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Current weekly ad Country Markets of Westchester - Valid from 07/29 to 08/04 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Country Markets of Westchester 07/29/2022 - 08/04/2022


Products in this weekly ad

SALE DATES: July 29th -August 4th, 2022 FRI 29 SAT 30 SUN 31 MON 01 TUE 02 WED 03 THU 04 COUNTRY MARKETS OF WESTCHESTER GROCERY Rao’s Pasta Sauce Asst var. 24 oz $6.99 Lipton Iced Tea Mix Asst var. 66.1 oz w/out card $5.99 With card $4.99 limit 2 Kraft Salad Dressing Asst var. 16 oz 2/$6.00 POLAND SPRING WATER 24 pack/16.9 oz btls w/out $4.99 With card 3/$11.99 Limit 1 offer must buy 3 Tide Simply Detergent Asst var. 115-128 oz $9.99 Post Honey Bunches of Oats Cereal Asst var. 11-12 oz w/out $3.99 With card 2/$5 limit 3, must buy 2 Charmin Bath Tissue 6 pack Mega Roll soft or strong w/out $4.99 With card $3.99 limit 2 General Mills Cereal Sale Honey nut cheerios 15 oz, multigrain cheerios 12 oz, frosted cheerios 13.5 oz, Cheerios oat Crunch Almond 18.5 oz w/out $5.49 With card 3/$10.99 limit 2 offers, must buy 3 Bounty Paper Towels 8 count Select a Size w/out $19.99 With card $16.99, limit 3 Kraft BBQ Sauce Asst var. 17.5-18 oz Chock Full of Nuts Coffee Asst var. 10.2-11.3 oz can w/out $19.99 With card $16.99, limit 3 Kellogg’s Cereal Cups Asst var. 1.5-2.5 oz 3/$4 $1.99 Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes Cereal Asst var. 13.5-13.7 oz $4.99 Rice a Roni Asst var. 4.3-7.2 oz box w/out $1.99 With card 2/$3, limit 2 must buy 2 Botticelli Olive Oil Pure or Extra Virgin Asst var. 50.7 oz Bumble Bee Clam Sauce Red or White 15 oz. 2/$5 Regina Red Wine Vinegar 12 oz $12.99 $1.99 DeCecco Pasta asst var. 12-16 oz 2/$4 More Sales on the back PHOTOS ARE CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE. LIMITED SALE ITEMS, SUPPLIERS OUT OF STOCK. SALES ARE GOOD WHILE SUPPLIES LAST

Latest weekly ads

SALE DATES: July 29th -August 4th, 2022 FRI 29 SAT 30 SUN 31 MON 01 TUE 02 WED 03 THU 04 COUNTRY MARKETS OF WESTCHESTER GROCERY Rao’s Pasta Sauce Asst var. 24 oz $6.99 Lipton Iced Tea Mix Asst var. 66.1 oz w/out card $5.99 With card $4.99 limit 2 Kraft Salad Dressing Asst var. 16 oz 2/$6.00 POLAND SPRING WATER 24 pack/16.9 oz btls w/out $4.99 With card 3/$11.99 Limit 1 offer must buy 3 Tide Simply Detergent Asst var. 115-128 oz $9.99 Post Honey Bunches of Oats Cereal Asst var. 11-12 oz w/out $3.99 With card 2/$5 limit 3, must buy 2 Charmin Bath Tissue 6 pack Mega Roll soft or strong w/out $4.99 With card $3.99 limit 2 General Mills Cereal Sale Honey nut cheerios 15 oz, multigrain cheerios 12 oz, frosted cheerios 13.5 oz, Cheerios oat Crunch Almond 18.5 oz w/out $5.49 With card 3/$10.99 limit 2 offers, must buy 3 Bounty Paper Towels 8 count Select a Size w/out $19.99 With card $16.99, limit 3 Kraft BBQ Sauce Asst var. 17.5-18 oz Chock Full of Nuts Coffee Asst var. 10.2-11.3 oz can w/out $19.99 With card $16.99, limit 3 Kellogg’s Cereal Cups Asst var. 1.5-2.5 oz 3/$4 $1.99 Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes Cereal Asst var. 13.5-13.7 oz $4.99 Rice a Roni Asst var. 4.3-7.2 oz box w/out $1.99 With card 2/$3, limit 2 must buy 2 Botticelli Olive Oil Pure or Extra Virgin Asst var. 50.7 oz Bumble Bee Clam Sauce Red or White 15 oz. 2/$5 Regina Red Wine Vinegar 12 oz $12.99 $1.99 DeCecco Pasta asst var. 12-16 oz 2/$4 More Sales on the back PHOTOS ARE CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE. LIMITED SALE ITEMS, SUPPLIERS OUT OF STOCK. SALES ARE GOOD WHILE SUPPLIES LAST

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