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Current weekly ad Pete's Fresh Market - Valid from 10/04 to 10/10 - Page nb 5

Weekly ad Pete's Fresh Market 10/04/2023 - 10/10/2023


Products in this weekly ad

5202. 8-16 oz. 5202. ‘SIMPLY 1 CAN'T BELIEVE IT’S NOT FLORIDA'S. = MIXOLOGY BUTTER RURAL Spread, Stick, or Spray aa JUICE IN MIXERS fet 1 OFF $1 OFF 50* OFF ie i ‘a USAPRIME 2/36 1 99 249 Ure PORK BABY | BUY 2 e ‘ BACK RIBS Sold in Cryovac 379| tas = 549 59 = 19° Ee . 400 _ 00 1202 “mano os 30 oz. ee 279 ® 449 es 49 Bitte eects Krone ote et Kraft Philadelphia Es we, =! _), a stigers 17 Kafe Priledephio 249 CHEESECAKE RUMBLE DESSERTS CHEESECAKE f-_ 90 00 - S ibige OWNER ENTREES S reagan 399 Towa . 998 | Freschete 449 = 0 22 or. Pagoda 499 12in. Red Baron 6% Ouve on si Pizza EGG ROUS FULLY LOADED PIZZA 49 a", 49 Sane B) 329 cy Rte ae 24.46-24.84 o2. ———— | 9.128 4 $.25-12 oz. a 14-16 02. Oscar Mayer ae Tete’ Q99 creeri Hering tr Farms BAD Weng str Forme ESAQ) | wentss 229 pizza ROWS CracKens Tice Kaistes TREATS ennees INCOGMEATO ENTREES ining Bel or Cheese 499) ° jee, 399 ” wa = 712 Kot Seeker. 400 eS ato Gueese SINGLES 1208-195 ox. Nobsco ao or ct Kalogg' Cro 199 | <couts chicas 399 &: Bie Ben _ 29 POPSTARTS FRUIT SNACKS Family Siz. 168-192 et 23 “Rae sate 6888 a Hogs Tg tthe Pete Podk pO ID Paleo cootines ID shuc's ovr o 799 suseon” 599: Huggie 649 or Depend 4399 tes ouress ounon 4 81 02 Downy uQuUID FABRIC sortener Vat IAPR SOMeO DIAPERS DIAPERS

Latest weekly ads

5202. 8-16 oz. 5202. ‘SIMPLY 1 CAN'T BELIEVE IT’S NOT FLORIDA'S. = MIXOLOGY BUTTER RURAL Spread, Stick, or Spray aa JUICE IN MIXERS fet 1 OFF $1 OFF 50* OFF ie i ‘a USAPRIME 2/36 1 99 249 Ure PORK BABY | BUY 2 e ‘ BACK RIBS Sold in Cryovac 379| tas = 549 59 = 19° Ee . 400 _ 00 1202 “mano os 30 oz. ee 279 ® 449 es 49 Bitte eects Krone ote et Kraft Philadelphia Es we, =! _), a stigers 17 Kafe Priledephio 249 CHEESECAKE RUMBLE DESSERTS CHEESECAKE f-_ 90 00 - S ibige OWNER ENTREES S reagan 399 Towa . 998 | Freschete 449 = 0 22 or. Pagoda 499 12in. Red Baron 6% Ouve on si Pizza EGG ROUS FULLY LOADED PIZZA 49 a", 49 Sane B) 329 cy Rte ae 24.46-24.84 o2. ———— | 9.128 4 $.25-12 oz. a 14-16 02. Oscar Mayer ae Tete’ Q99 creeri Hering tr Farms BAD Weng str Forme ESAQ) | wentss 229 pizza ROWS CracKens Tice Kaistes TREATS ennees INCOGMEATO ENTREES ining Bel or Cheese 499) ° jee, 399 ” wa = 712 Kot Seeker. 400 eS ato Gueese SINGLES 1208-195 ox. Nobsco ao or ct Kalogg' Cro 199 | <couts chicas 399 &: Bie Ben _ 29 POPSTARTS FRUIT SNACKS Family Siz. 168-192 et 23 “Rae sate 6888 a Hogs Tg tthe Pete Podk pO ID Paleo cootines ID shuc's ovr o 799 suseon” 599: Huggie 649 or Depend 4399 tes ouress ounon 4 81 02 Downy uQuUID FABRIC sortener Vat IAPR SOMeO DIAPERS DIAPERS

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