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Current weekly ad Tops Friendly Markets - Valid from 10/02 to 10/08 - Page nb 7

Weekly ad Tops Friendly Markets 10/02/2022 - 10/08/2022


Products in this weekly ad

NA ie. i3a{a-7Xs SAVINGS Pee eceecccecccecceeseseeseesesseesseseseseeeseeeses = fe) 22 $4 with Coca-Cola 2 Liter lected Varieties, 676 fl.oz. bt Plus Deposit Where Applicable Coca-Cola 12 Pack Cans Selected Varieties, 12/12 fl. oz. cans, 699 wrk oa =ACH WHEN YOU BUY Plus Deposit Where iene” MULTIPLES OF 2 TNS). 99 A0)\ Par A sel FINAL PRICE wire Ot 2T7ops Bubly 8 Pack 100% Grape Juice Selected Varieties, 8/12 fl. oz. cans, Pi it Where Applicabl Selected Varieties, 64 fl. oz. btl ha Degas here Appeals 99° with ¼TOPS Sparkling Beverage, Seltzer or Mixers Selected Varieties, 338 fi. oz. bl. Plus Deposit Where Applicable Gatorade G Fit Selected Varieties, 16.9 fl.oz. btl, Plus Deposit Where Applicable 2 IKI with . Dunkin Donuts "Keebler Chips Deluxe Iced Coffee Drinks or Sandies Cookies Selected Varieties, Selected Varieties, 9-15 oz 137 fi. oz btls. includes Vienna Fingers and Mother's Circus Animal Cookies FAMILY SIZE! 9° Planters Dry Roasted Peanuts cor Cocktail Peanuts. 16 oz. jar WITH 2 Nabisco Family Size Ritz or Snack Crackers Selected Varieties, Ritz, 17.8-20.6 oz. box or Snack Crackers, 10-14 02. box Labatt Blue 18 Pack or Labatt Blue Light Seltzer 12 Pack ced ‘ 6°? Bud Light Seltzer, Corona Seltzer, N XY Blue Moon, Hop Valley, Truly or White Claw 12 Pack Southern Tier, New Belgium, Shake Varieties, 12/12 fl. oz. cans/btls. Redd’s 12 Pack or Blue Moon & Plus Deposit Where Applicable pecs 5 Pack tes afc fotos Pas Deest Ver! ean 299 with Tootsie Roll Midgees or Pops 15 0z. bag Midgees or 1012 oz RA} 829 Pops, Aiso Includes Caramel SH} Apple Pops, 9.4 oz. bag With 2a = Hershey’s, Mars, Butterfinger or ieee ae Crunch Halloween Fun a Candy 102 02. pkg. Selected Varieties, 9.14-11.6 oz. pl @ Ex 9 25% Off with 7 oe) Halloween Bu Candy Assorted Varieties, Priced by the Ib. Halloween Decor Skulls, Pumpkins, and More, Assorted MIX OR MATCH Pepsi Mini Cans Selected Varieties, 6/75 fl. 02. cans, Plus Deposit Where Applicable MIX OR MATCH Lipton Iced Tea elected Varieties, 64 fl.oz. bt gir Lipton Iced Tea 12 Pack Selected Varieties, 12/16.9 fi. oz. btls., Plus Deposit Where Applicable with Cheez-It Puff’d or Snap’d Crackers M1) Selected Varieties, 575-75 oz pkg. Also Includes Ciub Crisp Crackers, 7-7 02 pkg, with OPS Tortilla Chips, Bagged Popcorn, Cheese Puffs, Pretzels, Flavored Tortilla Chips or Salsa Tortilla Chips 11.5 02, Popcorn 4.4-5 oz, Cheese Puffs 12.5 oz. Pretzels 10-14 0z,, Flavored Tortilla Chips 9 oz. or Salsa 16 07. jar Se HW 10. “Heineken, Peroni or Stella 12 Pack Aso includes Heineken 5 Lite Mini Keg Selected Varieties, 12-2 Loz cans/bis. or 69, oz Keg, Pus Depost Where Applicable Michelob Ultra 4, Pack 24/12 fi. oz. cans/btls. Plus Deposit Where Applicable em WHEN Nous BUY 3 CARDS: Cit BAGS R GIFT WRAP Excludes All Hallmark Items $1.99 or less, PST OY 3am BREE Rhee moee Jit one coupon per custome. wasstpe tng Halloween Tableware Cups, Plates, or Napkins, Selected Varieties (> Tops TOTES FOR CHANGE.” Every Bag Makes a Difference! $1 DONATION Purchase a special charlty-design reusable bag and $1 from. the proceeds will be donated to your community's local organization. All These Great Advertised Prices Are Available When You Use Your il. Not All items Available In All Stores. CLR 7 OSG-C 7 OSG-M 7 0SG 1008 PAGE7 OSG

