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Current weekly ad Grant's Supermarkets - Valid from 09/21 to 09/27 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Grant's Supermarkets 09/21/2022 - 09/27/2022


Products in this weekly ad

HOMETOWN PR@UD_ Community Connected. Community Committed. A ST A AY TSW Wet DOS Drager tty Brat Y Rg Nr) be esd ering K Cup Pod Coffee EIR RR Rd Oreo, Chips Ahoy, Ritz 14-40 Lb ace ty te US clu fe yd September 21st instant Savings Offer Good September 21s Patan hearst Tu gad arse Baby Ruth, Ceca Nestle Crunch Bar Tee Le Unilever et) ae Tac Ue Protein Shake Sine ee 3 Black Canyon ‘Angus Choice London Broil Roast (Excludes Instant) 4 y > bas Hormel Always Tender Boston Butt Pork Roast Lb Black Canyon ‘Angus Choice New York Strip Steaks Springer Mountain Farms Fresh Grade “A” Boneless Skinless Thighs Hormel Always Tender Black Canyon Angus Choice Boneless Beef Cube Steak FREE FRIDAY } DOWNLOAD Biase Puree Wear) EON B/AYLUd Black Canyon Angus Choice Boneless Top Round Steak Tori Hormel Always Tender Center Cut Pork Steaks 2a Benes de a eee ae ad Go to our website CLICK. SHOP. SAVE. oy Ine D at ALL LUG Visit i? to apply or apply in person at one of our locations. Jimmy Dean Sliced Bacon Oscar Mayer Fully Cooked Bacon euiycooret “a $399 2.52 02 box Oscar Mayer Sliced Bologna Or Cotto Salami Ball Park Chef Boyardee Post That’s Smart! Can Pasta i i All Meat Franks Pebbles Cereal Apple Juice Cocktail <n =" By, ee (4 Vicar # Lay: pS y I ' Sale Price 5/S5 || sale P 2/85 ing With Digital Coupon -S1on5 || with Digital Coupon -S1on2 Johnsonville Smoked, Polish, Or FINAL PRICI FINAL PRICI Ly. vS5 Beddar With Cheddar Sausage 145-15 oz weet _ a Chia 64 oz a, , Borden “New Crop” Zesty Yellow Shredded Cheese Idaho Potatoes Cooking Onions Oscar Mayer rey Juice Lunchables Saie'bit lla sige ’ ale Price With Digital Coupon -$1 on 2 $549 3 Hibs icike 10 Lb Bag 2 Lb Bag Purex Pepsi Products $9379 16 oz Laundry Detergent Sk 1/2 Lir Bottle Smithfield Smoked Or Honey Ham Pillow Pack We House Of Raeford Honey Butter Mini Corn Dogs a E usd 2/86 $1 on2 Sale Price With Digital Coupon Sale Price out Customers With Digital Coupon «| “543 ITEMS AND PRICES GOOD eget s PaAP BLUEFIELD AVENUE, BLUEWELL, GLENWOOD, GREEN VALLEY, MERCER STREET, ATHENS CROSSROADS, WAR, OAK HILL, SMITHERS, TAZEWELL, RICHLANDS, NARROWS, RICH CREEK, BLAND & GALAX. $599\_|emmm 30.8 oz G shopatgrants Ei shopatgrants 6 shopatgrants

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HOMETOWN PR@UD_ Community Connected. Community Committed. A ST A AY TSW Wet DOS Drager tty Brat Y Rg Nr) be esd ering K Cup Pod Coffee EIR RR Rd Oreo, Chips Ahoy, Ritz 14-40 Lb ace ty te US clu fe yd September 21st instant Savings Offer Good September 21s Patan hearst Tu gad arse Baby Ruth, Ceca Nestle Crunch Bar Tee Le Unilever et) ae Tac Ue Protein Shake Sine ee 3 Black Canyon ‘Angus Choice London Broil Roast (Excludes Instant) 4 y > bas Hormel Always Tender Boston Butt Pork Roast Lb Black Canyon ‘Angus Choice New York Strip Steaks Springer Mountain Farms Fresh Grade “A” Boneless Skinless Thighs Hormel Always Tender Black Canyon Angus Choice Boneless Beef Cube Steak FREE FRIDAY } DOWNLOAD Biase Puree Wear) EON B/AYLUd Black Canyon Angus Choice Boneless Top Round Steak Tori Hormel Always Tender Center Cut Pork Steaks 2a Benes de a eee ae ad Go to our website CLICK. SHOP. SAVE. oy Ine D at ALL LUG Visit i? to apply or apply in person at one of our locations. Jimmy Dean Sliced Bacon Oscar Mayer Fully Cooked Bacon euiycooret “a $399 2.52 02 box Oscar Mayer Sliced Bologna Or Cotto Salami Ball Park Chef Boyardee Post That’s Smart! Can Pasta i i All Meat Franks Pebbles Cereal Apple Juice Cocktail <n =" By, ee (4 Vicar # Lay: pS y I ' Sale Price 5/S5 || sale P 2/85 ing With Digital Coupon -S1on5 || with Digital Coupon -S1on2 Johnsonville Smoked, Polish, Or FINAL PRICI FINAL PRICI Ly. vS5 Beddar With Cheddar Sausage 145-15 oz weet _ a Chia 64 oz a, , Borden “New Crop” Zesty Yellow Shredded Cheese Idaho Potatoes Cooking Onions Oscar Mayer rey Juice Lunchables Saie'bit lla sige ’ ale Price With Digital Coupon -$1 on 2 $549 3 Hibs icike 10 Lb Bag 2 Lb Bag Purex Pepsi Products $9379 16 oz Laundry Detergent Sk 1/2 Lir Bottle Smithfield Smoked Or Honey Ham Pillow Pack We House Of Raeford Honey Butter Mini Corn Dogs a E usd 2/86 $1 on2 Sale Price With Digital Coupon Sale Price out Customers With Digital Coupon «| “543 ITEMS AND PRICES GOOD eget s PaAP BLUEFIELD AVENUE, BLUEWELL, GLENWOOD, GREEN VALLEY, MERCER STREET, ATHENS CROSSROADS, WAR, OAK HILL, SMITHERS, TAZEWELL, RICHLANDS, NARROWS, RICH CREEK, BLAND & GALAX. $599\_|emmm 30.8 oz G shopatgrants Ei shopatgrants 6 shopatgrants

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