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Current weekly ad Harmons Grocery - Valid from 07/09 to 07/15 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Harmons Grocery 07/09/2024 - 07/15/2024


Products in this weekly ad

KITCHEN | AA OV a Vz ‘a wth [_— 7 ie Sy NU Tannt SMV Hav U UN rs BRD HUA ADT me 6 oz. fresh 24 oz. Enjoy with Harmons ae Be . ) we artisan bread oe Sen | ~ : oe y ES OS 6 oz. 3 02. HARMONS HALF SUBS Turkey, ham & roast beef or salami, ham & mortadella oe Sei HARMONS FRESH MOZZARELLA . BOSTON BUTT ni Pair with sticky balsamic iy an Pork shoulder, bone-in yaya ulihy ia Te 2 Ceara ra ae f Land 0' Frost AS ae a ecg Serle Ro am an leeaegriotl Assorted 8 oz. AP —— sce, 8 ey Pore FRESE 6% ea. (i — =i = TOS Harmons sone Men ee ae =a - OR Tes : ee { VSNL : bs (AEG 2for'7 ce = | rie

Latest weekly ads

KITCHEN | AA OV a Vz ‘a wth [_— 7 ie Sy NU Tannt SMV Hav U UN rs BRD HUA ADT me 6 oz. fresh 24 oz. Enjoy with Harmons ae Be . ) we artisan bread oe Sen | ~ : oe y ES OS 6 oz. 3 02. HARMONS HALF SUBS Turkey, ham & roast beef or salami, ham & mortadella oe Sei HARMONS FRESH MOZZARELLA . BOSTON BUTT ni Pair with sticky balsamic iy an Pork shoulder, bone-in yaya ulihy ia Te 2 Ceara ra ae f Land 0' Frost AS ae a ecg Serle Ro am an leeaegriotl Assorted 8 oz. AP —— sce, 8 ey Pore FRESE 6% ea. (i — =i = TOS Harmons sone Men ee ae =a - OR Tes : ee { VSNL : bs (AEG 2for'7 ce = | rie

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