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NA ie. i3a{a-7Xs SAVINGS Pee eceecccecccecceeseseeseesesseesseseseseeeseeeses = fe) 22 $4 with Coca-Cola 2 Liter lected Varieties, 676 fl.oz. bt Plus Deposit Where Applicable Coca-Cola 12 Pack Cans Selected Varieties, 12/12 fl. oz. cans, 699 wrk oa =ACH WHEN YOU BUY Plus Deposit Where iene” MULTIPLES OF 2 TNS). 99 A0)\ Par A sel FINAL PRICE wire Ot 2T7ops Bubly 8 Pack 100% Grape Juice Selected Varieties, 8/12 fl. oz. cans, Pi it Where Applicabl Selected Varieties, 64 fl. oz. btl ha Degas here Appeals 99° with ¼TOPS Sparkling Beverage, Seltzer or Mixers Selected Varieties, 338 fi. oz. bl. Plus Deposit Where Applicable Gatorade G Fit Selected Varieties, 16.9 fl.oz. btl, Plus Deposit Where Applicable 2 IKI with . Dunkin Donuts "Keebler Chips Deluxe Iced Coffee Drinks or Sandies Cookies Selected Varieties, Selected Varieties, 9-15 oz 137 fi. oz btls. includes Vienna Fingers and Mother's Circus Animal Cookies FAMILY SIZE! 9° Planters Dry Roasted Peanuts cor Cocktail Peanuts. 16 oz. jar WITH 2 Nabisco Family Size Ritz or Snack Crackers Selected Varieties, Ritz, 17.8-20.6 oz. box or Snack Crackers, 10-14 02. box Labatt Blue 18 Pack or Labatt Blue Light Seltzer 12 Pack ced ‘ 6°? Bud Light Seltzer, Corona Seltzer, N XY Blue Moon, Hop Valley, Truly or White Claw 12 Pack Southern Tier, New Belgium, Shake Varieties, 12/12 fl. oz. cans/btls. Redd’s 12 Pack or Blue Moon & Plus Deposit Where Applicable pecs 5 Pack tes afc fotos Pas Deest Ver! ean 299 with Tootsie Roll Midgees or Pops 15 0z. bag Midgees or 1012 oz RA} 829 Pops, Aiso Includes Caramel SH} Apple Pops, 9.4 oz. bag With 2a = Hershey’s, Mars, Butterfinger or ieee ae Crunch Halloween Fun a Candy 102 02. pkg. Selected Varieties, 9.14-11.6 oz. pl @ Ex 9 25% Off with 7 oe) Halloween Bu Candy Assorted Varieties, Priced by the Ib. Halloween Decor Skulls, Pumpkins, and More, Assorted MIX OR MATCH Pepsi Mini Cans Selected Varieties, 6/75 fl. 02. cans, Plus Deposit Where Applicable MIX OR MATCH Lipton Iced Tea elected Varieties, 64 fl.oz. bt gir Lipton Iced Tea 12 Pack Selected Varieties, 12/16.9 fi. oz. btls., Plus Deposit Where Applicable with Cheez-It Puff’d or Snap’d Crackers M1) Selected Varieties, 575-75 oz pkg. Also Includes Ciub Crisp Crackers, 7-7 02 pkg, with OPS Tortilla Chips, Bagged Popcorn, Cheese Puffs, Pretzels, Flavored Tortilla Chips or Salsa Tortilla Chips 11.5 02, Popcorn 4.4-5 oz, Cheese Puffs 12.5 oz. Pretzels 10-14 0z,, Flavored Tortilla Chips 9 oz. or Salsa 16 07. jar Se HW 10. “Heineken, Peroni or Stella 12 Pack Aso includes Heineken 5 Lite Mini Keg Selected Varieties, 12-2 Loz cans/bis. or 69, oz Keg, Pus Depost Where Applicable Michelob Ultra 4, Pack 24/12 fi. oz. cans/btls. Plus Deposit Where Applicable em WHEN Nous BUY 3 CARDS: Cit BAGS R GIFT WRAP Excludes All Hallmark Items $1.99 or less, PST OY 3am BREE Rhee moee Jit one coupon per custome. wasstpe tng Halloween Tableware Cups, Plates, or Napkins, Selected Varieties (> Tops TOTES FOR CHANGE.” Every Bag Makes a Difference! $1 DONATION Purchase a special charlty-design reusable bag and $1 from. the proceeds will be donated to your community's local organization. All These Great Advertised Prices Are Available When You Use Your il. Not All items Available In All Stores. CLR 7 OSG-C 7 OSG-M 7 0SG 1008 PAGE7 OSG

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