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Current weekly ad Ocean State Job Lot - Valid from 09/08 to 09/14 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Ocean State Job Lot 09/08/2022 - 09/14/2022


Products in this weekly ad

‘Men's Famous Befter Shorts Maker Belted i) Men's Belted yiyorcs cargos St Ripstop Stretch Cargo ation” Carg estore” Shorts cop 85 Camp. 50360 Comb se8 Ea 199 80Âąt. single serve coffee Brew Cups ool sory td, Maple Syrup Psoeetoarhpshccas Graven Sor Hon So ack Asored co ie Sey ne $66aL.with 3” 7 Famous Maker "Men's os Capt. te Leggings Heavyweight Women's ‘ P I Cong. Performance skorts | 75%-80% + orBike Shorts’ Fleece Tops Casual Shorts q Sass rest Comp. 5059 | (QE ET Comp. 526-540 Comp. 525530 Comp. 530-540 a a i! os ny sty i y % angow Sole Pistachios y 3 [ y nee PONY SLIDE. ‘SANDALS Men's & Worn’, 1 Chaflate 350n Lounge Pants) Comp 826530508 Rust-proof lycarbonate, srommets. 2299 4FLED Shop Light vireated, pencaronat 10% heavi ‘22 Wet, 4300 Lumens than standard grade tarps!, ARM MULTI-OIRECTIONAL LIGHTS | 230 ‘Adjustable igh panes flĂ©t0 90° 10x12" a ga ee : ig InGround Pool Covers Above Ground Pool Covers * cow, sooo 9) . 2199 Bie Tsao 525 ssrusee GB" + 12AAU(I729 cover 12528 poo..44 — Incudeswinch& cable |; Lumens” Sey. la, taxa 2549 Bg sacri 469" xe ve AVP * 8x24 (1529 cover 16x26 oo},.59"% 18 Round 21 cover 18 poo) .49% + ‘190 zraotumens = on ita s3rnound.109" 2ee:29” ÂŁggyay (21x37 cover 16x32 poo)..74” 21° Round 24 cover21 pooh.69% + 34.99 = 29% $636 21241 cover 16336 poo). 79! 24 Round (27 cover 2Âąpoo..79% SACO 9: 18436 (23x41 cover 18536 pool). 89° _ 28 Round (3 cover 28 pool). 99” [cee tl ry 3-4feet. vee @ Hpk teen ry | 20X40 555 cove 2A po). 109" ITT Polypropyene weave or odded strength 3 ad a 25'x45' (20150 cover 25x45 poo)... 89” Above Ground Pool Covers cao A ‘30°xS0" (35x55 cover 30%50 pool)... 174-3 Includes winch & cable 3.99 | 1599 | 45.99 | 15 (/t8 Round cove). Ge Dyas 20 ne i hovel co Saw aay xe Rowand (26 cover) an 659 2499 76.99 ‘24 Round (27 cover)... 40'x12" 18°x20" 30'x50" ‘28 Round (31' cover). 9.99 27.99 124.99 » ‘12'x16 15'x30' 30'x60" ; 14.99 34.99 139.99 Deluxe Water Tubes Winterizing Kits. * MICROFIBER Se ne 10,600 Galion... 14 5 axs'Single..... et Double. 20,000 Gatton... 19% Âą Pe Twin... $12 Quten..$18 | 4'x8'Heavy Duty....14" — 1’xto"Double...8"° 30,000 Gallon....24% * onnesesi 1GaL,RVeMarine PRE: ; S10 gues. $14 | cere OR } ra Se Sing 18S ol Spa antifreeze : ust protection OR 1 Gal 4 100% COTTON Joo Thread Count, Twin eS a ‘20 Ye EE hwag of 429. A $45 Raising 38 " ving MINI BLINDS ; eS LightFitering 64° 99 a l= | 2 get = ao roomoasening. cr | 3OQPOY NEY festteten F Tamme so 24? (@ : ee apes : S Decorative" ee 7 xa $98 Maximum slackout.72°1 | Voy ‘7Month . 16 Month vision Rots) 0 TU widen Deskalendar Wall calendar Chenin syst SERIO TASS 247.42 | Beate Somat Bgl rair Sept. 2022-0ec.2023 Over S0desigs! cdo ‘Some advertised tems may ot be avaliable inal stores While Ocean Sate Jb ot ives to provide accurate nfarmaton onal advertising, unetenonal errors may ecu. n such cases, we reserve the igh to correc any errs by posting such information in Ur sores Artwork doesnt necessary represent ems onsale for spay purposes ony.

