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Current weekly ad Harmons Grocery - Valid from 05/14 to 05/20 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Harmons Grocery 05/14/2024 - 05/20/2024


Products in this weekly ad

ec ree » gees WS Sisters Yogurt Half & Half VOSS OS free Range Eggs TONES Nase i0a ee aio rata} $39 ea. Ah a Ay Me Enh nl STN SNA Ka res 5 ea. a es Fage Yogurt SNA rae) FROZEN FOOD OR itil ee Blue Bunny TCT Eka yore yA OTe Tac) Assorted 56 02. BOE e 1) a ONOOU NN peg 7S Tara) sco Sore Y nek) a Ry ed a a SA Assorted 16-18 oz. ECR o4 Py *, l 54% ea. ~ @L._delimex Taquitos He alt eS “ Assorted 21.6 02. tts Assorted 6-7 oz. a $499 : $399 18- oe Le Loe SeaPak Products Assorted 8.2-16 oz. cas seu Ane me CC Tey | 1) Assorted 2.5-4.4 oz. 4 Limes erst Shean oC —

Latest weekly ads

ec ree » gees WS Sisters Yogurt Half & Half VOSS OS free Range Eggs TONES Nase i0a ee aio rata} $39 ea. Ah a Ay Me Enh nl STN SNA Ka res 5 ea. a es Fage Yogurt SNA rae) FROZEN FOOD OR itil ee Blue Bunny TCT Eka yore yA OTe Tac) Assorted 56 02. BOE e 1) a ONOOU NN peg 7S Tara) sco Sore Y nek) a Ry ed a a SA Assorted 16-18 oz. ECR o4 Py *, l 54% ea. ~ @L._delimex Taquitos He alt eS “ Assorted 21.6 02. tts Assorted 6-7 oz. a $499 : $399 18- oe Le Loe SeaPak Products Assorted 8.2-16 oz. cas seu Ane me CC Tey | 1) Assorted 2.5-4.4 oz. 4 Limes erst Shean oC —

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