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Current weekly ad Fiesta Mart - Valid from 09/28 to 10/04 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Fiesta Mart 09/28/2022 - 10/04/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Frutas y Verduras / Produce Lette A /QQE ea | Green Cactus Pears or | ‘Small Yellow Lemons oY sae e sane |$/QQP iin» i Panes ABBE toes: 2./QQ! Sal eaten Pears or 2a a Apples s / = A = os Sweet boven 99) fev ibs Potatoes Pineapples pee = J . Green § ¢ ES Cabbage » |=, (O98): 8a! = 99 (29 = rset (22 fuse 929s wre 299 Ejotes 0 Coronas de Brécoli Green Beans Seedless Potatoes “ or Broccoli Crowns Grapes 51. bag 4 mH \d a P 5 ® ra es © GN is SS ras | Q Ae fmen| BAG Beans . fone oa ‘“s tes A _ ta : : SS Pai Q ‘FL AB tenn G87 Sas G82 2" (Q0%| Sweet 12oz. 10 pk. nee Glazed hocolate 0 Van ion — Mocha. 8 inch ~ By Qe petsts Chips Lemon Lime ChocoFlan 00. i or Cota Binch ae aa Oe % Oe — yee es Sr a oe Te Fh =~ reas faliseere ts : = : aural Fruit Water Chickens Cred yy > ;.. 7 SS ae se 2 | ] “e Ss af é aeei>y | fss 3.0) | fee 49 — 7 See Tees) E27 = OF 49 a, 2 Fe Lea & fe | © Worcestershire | e = + Tajin (Chaemoy Regular Snack Sauce. 15.3802. = en (GAT tin (4979 tte. Bae = ie fe, WAM = Eas, Sol 6" i te a. \2" fanch Wao? $ a 72 a 15°? 12 pk. 16 0 cial cans Ute Especial 1 202 pore Michelob Ultra 24 ph, 7 ox Bs. = pee - Bebida 77) ar: 1s" Cayman Jack 3 peecile 10°" wn pk., 12 02 Margarita or €4 | Stella Rosa ee 4 Smimnott lee sre} 750 mk = Modelo Coolers B daa 6 pk. 12 bis. 975 E. Irving Blvd. ¢ 1200 E. Parker ¢ 2700 8th Ave. © 6401 Abrams 7809 Camp Bowie © 1145 W. Airport Fwy 032872 CIRCULAR PAGE 4 - VERSION:V11_Datias. £2"

Latest weekly ads

Frutas y Verduras / Produce Lette A /QQE ea | Green Cactus Pears or | ‘Small Yellow Lemons oY sae e sane |$/QQP iin» i Panes ABBE toes: 2./QQ! Sal eaten Pears or 2a a Apples s / = A = os Sweet boven 99) fev ibs Potatoes Pineapples pee = J . Green § ¢ ES Cabbage » |=, (O98): 8a! = 99 (29 = rset (22 fuse 929s wre 299 Ejotes 0 Coronas de Brécoli Green Beans Seedless Potatoes “ or Broccoli Crowns Grapes 51. bag 4 mH \d a P 5 ® ra es © GN is SS ras | Q Ae fmen| BAG Beans . fone oa ‘“s tes A _ ta : : SS Pai Q ‘FL AB tenn G87 Sas G82 2" (Q0%| Sweet 12oz. 10 pk. nee Glazed hocolate 0 Van ion — Mocha. 8 inch ~ By Qe petsts Chips Lemon Lime ChocoFlan 00. i or Cota Binch ae aa Oe % Oe — yee es Sr a oe Te Fh =~ reas faliseere ts : = : aural Fruit Water Chickens Cred yy > ;.. 7 SS ae se 2 | ] “e Ss af é aeei>y | fss 3.0) | fee 49 — 7 See Tees) E27 = OF 49 a, 2 Fe Lea & fe | © Worcestershire | e = + Tajin (Chaemoy Regular Snack Sauce. 15.3802. = en (GAT tin (4979 tte. Bae = ie fe, WAM = Eas, Sol 6" i te a. \2" fanch Wao? $ a 72 a 15°? 12 pk. 16 0 cial cans Ute Especial 1 202 pore Michelob Ultra 24 ph, 7 ox Bs. = pee - Bebida 77) ar: 1s" Cayman Jack 3 peecile 10°" wn pk., 12 02 Margarita or €4 | Stella Rosa ee 4 Smimnott lee sre} 750 mk = Modelo Coolers B daa 6 pk. 12 bis. 975 E. Irving Blvd. ¢ 1200 E. Parker ¢ 2700 8th Ave. © 6401 Abrams 7809 Camp Bowie © 1145 W. Airport Fwy 032872 CIRCULAR PAGE 4 - VERSION:V11_Datias. £2"

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