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Current weekly ad Lowes Foods - Valid from 12/21 to 12/27 - Page nb 18

Weekly ad Lowes Foods 12/21/2021 - 12/27/2021


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aE das * OFFICIAL OATMEAL SPONSOR OF THE NFL * UCT SUPER BOWL LVII eokahekeds B | 8) 4 Oe I ieodokotetedel” PLUS BE ENTERED FORA DAILY CHANCE TO SCORE TICKETS TO A 2022/23 UVR Rae a aS Meer Sota NAM a UNM on Aa oa a CCl Rene So ROL residents of the 50 US/DC, 18+ (19+ in AL/NE). Void where prohibited. Promotion begins on 9/19/22 at 12:00:00 pm, CT and ends on 12/7/22 at 11:59:59 pm. CT. To participate: Purchase any flavor and size of Quaker Old Fashioned, Quick, Instant or Steel Cut Oats, or Quaker Express Cups and look for the UPC code on pack ("Code"). Next, go to Crete ence en et ee caret nes ee ie Ae ee ere een es ‘ by 1l:55:59 p.m. CT on 12/7/22, and follow the instructions to submit your full name, address, city, state, ZIP code, date of birth, and email address. ‘Code will be emailed. Limit 1 Code request per person/email address per day. Limit: Only one (1) Code submission per person/email address per day. See Official Rules for all pee eer eet ca ee nt ect eta eam eet ger ke e CeR a Mire Mate Rete aloo 'NFL Entities have not offered or sponsored this Sweepstakes in any way. SHOP NOW LEARN HOW AT QUAKERSUPERFAN.COM

Latest weekly ads

aE das * OFFICIAL OATMEAL SPONSOR OF THE NFL * UCT SUPER BOWL LVII eokahekeds B | 8) 4 Oe I ieodokotetedel” PLUS BE ENTERED FORA DAILY CHANCE TO SCORE TICKETS TO A 2022/23 UVR Rae a aS Meer Sota NAM a UNM on Aa oa a CCl Rene So ROL residents of the 50 US/DC, 18+ (19+ in AL/NE). Void where prohibited. Promotion begins on 9/19/22 at 12:00:00 pm, CT and ends on 12/7/22 at 11:59:59 pm. CT. To participate: Purchase any flavor and size of Quaker Old Fashioned, Quick, Instant or Steel Cut Oats, or Quaker Express Cups and look for the UPC code on pack ("Code"). Next, go to Crete ence en et ee caret nes ee ie Ae ee ere een es ‘ by 1l:55:59 p.m. CT on 12/7/22, and follow the instructions to submit your full name, address, city, state, ZIP code, date of birth, and email address. ‘Code will be emailed. Limit 1 Code request per person/email address per day. Limit: Only one (1) Code submission per person/email address per day. See Official Rules for all pee eer eet ca ee nt ect eta eam eet ger ke e CeR a Mire Mate Rete aloo 'NFL Entities have not offered or sponsored this Sweepstakes in any way. SHOP NOW LEARN HOW AT QUAKERSUPERFAN.COM

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