Latest weekly ads

‘Men's Famous Befter Shorts Maker Belted i) Men's Belted yiyorcs cargos St Ripstop Stretch Cargo ation” Carg estore” Shorts cop 85 Camp. 50360 Comb se8 Ea 199 80Âąt. single serve coffee Brew Cups ool sory td, Maple Syrup Psoeetoarhpshccas Graven Sor Hon So ack Asored co ie Sey ne $66aL.with 3” 7 Famous Maker "Men's os Capt. te Leggings Heavyweight Women's ‘ P I Cong. Performance skorts | 75%-80% + orBike Shorts’ Fleece Tops Casual Shorts q Sass rest Comp. 5059 | (QE ET Comp. 526-540 Comp. 525530 Comp. 530-540 a a i! os ny sty i y % angow Sole Pistachios y 3 [ y nee PONY SLIDE. ‘SANDALS Men's & Worn’, 1 Chaflate 350n Lounge Pants) Comp 826530508 Rust-proof lycarbonate, srommets. 2299 4FLED Shop Light vireated, pencaronat 10% heavi ‘22 Wet, 4300 Lumens than standard grade tarps!, ARM MULTI-OIRECTIONAL LIGHTS | 230 ‘Adjustable igh panes flĂ©t0 90° 10x12" a ga ee : ig InGround Pool Covers Above Ground Pool Covers * cow, sooo 9) . 2199 Bie Tsao 525 ssrusee GB" + 12AAU(I729 cover 12528 poo..44 — Incudeswinch& cable |; Lumens” Sey. la, taxa 2549 Bg sacri 469" xe ve AVP * 8x24 (1529 cover 16x26 oo},.59"% 18 Round 21 cover 18 poo) .49% + ‘190 zraotumens = on ita s3rnound.109" 2ee:29” ÂŁggyay (21x37 cover 16x32 poo)..74” 21° Round 24 cover21 pooh.69% + 34.99 = 29% $636 21241 cover 16336 poo). 79! 24 Round (27 cover 2Âąpoo..79% SACO 9: 18436 (23x41 cover 18536 pool). 89° _ 28 Round (3 cover 28 pool). 99” [cee tl ry 3-4feet. vee @ Hpk teen ry | 20X40 555 cove 2A po). 109" ITT Polypropyene weave or odded strength 3 ad a 25'x45' (20150 cover 25x45 poo)... 89” Above Ground Pool Covers cao A ‘30°xS0" (35x55 cover 30%50 pool)... 174-3 Includes winch & cable 3.99 | 1599 | 45.99 | 15 (/t8 Round cove). Ge Dyas 20 ne i hovel co Saw aay xe Rowand (26 cover) an 659 2499 76.99 ‘24 Round (27 cover)... 40'x12" 18°x20" 30'x50" ‘28 Round (31' cover). 9.99 27.99 124.99 » ‘12'x16 15'x30' 30'x60" ; 14.99 34.99 139.99 Deluxe Water Tubes Winterizing Kits. * MICROFIBER Se ne 10,600 Galion... 14 5 axs'Single..... et Double. 20,000 Gatton... 19% Âą Pe Twin... $12 Quten..$18 | 4'x8'Heavy Duty....14" — 1’xto"Double...8"° 30,000 Gallon....24% * onnesesi 1GaL,RVeMarine PRE: ; S10 gues. $14 | cere OR } ra Se Sing 18S ol Spa antifreeze : ust protection OR 1 Gal 4 100% COTTON Joo Thread Count, Twin eS a ‘20 Ye EE hwag of 429. A $45 Raising 38 " ving MINI BLINDS ; eS LightFitering 64° 99 a l= | 2 get = ao roomoasening. cr | 3OQPOY NEY festteten F Tamme so 24? (@ : ee apes : S Decorative" ee 7 xa $98 Maximum slackout.72°1 | Voy ‘7Month . 16 Month vision Rots) 0 TU widen Deskalendar Wall calendar Chenin syst SERIO TASS 247.42 | Beate Somat Bgl rair Sept. 2022-0ec.2023 Over S0desigs! cdo ‘Some advertised tems may ot be avaliable inal stores While Ocean Sate Jb ot ives to provide accurate nfarmaton onal advertising, unetenonal errors may ecu. n such cases, we reserve the igh to correc any errs by posting such information in Ur sores Artwork doesnt necessary represent ems onsale for spay purposes ony.

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