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Current weekly ad Super King Markets - Labor Day - Valid from 08/31 to 09/06 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Super King Markets 08/31/2022 - 09/06/2022


Products in this weekly ad

SUPER KING HAPPY LABOR DAY Ketel One, Ciroc Vodka Regular or Flavors 750 ml $17.99 - $3 ea y Pa Mek) BREE Chicken 1° Wings = a oe PHILADELPHIA 2 4 ae oinail fa) -. ha 14° Cacique rane Quest or Crem = 0 Fresco 10 oz, Crema Mexicana 2 Co Sa 15 2°): Philadelphia ‘cream Cheese lb | 8 oz Regular or Lite Pete and Gerry's Organic Free Range E as Grade A Guerrero Corn Tortillas 100 ct, 99 Riquisima Flour Tortillas 24 ct ir Mission Soft Taco 20 ct = jes VEGF Mazola Corn, Corn Plus, Canola or Vegetable Oil 40 oz ee Ae Us Ee 4 “inn You Buy Any 2 atolls 40 oz Le Clasico sient vores La Croix Sparkling Water 2 8 PK 12 07 SK Purified 0) Poy Drinking Water for 24 Pk 16.9 02 or 10 oz Sine Sng Unt S09 ea ate e Page 1 + Super King Markets « 08/34/2022 Thru 09/06/2022

Latest weekly ads

SUPER KING HAPPY LABOR DAY Ketel One, Ciroc Vodka Regular or Flavors 750 ml $17.99 - $3 ea y Pa Mek) BREE Chicken 1° Wings = a oe PHILADELPHIA 2 4 ae oinail fa) -. ha 14° Cacique rane Quest or Crem = 0 Fresco 10 oz, Crema Mexicana 2 Co Sa 15 2°): Philadelphia ‘cream Cheese lb | 8 oz Regular or Lite Pete and Gerry's Organic Free Range E as Grade A Guerrero Corn Tortillas 100 ct, 99 Riquisima Flour Tortillas 24 ct ir Mission Soft Taco 20 ct = jes VEGF Mazola Corn, Corn Plus, Canola or Vegetable Oil 40 oz ee Ae Us Ee 4 “inn You Buy Any 2 atolls 40 oz Le Clasico sient vores La Croix Sparkling Water 2 8 PK 12 07 SK Purified 0) Poy Drinking Water for 24 Pk 16.9 02 or 10 oz Sine Sng Unt S09 ea ate e Page 1 + Super King Markets « 08/34/2022 Thru 09/06/2022

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