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Current weekly ad Family Fare - Valid from 09/25 to 10/01 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Family Fare 09/25/2022 - 10/01/2022


Products in this weekly ad

PIC FFS_NORTH_EXPANDO_PG_001_0925 Fresh, All-Na Boneless Beef Chuck Roast with yes Pork Loin Fresh, Assorted Chops Mixed Sirloin, Blade and Loin Chops, Bone-In wath yes Rice $399. 2 $980, FINAL PRICE Easy to Peel! Mandarins with Digital ‘Coupon with yes, Fresh Express Chopped Salad Kits Selected Varieties 9.3 - 13 oz. In the Bakery Inthe Det Chocolate Dipped Dips Peanut Butter Assorted Varieties Cookies 1002. wihyes | 10ct th you Prieta Nabisco Family Size Cookies or Crackers (10- 25.6 02) or BelVita Breakfast Biscuits (6 ct) 28g Lay's I Potato Chips / (7.75- 802), Poppables (5 oz) or Layers Potato: FINAL PRICE ‘Snacks (4.75 02.) ..: winyes = _ pte BE Coca-Cola or Peps gf Hudsonville Products Ice Cream 6 pK, 169 02. bts (a8 0z)or {ols deposip Extra indulgent (pnt) Sec ne wih yes Fresh 93% Lean Ground Beet Value Pack with yes setoino. eaten mas ead in 1957 wih atoes on dtverng F ht avr boda tor FINAL PRICE Gala or Mcintosh Apples. memes age Inthe satnooat @ Eatery Pumpkin ~ Apple or Apple Dutch Apple Bisque Split Pie 22.02. 18 02, with yes ‘with yes ops Marzetti FT Seneca is si Apple Chips EE Ee s or Selected Varieties MabapeT I Carmel Dip 25 02. HEM) 13.502. ase wath yo —_ with ye ouverts ~~ ‘Smithtte a " Applewood FESIECIGME | opie Thick Cut Chicken Bacon ‘Selected Varieties artes 2hoz eth yes wth ye Inthe Produce Dopt Fe S12 Siren $200, FINAL PRICE Frosh ‘Apple Cider (hoz): or Inthe Bakery ‘open acres Donut Holes (11-122) ‘Atty Tapple (Wr Caramel ih Apples Orchard Selected Hard Varieties Cider each Spx, 1202. bis wath yes with yes Redd's zy Apple ‘le 12k, 12 02 12 pk, 12 02. bils or cane (olus deposit) {plus deposit) yes wih yes Leelanau Cellars Witches Brew I Vey .18 3 in rh all Look for these tags throughout the store L oS 1 if a «ote ‘Sale Fite $3.99 Pike s329 Oscar Mayer Extra xtra Delitresh Savings -$1.00 EnNings - 1.00 Lunch Meat ‘Solocted Varieties: 7 Kraft . a dor) orang Shredded Potatoes fans Cisse $999 Sree $979 Et, $909 eres, Conse nes, Cheese {Onion Rings tsa Go-sece) ber bez (16-2002) e 2 See ” at se a 3 Lh euro = ps | Sale Sale Ses SE: Pike $2.59 Bg s799 . = $798 Oscar Mayer 0 Ieeat, Gneeos'oe = Sos =$1.00 ‘Savings -$1.00 ‘Turney Pranks Maxwelt ic ‘Selected Varieties: Kraft House or (15: to oe) or aly $999 Salad $759 $@99 ooked Baton Dressing Kea Rszex) 14-16 07. 6-12 eo at,? me $2: 2259 Extra eer =e = conn EEmarason |eetecoone BT stg Ee non reas ane mera, Serie" | $29 Secee $59 | | we | $999 | Senicee| Sas 3 Protein Pack Spread oe. Velveeta Skilets Sale Price $2.99 Kool-Aid) Arizona, fe ee Ste ec ee Be SEES Ete ne tog Bl =o (1602) ess crnoo-a, Eien | $699 |lecee"| $199 a = seeks Crystal Light ‘Smart Ones (1002): or CE Drink Mix Entrees Launchibox. GQ Mates 102s) 4149 (649-1055 02); or Sandwiches eCopt peo Bagel Bites (9 ct) (ct; 7.62 02) ae $3.49 Bt = ‘Savings -$1.00 an Egg ‘Scramble Kit Just crack 509 Boz. rere iag 85 07. btls.

