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Current weekly ad Harmons Grocery - Valid from 06/04 to 06/10 - Page nb 5

Weekly ad Harmons Grocery 06/04/2024 - 06/10/2024


Products in this weekly ad

STOCK UP YOUR PANTRY || Kelloga's Pc anni cham V8 Splash Juice TIN q hase om Chews Icons) Ree Reet ros er i = 2 for 5S ae) ; " fl | ; OS 5 fies coy Heel tela Pasta Roni Mixes hana ES cun Ua sa | rae Ce i gees " D> | SS Fr 1339 ere bites ECU bie 2 aS =| F Miia panes PRM CSI) or Ni ACh) ji els) 0S Assorted 5-6 02. ae Goce ite rey HB) Gas (73 Ee) t Ee i ed CTU EL = mnt ’ fied Hae Bed Manicotti Pasta rents Juice eid Bs ou el oy ' are italien 5 6 “a. a ECU wy ; ES EV ECT) rT Dried Fruits ERTL aa Coffee yew INA ct CN RYAA aes Da yas i . _— Ss es @ Alo Aloe Vera —y os hapa LOO CZ) ; TTL Cy Tete Fa Smeets - E cy Assorted 169 07. See Re A Peay. hs [ a i) wat oy ai Bl ee Ree ae a. RU EL ELA Sti oa LEAT TNA b waa Assorted 1.4 07. Ee Assorted 14.9 02. Aforss vA as) ° = 2 fors

Latest weekly ads

STOCK UP YOUR PANTRY || Kelloga's Pc anni cham V8 Splash Juice TIN q hase om Chews Icons) Ree Reet ros er i = 2 for 5S ae) ; " fl | ; OS 5 fies coy Heel tela Pasta Roni Mixes hana ES cun Ua sa | rae Ce i gees " D> | SS Fr 1339 ere bites ECU bie 2 aS =| F Miia panes PRM CSI) or Ni ACh) ji els) 0S Assorted 5-6 02. ae Goce ite rey HB) Gas (73 Ee) t Ee i ed CTU EL = mnt ’ fied Hae Bed Manicotti Pasta rents Juice eid Bs ou el oy ' are italien 5 6 “a. a ECU wy ; ES EV ECT) rT Dried Fruits ERTL aa Coffee yew INA ct CN RYAA aes Da yas i . _— Ss es @ Alo Aloe Vera —y os hapa LOO CZ) ; TTL Cy Tete Fa Smeets - E cy Assorted 169 07. See Re A Peay. hs [ a i) wat oy ai Bl ee Ree ae a. RU EL ELA Sti oa LEAT TNA b waa Assorted 1.4 07. Ee Assorted 14.9 02. Aforss vA as) ° = 2 fors

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