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Current weekly ad Menards - Valid from 09/22 to 10/02 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Menards 09/22/2022 - 10/02/2022


Products in this weekly ad

11% OFF" HOME INSULATION PRODUCTS! ae LOCATE YOUR ZONE PU TO FIND YOUR R-VALUE! R-Value measures your insulation's ability to resist heat transfer. The higher the r-value, the better the insulation properties are - saving you money! SEL] ores Zone Attic (min-max) Cte | 4 eT] R38 to R-60 Seis 4.32 R a9t R 60 AFTER 3 99 i 0 ard oy foam' Insulation Panel fixi 1/2" x 14-1/4" x 48" -7.5, 15 PSI 169-1360 3 :) RS AES? installation! ROLLS OUT a NAT Tn R-13 Fiberglass Insulation xc: © Kraft paper faced © 3-1/2"T x 23"W x 32'L, 61.359. f.10 181-505 45 High-Density ao PRICE 25.83 Fiberglass Insulation PRICE Fd = PRICE 9.99 R-38 Fiberglass! 1 Insulation ®::: —— * Kraft paper faced ee * 3.127 x 15°Wx 18, TALS iibatts 58.67 sq. ft. 11-8220 Precut to fit 22.5 sqft. roll 161-6000 between 16" on center basement ‘ wall framing [EE] role Foam Insulation Ay Panel ss: ey * Ideal for concrete 4 foundation application 22" x4" x8! SSS R-30 Fiberglass Insulation fess: © R10, 25 PS! 163-1201 R-30 Fiberglass R-19 Fiberglass * Kraft paper faced PRICE 86.49 Paice 48:30 Insulation evi: PRICE Insulation x: ee 44936 10° x 24°W x 48"L, rf 5 * Unfaced wg * kraft paper faced mae anoo fee . #10°T x 15'Wx 22, 4 9 © 6-1/4°T x 23°W x 39'2"L, PS ene neces ° 275 sq. ft. roll 161-6198 fi 75.1 sq. ft. roll 161-6103, = *& Mail-in Rebate. Rebate is in form of merchandise credit check. See page 15 for more information. “You have greatness within you.” — Les Brown

Latest weekly ads

11% OFF" HOME INSULATION PRODUCTS! ae LOCATE YOUR ZONE PU TO FIND YOUR R-VALUE! R-Value measures your insulation's ability to resist heat transfer. The higher the r-value, the better the insulation properties are - saving you money! SEL] ores Zone Attic (min-max) Cte | 4 eT] R38 to R-60 Seis 4.32 R a9t R 60 AFTER 3 99 i 0 ard oy foam' Insulation Panel fixi 1/2" x 14-1/4" x 48" -7.5, 15 PSI 169-1360 3 :) RS AES? installation! ROLLS OUT a NAT Tn R-13 Fiberglass Insulation xc: © Kraft paper faced © 3-1/2"T x 23"W x 32'L, 61.359. f.10 181-505 45 High-Density ao PRICE 25.83 Fiberglass Insulation PRICE Fd = PRICE 9.99 R-38 Fiberglass! 1 Insulation ®::: —— * Kraft paper faced ee * 3.127 x 15°Wx 18, TALS iibatts 58.67 sq. ft. 11-8220 Precut to fit 22.5 sqft. roll 161-6000 between 16" on center basement ‘ wall framing [EE] role Foam Insulation Ay Panel ss: ey * Ideal for concrete 4 foundation application 22" x4" x8! SSS R-30 Fiberglass Insulation fess: © R10, 25 PS! 163-1201 R-30 Fiberglass R-19 Fiberglass * Kraft paper faced PRICE 86.49 Paice 48:30 Insulation evi: PRICE Insulation x: ee 44936 10° x 24°W x 48"L, rf 5 * Unfaced wg * kraft paper faced mae anoo fee . #10°T x 15'Wx 22, 4 9 © 6-1/4°T x 23°W x 39'2"L, PS ene neces ° 275 sq. ft. roll 161-6198 fi 75.1 sq. ft. roll 161-6103, = *& Mail-in Rebate. Rebate is in form of merchandise credit check. See page 15 for more information. “You have greatness within you.” — Les Brown

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