Latest weekly ads

PIC FFS_NORTH_EXPANDO_PG_001_0925 Fresh, All-Na Boneless Beef Chuck Roast with yes Pork Loin Fresh, Assorted Chops Mixed Sirloin, Blade and Loin Chops, Bone-In wath yes Rice $399. 2 $980, FINAL PRICE Easy to Peel! Mandarins with Digital ‘Coupon with yes, Fresh Express Chopped Salad Kits Selected Varieties 9.3 - 13 oz. In the Bakery Inthe Det Chocolate Dipped Dips Peanut Butter Assorted Varieties Cookies 1002. wihyes | 10ct th you Prieta Nabisco Family Size Cookies or Crackers (10- 25.6 02) or BelVita Breakfast Biscuits (6 ct) 28g Lay's I Potato Chips / (7.75- 802), Poppables (5 oz) or Layers Potato: FINAL PRICE ‘Snacks (4.75 02.) ..: winyes = _ pte BE Coca-Cola or Peps gf Hudsonville Products Ice Cream 6 pK, 169 02. bts (a8 0z)or {ols deposip Extra indulgent (pnt) Sec ne wih yes Fresh 93% Lean Ground Beet Value Pack with yes setoino. eaten mas ead in 1957 wih atoes on dtverng F ht avr boda tor FINAL PRICE Gala or Mcintosh Apples. memes age Inthe satnooat @ Eatery Pumpkin ~ Apple or Apple Dutch Apple Bisque Split Pie 22.02. 18 02, with yes ‘with yes ops Marzetti FT Seneca is si Apple Chips EE Ee s or Selected Varieties MabapeT I Carmel Dip 25 02. HEM) 13.502. ase wath yo —_ with ye ouverts ~~ ‘Smithtte a " Applewood FESIECIGME | opie Thick Cut Chicken Bacon ‘Selected Varieties artes 2hoz eth yes wth ye Inthe Produce Dopt Fe S12 Siren $200, FINAL PRICE Frosh ‘Apple Cider (hoz): or Inthe Bakery ‘open acres Donut Holes (11-122) ‘Atty Tapple (Wr Caramel ih Apples Orchard Selected Hard Varieties Cider each Spx, 1202. bis wath yes with yes Redd's zy Apple ‘le 12k, 12 02 12 pk, 12 02. bils or cane (olus deposit) {plus deposit) yes wih yes Leelanau Cellars Witches Brew I Vey .18 3 in rh all Look for these tags throughout the store L oS 1 if a «ote ‘Sale Fite $3.99 Pike s329 Oscar Mayer Extra xtra Delitresh Savings -$1.00 EnNings - 1.00 Lunch Meat ‘Solocted Varieties: 7 Kraft . a dor) orang Shredded Potatoes fans Cisse $999 Sree $979 Et, $909 eres, Conse nes, Cheese {Onion Rings tsa Go-sece) ber bez (16-2002) e 2 See ” at se a 3 Lh euro = ps | Sale Sale Ses SE: Pike $2.59 Bg s799 . = $798 Oscar Mayer 0 Ieeat, Gneeos'oe = Sos =$1.00 ‘Savings -$1.00 ‘Turney Pranks Maxwelt ic ‘Selected Varieties: Kraft House or (15: to oe) or aly $999 Salad $759 $@99 ooked Baton Dressing Kea Rszex) 14-16 07. 6-12 eo at,? me $2: 2259 Extra eer =e = conn EEmarason |eetecoone BT stg Ee non reas ane mera, Serie" | $29 Secee $59 | | we | $999 | Senicee| Sas 3 Protein Pack Spread oe. Velveeta Skilets Sale Price $2.99 Kool-Aid) Arizona, fe ee Ste ec ee Be SEES Ete ne tog Bl =o (1602) ess crnoo-a, Eien | $699 |lecee"| $199 a = seeks Crystal Light ‘Smart Ones (1002): or CE Drink Mix Entrees Launchibox. GQ Mates 102s) 4149 (649-1055 02); or Sandwiches eCopt peo Bagel Bites (9 ct) (ct; 7.62 02) ae $3.49 Bt = ‘Savings -$1.00 an Egg ‘Scramble Kit Just crack 509 Boz. rere iag 85 07. btls.

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