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Current weekly ad Sprouts - Valid from 08/31 to 09/06 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Sprouts 08/31/2022 - 09/06/2022


Products in this weekly ad

HAPPY LABOR DAY FROM LESS [cnet is yee Organic J 00 Strawberries or ? 2 oo ! $ Blueberries wD a Q4 ans Califia Farms BUYONE, GET ONE “BUY ONE, GET ONE Dairy Free Creamer FR r " rere <i EE! Zevia Soda F co EE 7 or Almondmilk Select varieties, ARGSGe Select varieties, FR or lesser value 6 pk., 12 fl. oz. Save up to $7.99 25.4-48 fl. 02. Save up to $5.99 wx ~~ All-Natural Back or St. Louis Style tA = Pork Ribs Sold in the bag, previously frozen 'S5 & On-the-Vine IO¢ Cluster Tomatoes FOr. = Packaged Coffee as es» Select varieties of i E! Bulletproof, Cameron's, F REE Jeremiah’, Kicking Horse of equal or lesser wri or Peace items, 38-16 0z. Save up to $16.99 STICK TO YOUR RIBS! Meaty and tender ¥ Perfect for backyard BBQs @ Rub with spices and smoke for full flavor

Latest weekly ads

HAPPY LABOR DAY FROM LESS [cnet is yee Organic J 00 Strawberries or ? 2 oo ! $ Blueberries wD a Q4 ans Califia Farms BUYONE, GET ONE “BUY ONE, GET ONE Dairy Free Creamer FR r " rere <i EE! Zevia Soda F co EE 7 or Almondmilk Select varieties, ARGSGe Select varieties, FR or lesser value 6 pk., 12 fl. oz. Save up to $7.99 25.4-48 fl. 02. Save up to $5.99 wx ~~ All-Natural Back or St. Louis Style tA = Pork Ribs Sold in the bag, previously frozen 'S5 & On-the-Vine IO¢ Cluster Tomatoes FOr. = Packaged Coffee as es» Select varieties of i E! Bulletproof, Cameron's, F REE Jeremiah’, Kicking Horse of equal or lesser wri or Peace items, 38-16 0z. Save up to $16.99 STICK TO YOUR RIBS! Meaty and tender ¥ Perfect for backyard BBQs @ Rub with spices and smoke for full flavor

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