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Current weekly ad Gerbes Supermarkets - Valid from 01/11 to 01/17 - Page nb 7

Weekly ad Gerbes Supermarkets 01/11/2023 - 01/17/2023


Products in this weekly ad

sync) Wee WITH FAN | NUTS With Card Zatarain's Smoked Sausage Select Varieties, 14 oz Kroger Bacon Wrapped Beef Tenderloin Filet Niece) Garden Fresh Led 2/°7 With Card Home Chef \ Pepperoni Pizza $649 With Card Kroger a (Tol (ole) [Brey WOME CHEE o Pepperoat With Card 21.5-25 oz, In the Deli Tee oT Select Varieties, I "hi Deli Select Varieties, 38-40 oz in he Produce Department 779 Is 5 Ae Pinas Guacamole ples With Card A 399 Private Selection Seedless Mini rakes) Sweet Peppers 1 Ib Bag Select Varieties, 12 0z,In the Produce Department | Michelob Ultra x By Select Varieties, | Sat | 24-Pack, 12 floz Cans Az \| 4 > 26 | DU) 3s —— DiGiorno Pizza 49 Tyson Chicken 99 Select Varieties, Nuggets, Patties 22.1-31.5 02 JEA or Tenders Wi rd Select Varieties, With Card ¥ A ‘When you buy 2 or more in the same transaction with Card. 25-32 oz iege Lay's Potato Kettle Cooked Potato Chips Aha Sparkling Rubbermaid cS \ were ' 3/' 1 1 Take Alongs 156 x elect Varieties, - mia cs Food Storage 2 —— = Pack, 12 floz Cans With Card Sect Vanetion with Carel SYR S| 4,788 02 or Tostitos Tortilla Chips, 9-13 07; Ais yb So eh soe oto wi Cr Select Varieties ‘Quantities less than 3 will be $3.99 each with Prices good Wednesday, January 11 through Tuesday, vonveny 17, 2023. SAVE ON THE fonda FRESHEST » § 949 CITRUS OF THE SEASON. Sy Bix Lemon bie hal Meringue Pie Grapefruit 25 oz or Bundt or “ Ertan Pudding Cake, a Select Varieties, 8 = A C5 99 33-43 oz; In the Bakery| 4 ‘hop Kroger $799 g rns f Rrretees Lemons S| = or Limes 8 - 2 Ib Bag With Card ~+\ With Card

Latest weekly ads

sync) Wee WITH FAN | NUTS With Card Zatarain's Smoked Sausage Select Varieties, 14 oz Kroger Bacon Wrapped Beef Tenderloin Filet Niece) Garden Fresh Led 2/°7 With Card Home Chef \ Pepperoni Pizza $649 With Card Kroger a (Tol (ole) [Brey WOME CHEE o Pepperoat With Card 21.5-25 oz, In the Deli Tee oT Select Varieties, I "hi Deli Select Varieties, 38-40 oz in he Produce Department 779 Is 5 Ae Pinas Guacamole ples With Card A 399 Private Selection Seedless Mini rakes) Sweet Peppers 1 Ib Bag Select Varieties, 12 0z,In the Produce Department | Michelob Ultra x By Select Varieties, | Sat | 24-Pack, 12 floz Cans Az \| 4 > 26 | DU) 3s —— DiGiorno Pizza 49 Tyson Chicken 99 Select Varieties, Nuggets, Patties 22.1-31.5 02 JEA or Tenders Wi rd Select Varieties, With Card ¥ A ‘When you buy 2 or more in the same transaction with Card. 25-32 oz iege Lay's Potato Kettle Cooked Potato Chips Aha Sparkling Rubbermaid cS \ were ' 3/' 1 1 Take Alongs 156 x elect Varieties, - mia cs Food Storage 2 —— = Pack, 12 floz Cans With Card Sect Vanetion with Carel SYR S| 4,788 02 or Tostitos Tortilla Chips, 9-13 07; Ais yb So eh soe oto wi Cr Select Varieties ‘Quantities less than 3 will be $3.99 each with Prices good Wednesday, January 11 through Tuesday, vonveny 17, 2023. SAVE ON THE fonda FRESHEST » § 949 CITRUS OF THE SEASON. Sy Bix Lemon bie hal Meringue Pie Grapefruit 25 oz or Bundt or “ Ertan Pudding Cake, a Select Varieties, 8 = A C5 99 33-43 oz; In the Bakery| 4 ‘hop Kroger $799 g rns f Rrretees Lemons S| = or Limes 8 - 2 Ib Bag With Card ~+\ With Card

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