly ad

‘STARTER GROWER 1 999 Fleet Price Sprout’ 50-Ib. Non-Medicated Chick Starter-Grower Crumble. 005761978 Medicated, 20.99 See store fr cea - 1 44? ‘SALE Kent¼ 25-Ib. Home Fresh” — ra Chick Starter. 100777383 50-Ib., SALE 22.49 Both not t Clintonville, Fond du Lac or Germantown, "See store for deta 21 ret ree Low Fleet Price Sprout’ 50-Ib. Poultry Meat Maker. 00522540 “see ster eas. 2142 SALE Kent" Home Fresh” 50-Ib. Extra Egg” Layer Feed. oro "Soe stove for deta Superior Cedar Posts. SALE 7.64-16.91 Reg. 8.49-18.79 ooveareat S00 store for deta —— 10% OFF Low Fleet Price American Posts* 3' to 7' Light Duty U-Post. SALE 3.59-8.99 Reg. 3.99-9.99 101098363 Zareba’ 100-Mile Low Impedance Electric. Fence Controller. UL listed. 6 joule output. Built-in lightning protection. Reg. 229.99 (000120998 Not at Germantown, 729% King Kutter’ 6' Yard Rake. Category 1 hitch. Reg. 779.99 008701245 Net t Ocanomowe KingKutter: 9 7 999 Low Fleet Price - King Kutter’ 5' Box Blade. Category 1 hitch, 00201732 nat at canamonee. 1659% King Kutter’ 5' Flex Hitch Rotary Mower. Category 1 quick hitch, flex hitch and sloped deck. Reg. 1699.99 oosror20s 2549% King Kutter’ 5' Gear Driven Rotary Tiller. Category 1 hitch. Reg. 2599.99 onsn38577 Gordon's” 2.5-gal. Amine 400 2,4-D Weed Killer. 000332940 299%, Fimco" 20-gal. ATV Sprayer. Reg. 349.99 oo7106016 ± FINICO 599% Fico" 45-gal. 3-pt. Sprayer. 2.4 GPM 12V nozzle. Reg. 659.99 101715859 NTR! iii 699% Fleet Price Country Pro 3-pt. Post Hole Digger. 100862219 Auger sl separate, Natt Oconomowoc

Latest weekly ads

‘STARTER GROWER 1 999 Fleet Price Sprout’ 50-Ib. Non-Medicated Chick Starter-Grower Crumble. 005761978 Medicated, 20.99 See store fr cea - 1 44? ‘SALE Kent¼ 25-Ib. Home Fresh” — ra Chick Starter. 100777383 50-Ib., SALE 22.49 Both not t Clintonville, Fond du Lac or Germantown, "See store for deta 21 ret ree Low Fleet Price Sprout’ 50-Ib. Poultry Meat Maker. 00522540 “see ster eas. 2142 SALE Kent" Home Fresh” 50-Ib. Extra Egg” Layer Feed. oro "Soe stove for deta Superior Cedar Posts. SALE 7.64-16.91 Reg. 8.49-18.79 ooveareat S00 store for deta —— 10% OFF Low Fleet Price American Posts* 3' to 7' Light Duty U-Post. SALE 3.59-8.99 Reg. 3.99-9.99 101098363 Zareba’ 100-Mile Low Impedance Electric. Fence Controller. UL listed. 6 joule output. Built-in lightning protection. Reg. 229.99 (000120998 Not at Germantown, 729% King Kutter’ 6' Yard Rake. Category 1 hitch. Reg. 779.99 008701245 Net t Ocanomowe KingKutter: 9 7 999 Low Fleet Price - King Kutter’ 5' Box Blade. Category 1 hitch, 00201732 nat at canamonee. 1659% King Kutter’ 5' Flex Hitch Rotary Mower. Category 1 quick hitch, flex hitch and sloped deck. Reg. 1699.99 oosror20s 2549% King Kutter’ 5' Gear Driven Rotary Tiller. Category 1 hitch. Reg. 2599.99 onsn38577 Gordon's” 2.5-gal. Amine 400 2,4-D Weed Killer. 000332940 299%, Fimco" 20-gal. ATV Sprayer. Reg. 349.99 oo7106016 ± FINICO 599% Fico" 45-gal. 3-pt. Sprayer. 2.4 GPM 12V nozzle. Reg. 659.99 101715859 NTR! iii 699% Fleet Price Country Pro 3-pt. Post Hole Digger. 100862219 Auger sl separate, Natt Oconomowoc

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